Gong Juechen reported a series of medicines that could prevent the epidemic, and asked Wang Youbao to make a sachet to wear to prevent the epidemic.

Wang Youbao turned his head to Gong Juechen gratefully and said, "Thank you, Doctor Gong!"

As soon as the gate of the city was opened, General Lu, the general guarding the city, came out of the city to greet him: "The last general will see Prince Yi and Princess Yi!"

Xiao Changyi first ordered General Lu to collect all the realgar and orpiment and other anti-epidemic drugs from the pharmacies in the city and distribute them to the people who have not yet contracted the plague, and then asked: "Where is the prince now?"

General Lu replied respectfully, "Your Highness is in the palace now."

"lead the way."

General Lu immediately led the way.

Xiao Changyi and Jing Jing looked at each other before entering Nanyan City. It is still unknown whether they will come in or not, but they hope that the plague will be cured and they will be able to come out.

Because of the plague, the situation in Nanyan City was a bit miserable, and even white paper money floated from time to time, and people's mournful cries, as well as the fear of people in the city, could be heard.

Not only are people panicking, but the atmosphere in the city is also a little scary. It was as if everyone in the city had turned into corpses.

While going to the palace to look for Su Chengyu, Jing Jing asked: "How many people have died?"

General Lu truthfully said: "Since the outbreak of the plague until now, more than 300 people have died."

Quiet, silent. Feeling particularly heavy.

"Where are the people infected with the plague now?" Xiao Changyi asked this question.

Once they entered the South Mirage, they saw the depression of the South Mirage, saw the depression of the Nan Mirage, saw the lifelessness of the Nan Mirage, saw the panic of the people in the Nan Mirage, and saw that the Nan Mirage seemed to have no future, but they Not a single plague-stricken people was seen.

General Lu said: "All the people infected with the plague have been sent to the Medicinal Food Hall. Without permission, they can't come out." There are more and more people, and it is almost too much to accommodate.”

Xiao Changyi stopped talking.

When they arrived at the palace, An Jing and Xiao Changyi went directly to Su Chengyu's room to find Su Chengyu.

"Chengyu!" An Jing hurriedly called Su Chengyu's name before entering the door.

Su Chengyu was lying on the bed, the high fever made him dizzy, he faintly heard An Jing calling him, he thought it was his hallucination, but when he saw An Jing and Xiao Changyi hurried to his bedside, he realized that Know, not an illusion, but real.

Brother Yi and sister-in-law Yi came to look for him.

"Brother Yi and Sister-in-law Yi" has never shown his cowardice since he was infected with the plague. Even if he was infected with the plague, he still maintained his majesty as the crown prince. His eyes were red, and the tears flowed hotly.

He cried like a child.

His throat seemed to be choked by something, and it hurt so much, Su Chengyu didn't know what to say at this moment, and he couldn't say anything because of the choked throat.

"You are so old, why are you still crying like a child? Well, stop crying, if you cry again, you will become a painted cat." Jing Jing joked. Under the brisk tone and smile, there is a heavy heart, very heavy.

It's just because Su Chengyu's condition is very bad.

The high fever turned Su Chengyu's burnt variant into red, and there were many red pustules on Su Chengyu's body. The pustules were very disgusting, as if they would burst at any time, making people shudder.

Even the doctor Gong Juechen was a little startled. The intensity of this plague far exceeded his imagination.

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