Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 998 This reckless...

"Cabbage bears long siliques with dozens of seeds, but short siliques with only a few seeds. Do you know this kind of grass?"

As soon as Jing Jing finished speaking, the master said: "Princess, you are talking about bluegrass."

"Bluegrass?" An Jing was overjoyed, and exchanged a glance with Xiao Changyi. Maybe woad is really the blue grass.

"According to what you described, wangfei, it should be bluegrass. Caomin Dyeing Workshop also uses this blue dye to dye cloth blue, so they know it better."

Quiet is more joyful, and the hands clasped with Xiao Changyi were also tightened because of excitement, only to hear her ask immediately: "Then do you have this bluegrass root in your workshop?"

The owner of the workshop felt even more strange. He asked about the bluegrass, but he also asked about the roots of the bluegrass. However, the owner of the workshop still didn’t ask why, and he just answered truthfully: “Caomin Workshop only needs the blue dye from the leaves of the bluegrass, not the roots. Caomin Workshop has no bluegrass roots."

"Then did you grow the bluegrass yourself, or did you buy it from someone else?"

"I bought it from someone, and someone specially planted it and sold it to the grass people." After a pause, "The grass people only buy blue grass leaves from that person, and that person only gives the grass people the leaves, and the roots are removed first."

"Who did you buy it from?"

"Tao Agui's house in the west of the city."

"Then do you know if there are other people who grow this thing?"

"There seem to be several companies growing this in the city. As for who it is, the grass-roots man doesn't know. The grass-folk always buys this from Tao Agui's family."

"Okay, my princess knows."

There was nothing more to ask the owner of the workshop, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi did not go to find other dye workshop owners in the city, but went to the west of the city to find Tao Agui who planted bluegrass.

Tao Agui was unwilling to open the door at first, fearing that he would contract the plague from contact with others, but when he heard that Prince Yi and Princess Yi were coming, although he was still afraid of contracting the plague, he opened the door and let An Jing and Xiao Changyi in. .

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi didn't sit in the house, but stood in the yard and asked Tao Agui.

Still quietly asked: "I heard that your family lives by growing bluegrass?"

Tao Agui is an honest person, he is very cautious at the moment, and he is also very scared. He has never seen two people as big as the prince and the princess, but he still replied: "Yes, the Caomin family grows bluegrass. , grow indigo grass and sell leaves to some dyeing houses to raise indigo, barely making a living.”

"Then do you have bluegrass roots in your family?"

"I used to have them at home, but they were all used as firewood."

when firewood burned

this violent


Xiao Changyi remained expressionless.

Tao Agui continued: "The bluegrass roots are useless. Every time after harvesting the bluegrass leaves, the grassmen don't want to throw away those roots, so they dry them all and pick them up and use them as firewood. It's quite easy to burn."

Quiet: ""Someday, if you know that it can be used as medicine, you will feel sorry for those bluegrass roots that you burned

After a quiet silence, he asked, "Then do you know which families in this city still grow bluegrass?"

Tao Agui really knew, and reported the truth to the four families.

An Jing wrote it down, and then asked: "Then do you still have bluegrass in your field?" She wanted to go directly to dig roots in other people's fields.

Tao Agui said: "It was possible to plant last month, but there was a plague and they were not allowed to go out of the city. The land is outside the city, so grass people can't plant it. The land is empty."

An Jing was already disappointed, but now she was even more disappointed.

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