Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 995 This king advances and retreats with you

Even though this is their hometown, they really can't love this place at the moment.

At this moment, they just want to escape from this place.

This place is really horrible, they don't want to die here at all.

Seeing that everyone was so excited, as if they were about to fight the officers and soldiers, An Jing and Xiao Changyi hurried up to the West Gate Tower.

As soon as he stood on the top of the city tower, Xiao Changyi said loudly to the people below: "This king is the emperor's adoptive son, Prince Su Changyi, and he has brought people here to cure this plague today. Please be safe and rest assured. The emperor will never slaughter the city."

Xiao Changyi's prestige in Xiyun is unmatched. Even people in the backcountry know Xiao Changyi, a great general who has been victorious in all battles. What's more, this South Mirage is not a backcountry, almost everyone knows Xiao Changyi.

When Xiao Changyi said that he was Prince Yi, the noisy people fell silent.

If the person on the tower is really Prince Yi, and it is the god in their hearts that Prince Yi protects the territory of Xiyun, keeps them safe from being bullied by other countries, and they will naturally believe Prince Yi's words that the emperor will not slaughter the city.


"You say you are Prince Yi, what proof do you have?" Many people didn't believe it.

They know that Prince Yi is right, but they don't know Prince Yi. If this person is a fake, just to appease them, what's wrong?

Xiao Changyi took out his prince's token, "This is my prince's token."

Disbelievers loosen, but still doubt, "we don't know what token"

In other words, I don't know the token, and of course you still can't prove your identity.

Xiao Changyi didn't say anything to the people below, but took his own prince's token, and turned to An Jing, "Have you brought the death-prevention gold medal with you?"

"Bring it!" An Jing immediately took out the gold medal for avoiding death and gave it to Xiao Changyi.

As soon as Xiao Changyi received the death-prevention gold medal, he raised it high, "Here is the death-prevention gold medal."

As soon as the death-preventing gold medal came out, it was equivalent to the presence of Emperor Xiyun in person.

When General Lu, some soldiers, and the officers and soldiers of the city saw the gold medal for avoiding death, they were all frightened and knelt down respectfully, shouting: "Long live the emperor, long live, long live."

When everyone saw General Lu and the others like this, they believed in Xiao Changyi's identity, and quickly knelt down, kowtowed, and shouted: "Long live the emperor, long live, long live."

Xiao Changyi said: "You are all the emperor's subjects, and the emperor will never abandon you. This king is ordered by the emperor to cure this plague, and I hope you will cooperate."

Immediately, Xiao Changyi explained: "The reason why you are not allowed to leave the city is because the plague does not break out immediately. Some people are infected with the plague for several days before it breaks out. Maybe some of you are now infected with the plague and don't know it. You stay in Nanyan City Here, it can prevent the plague from spreading to other places, and it is also beneficial for the king to concentrate on curing the plague."

"Presumably everyone knows that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is in this city. I can assure you that this King and His Highness the Crown Prince will stay here and advance and retreat with you until the plague is cured."

As soon as Xiao Changyi finished speaking, some common people said: "My lord, we believe in you, but we are afraid of this plague, and hope that my lord can cure the plague as soon as possible, so that we can live a stable life again."

When the other people heard this, they immediately kowtowed to Xiao Changyi, and all begged loudly: "I hope the prince can cure the plague as soon as possible, so that we can live a stable life again!"

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