Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 993 A glimmer of life?

"Although I will try my best to cure this plague, I can't guarantee that it will be cured well." Gong Juechen added.

Xiao Changyi also understood that no one could cure the plague before, no matter what kind of plague no one has ever cured, but he still said: "You try your best."

Gong Juechen smiled and said: "Of course I will try my best, I just want to go back alive to see my sister and my eldest nephew."

Glancing at Su Chengyu again, Gong Juechen said again: "Just take a look at His Royal Highness, I can't understand this plague thoroughly, I have to visit other people who have the plague."

Immediately, Gong Juechen looked at General Lu: "General, please send someone to take me to the Medicinal Food Hall."

"Okay!" General Lu turned his head and asked a soldier to lead Gong Juechen to the Herbal Food Hall.

As soon as Gong Juechen went out, An Jing came in.

Quiet is not as quiet as Xiao Changyi, so she comforted Su Chengyu for a while before she and Xiao Changyi left Su Chengyu's room together.

As soon as he left Su Chengyu's room, Xiao Changyi ordered General Lu: "In the future, if you have something to report directly to the king, don't let His Royal Highness worry about it."

General Lu immediately cupped his fists: "Yes, the last general obeys!"

"This king also brought a lot of realgar and other anti-epidemic medicinal materials into the city. You can also take them. People who are not infected with the plague should give some. It will be beneficial."


"Go down."

"I will retire at the end."

After General Lu left, Jing Jing sighed and said, "I hope this realgar and other things can start to work, so that no one will be infected with the plague again."

After a pause, he quietly said again: "Master, let's go to the Herbal Food Hall to have a look."

Xiao Changyi nodded in response: "Yes."

The Medicinal Food Hall was originally very large, but because it accommodated nearly a thousand people infected with the plague, the Medicinal Food Hall seemed very small.

Among these people, a large part of them had the same symptoms as Su Chengyu, with high fever, reddened fever, and many pustules on their bodies, and every pustule was about to burst.

And those with mild symptoms are much better, even if they have high fever, but there are no pustules, at most they have some red rashes.

Among these people, a common symptom is a high fever in the body.

When An Jing and Xiao Changyi arrived at the Medicinal Food Hall, they were slightly taken aback by the tragic situation in the Medicinal Food Hall. At this time, Gong Juechen was checking the symptoms of the people infected with the plague.

The more he checked, the more dignified Gong Juechen's expression became.

He was really helpless.

But there is no other way, the dead horse can only be treated as a living horse doctor. If he does nothing, these people will definitely die, but if he tries to treat them, maybe these people will still have a chance.

Once he knew the symptoms of the plague, Gong Juechen stopped checking, but walked up to An Jing and Xiao Changyi, and asked An Jing and Xiao Changyi, "Aren't you afraid that I will put you to death?"

An Jing understood that Gong Juechen wanted to try some methods boldly to see if he could cure the plague, but she still felt quite heavy: "If they are not cured, they will only die. If they are cured, they may still have a chance."

"I think so too." After a pause, Gong Juechen said with a playful smile, "Then I'll let go and play."

Quietly stared at him: "Last time I warned you not to talk nonsense, there is no bottom line, you have restrained a lot later, why is it like this again today? Be careful when they hear you play with their lives, they all come to beat you, maybe And kill you."

Jing Jing really didn't understand, Mingming Gong Juechen was doing good deeds and saving people, but when Gong Juechen said it, he didn't feel that it was a good thing at all.

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