Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 984 He is going to save him

The officials were surprised and admired Su Chengyu, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

In order to prevent the spread of the plague, it has always been solved by massacring the city, and because there is a crown prince in the place where the plague occurred, they dare not suggest that Emperor Xiyun talk about massacring the city, but the crown prince himself took the initiative to talk about massacring the city, which is entirely for the sake of Xiyun. It is for the sake of everyone in Xiyun, and they admire such righteousness.

Emperor Xiyun didn't say anything, just got up, walked away slowly, left the main hall of deliberations, and returned to the palace of the king.

"Your Majesty, the situation is urgent. I hope the Emperor will make a decision as soon as possible!" Seeing that Emperor Xiyun left just like that, all the officials hurriedly knelt down and shouted loudly at Emperor Xiyun, hoping that Emperor Xiyun would make a decision on the plague as soon as possible. .

The longer this plague drags on, the more dangerous it becomes.

Emperor Xiyun didn't know how he got back to the Palace of Kings. He was completely out of his wits. When he returned to the Palace of Kings, he sat blankly for a while before softly saying, "Prince Xuan Yi enters the palace."

"Yes!" Eunuch Fu hurriedly asked Xiao Changyi to enter the palace.

Xiao Changyi and An Jing were teasing the four children at home. As soon as the imperial guards arrived, he hurriedly said to Xiao Changyi: "My lord, the emperor declares that you will enter the palace immediately!"

Seeing the panic-stricken appearance of the imperial guards, Xiao Changyi instantly knew that there was something important, so he asked, "What's the matter with the emperor Xuanben, do you know?"

The guard in front of the imperial court said: "The plague broke out in Nanyun City, and His Royal Highness is infected."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Changyi immediately ran out like a gust of wind, without even saying a word to Jing Jing.

Jing Jing was also anxious in her heart, and she asked the maid at home to watch the four children, so she also entered the palace on the moon.

As soon as Xiao Changyi arrived at the Palace of Kings, he saw Emperor Xiyun sitting there in a daze as if he had aged ten years. He paused slightly before walking towards Emperor Xiyun.

When Emperor Xiyun saw his feet stop in front of him, he slowly raised his eyes. When he saw Xiao Changyi, he broke down instantly and burst into tears: "Yi'er, if Chengyu leaves before me, what will happen to me?" Confess to his mother"

Xiao Changyi raised his right hand, put it on Emperor Xiyun's shoulder, and slowly grasped Emperor Xiyun's shoulder, tightening his grip more and more, as if giving him strength. After a while, he said in a low voice: "I will go to Nanyan."

"No, no," Emperor Xiyun shook his head hastily while crying, "It's too dangerous there, the plague is rampant. If you go there, you may be infected with the plague like Chengyu."

Xiao Changyi said: "I will take Gong Juechen with him, he is very skilled in medicine, maybe he can cure this plague."

When Emperor Xiyun heard Xiao Changyi's words, he immediately became hopeful and stopped crying. With tears in his old eyes, he held Xiao Changyi's hand tightly, choked up and said, "Yi'er, you and Chengyu must come back safely. .”

"En." Although he answered, Xiao Changyi didn't know if he could really come back.

Even though he didn't know, he would not let Su Chengyu die like this.

He is going to save him.

No matter whether it can be saved or not, at least try, if you don't try, Su Chengyu will die.

The situation was urgent, and I didn't know if Su Chengyu could last him through. Xiao Changyi didn't want to delay Emperor Xiyun any longer. After telling Emperor Xiyun to wait for his good news, he turned around and left.

And as soon as he walked out of the palace, he ran into Jing Jing who hurriedly chased into the palace.

Xiao Changyi pulled An Jing and walked back. As he walked back, he said, "I want to go to the General's Mansion and take Gong Juechen to the Southern Mirage to cure the plague."

"Yeah." An Jing nodded immediately. "I'll go with you."

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