Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 994 Panic, Trouble

Gong Juechen said with a smile: "Didn't you say before that no matter how bad my mouth is, I won't associate with me anymore? I don't want to lose two friends, you and Chang Yi, so I try to control myself so that I don't I always keep my mouth open, and let myself not go too far in everything. But now, we may die in this Southern Mirage, what should I do to control myself? Of course, I have to enjoy myself in time again."

Jing Jing continued to stare at him: "Your happiness is built on the pain of others?"

Gong Juechen really admitted: "It should be."

An Jing was too lazy to talk to Gong Juechen, but she still said, "I'll leave this plague to you, whether you can cure it or not, we don't blame you, you can come together, we are actually very grateful to you, I also feel sorry for you. If you contracted the plague and died here, it can be said that we killed you."

Gong Juechen still had a playful smile on his face: "If you are really grateful to me, if I cure this plague, then you can still let me say whatever I want to say, you don't know, before I always I can’t say this or that, but I’m afraid of how uncomfortable it is to lose friends like you.”

Although the man in front of him is very rich, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi can also tell that Gong Juechen has grown affection with them and regards them as friends.

Jing Jing looked at Xiao Changyi first, and then promised: "If we can really return to Beijing alive, you can say whatever you want in front of us in the future."

"That's what you said! For this, I have to work harder to cure this plague!" Gong Juechen looked like he could let himself go after returning to Beijing.


Xiao Changyi: ""

When Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi returned to the palace from the medicinal food hall, before everyone entered the palace, General Lu hurried to report: "My lord, many people who have not been infected with the plague gathered to make trouble. They are afraid of massacring the city and want us to open the city gate." , let them go."

Xiao Changyi's expression froze: "Where is all the trouble?"

"At Simon."

"lead the way."

"Yes!" General Lu immediately led the way, leading Xiao Changyi and An Jing to the west gate of Nanyan City.

Before they reached the west gate, An Jing and Xiao Changyi heard noises from far away.

"They are the ones who got the plague, why don't we let us go out of the city? We are all fine!"

"That's it! Let's get out of town quickly!"

"We didn't get the plague, but they trapped us in the city. They wanted us to catch the plague and die!" someone wailed.

Someone was so afraid of the plague in the city that he went mad: "Staying in the city is a dead end. I don't want to stay in the city. I want to go out! I want to go out of the city!"

Saying that, the man rushed towards the officers and soldiers guarding the gate.

But was quickly subdued by officers and soldiers.

But even if the officers and soldiers subdued that person, the atmosphere was even more noisy, which made those people who were not infected with the plague panic. Felt like it was really trying to get them dead in town.

Suddenly, someone broke down and cried: "I heard my grandfather said that once a plague occurs, the city will be massacred, and we will die in this city. Even if we don't die from the plague, others will kill us."

Originally, there were many people who thought they would slaughter the city, so they didn't care about the officers and soldiers guarding here, they all came to make trouble, wanted to get out of the city, they didn't want to die, but now, listening to the cry of this man's collapse, the emotions of the people who came to make trouble instantly became more excited I want to rush over and kill the officers and soldiers, and then open the city gate so that they can leave this ghost place.

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