Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 983 Plague

An Jing didn't answer, but asked someone to fetch a stove, first put a piece of briquette in it, and then added some firewood to ignite the briquette.

Seeing that the briquettes were really burning like charcoal, Emperor Xiyun's eyes lit up immediately, "What is this, how can it be burned?"

Jing Jing said: "This is something underground. I don't know what it is. I only know that I accidentally let it touch a fire and found that it can burn. Meng Zhuqing and General Meng once saw this in Emin. Afterwards, Meng Zhuqing sent people to investigate and found that there are many things in Ermin. If we can dig this thing and sell it in such a shape, we should be able to earn a lot of money whether it is sold in Xiyun or sold to neighboring countries. .”

"Royal father, you told me to think of a way to run a school. Now that I think about it, I have found all the things. Now it depends on whether you agree."

"By the way, compared to charcoal, Chang Yi joked with me yesterday that calling this charcoal, I feel pretty good, what do you think, imperial father?"

There is no word for coal here, she doesn't want to create a new word, it's better to call it coal.

When Emperor Xiyun heard that Xiao Changyi had chosen the name, he immediately nodded with a smile and said, "The name Charcoal is good, so let's call it Charcoal."

After a pause, Emperor Xiyun murmured: "This charcoal is underground and needs to be dug. If you want to make a lot, you need a lot of people."

Jing Jing said: "If the emperor thinks that this method of earning money is successful, then it will be the same as making white paper, and the money will be paid by the treasury, and all the silver earned will also go to the treasury."

Emperor Xiyun looked at the burning coal again, then nodded and said, "Okay, the state treasury will pay for this."

After a pause, Emperor Xiyun was still a little worried and asked: "Quiet, are there really a lot of these things in the Ermin area?"

Jing Jing nodded and said: "A lot. According to the reports of the people sent there, at least enough to dig for several years."

Hearing that it can be dug for several years, it can be seen that there are really many, and Emperor Xiyun is relieved.

"Father," An Jing said again, "Ermin may not be the only one who has this charcoal. You can send someone to look for it in other places in Xiyun, maybe there are some."

Emperor Xiyun nodded: "I will." After a pause, "Chengyu went on tour on my behalf and is not in Beijing. There is no way for him to handle this matter. Let the prime minister handle it. He is also reliable."

Quiet no problem.

No worries are really relaxing. Before An Jing had to think about how to earn money to set up a free school, but now it’s all right, a way has been figured out, and Emperor Xiyun also ordered someone to run it according to this method. After that, An Jing’s life has returned to a special place Relaxed and comfortable.

Time flies like a fleeting moment.

A month has passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Emperor Xiyun was going to the morning court, listening to the ministers' report, when he suddenly heard

"Report! Urgent report! Urgent report at 800 li!" A soldier rushed in.

As soon as he entered, the soldier knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists and said anxiously: "Report to the emperor, a plague has occurred in Nanyun City, and His Royal Highness has also been infected!"

These words were like a thunderbolt, blowing up the meeting hall.

The ministers were shocked and didn't know what to do.

Emperor Xiyun's old face turned pale in an instant, and his two hands were firmly grasping the armrest of the dragon chair. The veins on the back of his hands were bulging, and the corners of his lips trembled slightly, but he still tried his best to maintain his composure and maintain the majesty of the emperor.

The soldier continued: "His Royal Highness has ordered the closure of the city, and His Royal Highness asked the last general to convey it to the emperor, so that the emperor does not have to take care of him, and slaughter the city when necessary!"

Emperor Xiyun closed his eyes instantly, suppressing the pain.

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