Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 997 Are you timid and afraid of death?

Xiao Changyi had no objection: "Yes."

Whether it was Banlangen or Woad, even if one was the root of the other, he had never heard of it.

However, Gong Juechen has no way to cure this plague at present, so he might as well try to find Radix Banlangen to cure the plague.

"Then let's go now!" An Jing pulled Xiao Changyi up and walked out.

But Xiao Changyi refused to leave, "I'd better go alone, you sleep."

On the way to Nanyan, she didn't take much rest, but he felt distressed.

An Jing knew that he felt sorry for her, but she still shook her head and said with a smile: "Let's go together, I am familiar with woad."

It is clear that her insistence is to be with him every moment. If the plague cannot be cured, then they will not have much time together. What's more, the plague is imminent, and if it can be resolved quickly, it should be resolved quickly Click to solve it.

Xiao Changyi gave in just like that, and while clenching An Jing's hand, he nodded: "Yes."

Because of the plague, the business in Nanyan City stopped.

Everyone dared not do business at all, for fear of catching the plague. Those who were not infected with the plague almost all hid at home, did not hang out on the street, and did not communicate with others.

And there are three dyeing workshops in Nanyan City, and the three dyeing workshops have also closed down. An Jing and Xiao Changyi asked a young general who is very familiar with Nanyan City to take them to these three dyeing workshops.

The young general first took An Jing and Xiao Changyi to a dyeing workshop closest to the Xinggong.

The door of this dyeing workshop was closed, and no one was inside at all. Then, the young general said that he would take An Jing and Xiao Changyi to the owner of the dyeing workshop to find someone.

He also said that the home of the owner of the dyeing workshop is not far away, just on the street behind.

An Jing and Xiao Changyi had no objections, and then the young general took them to the owner's house.

The owner of the workshop was at home and answered, but he refused to open the door, saying that he was afraid of being infected with the plague.

As soon as the young general heard that the owner did not open the door, he shouted sharply: "Prince Yi and Princess Yi came to your house in person, but you closed the door, believe it or not, punish you for disrespect!"

The owner of the workshop was in the courtyard of his house. When he heard the young general's words, he burst into tears. He knelt on the ground and begged again and again: "My lord, my concubine, the grass people are really afraid of death. I hope my lord and concubine will forgive me! If my lord and concubine want to Even if you don’t come in, you can ask Caomin anything, and I hope the princes and concubines don’t scare Caomin, Caomin is really timid and afraid of death.”

An Jing and Xiao Changyi were standing outside the yard, hearing that the owner of the workshop didn't seem to be lying, but was really scared to death, so they didn't force it.

The two looked at each other, and then An Jing said: "Then we will ask outside, but you have to answer truthfully, understand?"

"Yes, yes, the grass people will answer like this, thank you, the prince and princess, thank you, the prince and princess, the grass people will answer truthfully." The owner of this workshop is really timid and afraid of death.

"The princess asked you," An Jing didn't beat around the bush, and went straight to the point, "What are the blue dyes used in your dyeing workshop extracted from?"

The workshop owner didn't dare to ask An Jing why he asked him this, but said honestly: "There are many grasses that can be used to carry blue dyes, such as Polygonum indigo, Ma indigo, Wood indigo, Amaranth indigo, there are many kinds, grass people I can't finish talking for a while."

Jing Jing also thought so, so she asked more specifically: "There is a kind of grass that can extract blue dye. The details from the leaves to the flowers are like Chinese cabbage, but it is very different from Chinese cabbage. The difference lies in"

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