She only dared to put half of her buttocks on the stool, put her hands on her knees, and sat very straight, like a first-grade student being stared at by a teacher.

"Relax a little, don't be so nervous, I won't eat you."

Chen Yu put a handful of melon seeds in front of Delia:"Here, try it, Xu Fuji's, it tastes good"

""Well, thank you, sir."

Delia followed Chen Yu's example and ate one.

However, she was too nervous to taste it.

"" The smell of stench." Xiao Miao glanced at Delia, then flew to Chen Yu's shoulder with a few melon seeds and sat down.

Delia's body suddenly stiffened, and her breathing slowed down a lot.

At this time, Xiao Guang flew over, smiled gently and said,"Don't be afraid, Xiao Miao has no intention of targeting you, she just doesn't like all the livestock and maggots that have no self-awareness."

After that, she also flew to Chen Yu's shoulder with a few melon seeds and sat next to Xiao Miao.

Delia wanted to cry but had no tears, so she could only bury her head lower.

Fortunately, the other three elves ignored her.

Xiao Feng and Xiao Yan were having a melon seed eating competition.

Both elves held a melon seed kernel in one hand, chewing it with big mouthfuls, and their cute little faces were puffed up.

Xiao An took a melon seed and ate it slowly, while eating, he used his white and tender feet to fiddle with the melon seed shell, and put the melon seed shell into various shapes.

About a minute passed, Hou Tu flew back.

She landed on the table, cut off a melon seed with a sword, poured out the melon seed kernels on both sides, held one in each hand, and began to enjoy it.

Chen Yu directly released all the plant life and blew the horn for dinner.

The plant life immediately rushed to the Snowfield Giant City.

Seeing this scene, Delia couldn't help but mourn for the Snowfield Giant City in her heart for a few seconds.

At the same time, there was also a pleasure of revenge.

After all, the source of all her difficulties was the queen.

And the queen was from the Stuart Empire.

"Bitch, if you saw this scene today, what would your expression be? I'm really looking forward to it!"

Unconsciously, Delia's mouth began to rise.

Suddenly, Chen Yu's whisper came into her ears.

"Now, only the Horadric Kingdom remains."

"20 main cities plus a royal city, it will probably take a lot of time."

Hearing this, Delia trembled, and couldn't help asking in a panic:"My lord, are you still going to destroy the Horadric Kingdom?"

After all, the Horadric Kingdom is where she grew up.

In addition to the struggle with the queen and the suffering of persecution, there are many beautiful memories of her childhood.

Knowing that the place where she grew up was about to be destroyed, her heart was filled with panic and reluctance.

"Yeah, do you have any opinions?"Chen Yu said casually.

Delia was just a necessary prop for him.

She might have some inner thoughts, but it didn't matter to Chen Yu.

""No." Delia answered quickly.

She didn't even know whether her life could be saved, so how could she dare to have any opinions?

In fact, as the princess of Horadric, she, like all Western feudal monarchs, simply regarded the people as her own property.

The little family affection in the royal family had long been exhausted by the persecution of the queen and the old king's indifference.

Otherwise, she would not have colluded with the Dark Demon Cult and tried to seize control of the kingdom.

Now, the kingdom is about to be destroyed by a terrifying strong man, and she only has some feelings in her heart, and regrets for the property that is about to be lost.

"Sir, can I ask you a question?"Delia asked cautiously.

"go ahead"

"Why did you destroy the kingdom, and why did you take me with you?"

"Do you really want to know?" Chen Yu showed a look of evil interest,"Are you sure you want me to tell you?"

""I want to!"

Seeing that Chen Yu seemed to be responding, Delia was overjoyed and nodded repeatedly

"Well, I can tell you." Chen Yu raised his mouth,"But before that……"

"Do you know what your kingdom means to me?"

"A place where you can experience the fun of killing and destroying as much as you want?"Delia carefully said a guess in her mind.

Chen Yu shook his head, then reached out and pushed away the melon seeds and four elves on the table, and put out a chessboard.

"What is this? Do you know it?"

"Is this... a chessboard for a chess game?"

There are also chess games in the Horadric Kingdom.

Chessboards are not much different in any place.

"That's right."

Chen Yu took out the chess pieces and filled the chessboard.

"The chess pieces are placed on the chessboard, which gives them identities and responsibilities."

"King, ministers, knights, chariots, troops……"

"Do you think that if chess pieces have life and thoughts, would they think that the chessboard is their world?"

"Now, a game begins"

"However, it is not a game between the two sides."


"The other side enters the game, and scores points by capturing pieces!"

Chen Yu placed an extra piece on the chessboard, and used it to capture the pieces on the board one by one.

He then showed the captured pieces to Delia.

"Look, my score is very high now, I won!"

After listening to Chen Yu's story, great fear struck Delia's heart.

A chill rose from the coccyx and invaded her limbs.

She was not stupid, so she could naturally understand Chen Yu's meaning.

This chessboard is the Kingdom of Horadric.

The two sides on the chessboard are the kingdom and the dragon, or she and the queen.

And Chen Yu is the chess piece that just entered the field and ate the whole board!

Everything Chen Yu did was not to enjoy killing, nor was it to have hatred with the kingdom, but just to... score points and win!

And she, the queen, the Dark Demon Cult, and the Snowfield Giant City are just chess pieces placed on the chessboard in advance, and the points are taken by anyone!

As a chess piece, everything about her is... is false.

Her identity, her status, her memory, and even her hatred with the queen were all given by a higher level of existence.

The meaning of her existence is just to be the background of a game.

And after the game is over, where will the chess pieces go?

Will they be stripped of everything and put back into the chess box, or will they be put back in their positions, waiting for the start of the next game?

At that time, will she still be herself?

If she had heard Chen Yu's words at the beginning, she might not have felt so deeply.

However, now she has clearly felt the existence of"shackles" and"prison".

This is undoubtedly the most direct evidence of the"chessboard" statement.

"what do I do?"

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