When An Jing and Xiao Changyi hadn't arrived at the bottom of the South Mirage Tower, they heard Wang Youbao's voice

"General Lu, I really want to go in and take a look, so you can let me in."

Wang Youbao was the salt transport envoy in the South Mirage area, but he was not working in the Nanyan City, which allowed him to avoid the plague.

"My lord, it's not that I won't let you in, it's that I won't let you out if I let you in, are you sure you want to come in?" After a pause, the general guarding the city of Nanyun City said again: "His Royal Highness said , Seal the city, no entry but no exit, otherwise, there will be no mercy."

Wang Youbao also knew that His Royal Highness was doing this to prevent the plague from spreading to other places, so he said righteously: "The salary of eating the king, the worry of being loyal to the king, His Royal Highness is sick inside, how can I be alone, General Lu, open the door Come on, I want to go in."

General Lu was very surprised that other adults dared not come to the Southern Mirage, but this Wang Youbao wanted to come in awe-inspiringly. Some admired Wang Youbao's integrity, but he still didn't dare to let Wang Youbao in, so he said: "How about this?" , I would have someone ask His Highness the Crown Prince for instructions, and if His Highness the Crown Prince agrees with you coming in, Mr. Wang, I would have opened the gate of the city."

Wang Youbao cupped his hands towards General Lu standing on the tower: "Then there will be General Lao Lu."

Hearing the sound of horseshoes getting closer, Wang Youbao looked back subconsciously, and saw An Jing and Xiao Changyi coming on horseback.

"Master! Master!" Wang Youbao was very pleasantly surprised.

Seeing Wang Youbao, Quiet was quite pleasantly surprised. She tightened the reins and told Tayue to stop. She didn't dismount, but said seriously: "Youbao, we all heard what you said to the general guarding the city just now. Even if your master doesn't agree with you going in, you'd better go back quickly."

Last month, she received a letter from Wang Youbao, saying that Li Wuyu was pregnant with a child.

It can be said that going in is more ominous than good, she really objected to Wang Youbao going in.

"You won't be able to help if you go in, it's better not to go in." After a pause, he said quietly, "If you really want to help, you can come around here from time to time, maybe we have something for you to do. We can’t get out once we’re in. If you’re outside, if we have something to do, we can call you on the tower and ask you to do it. But you have to remember to stay away from the tower of the South Mirage to prevent the plague. "

Wang Youbao felt that An Jing's words were reasonable, so he agreed, "Yes!"

It was also at this time that Qin Yi, who was at the end, shouted loudly to the generals on the South Mirage Tower: "Prince Yi and Princess Yi have been ordered to come to cure the plague, and General Lu hastened to open the city gate!"

General Lu knew Xiao Changyi, and after careful identification, he was sure that Xiao Changyi had come, so he hurriedly said with joy: "Open the city gate quickly, Prince Yi has brought people to cure the plague!"

Gong Juechen took out realgar powder and applied it on his face, and said to Jing Jing and the others, "Hurry up and apply it."

An Jing and the others also took out the realgar powder and applied it to their faces.

Wang Youbao was at a loss, not knowing what An Jing and the others were doing.

Still calmly explained to him: "This is realgar powder, which can prevent the epidemic. You should go back quickly and don't stay here. It's not safe here. If you come around here, remember to put some realgar powder on your face."

"Yes!" Wang Youbao cupped his hands at An Jing and the others before turning around and leading them away.

Gong Juechen shouted from behind: "Baby, there are orpiment and cinnabar."

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