Chen Yu had long noticed that this copy was different from the ordinary copy, and the characters in it were more real.

Every NPC had his own will and emotions.

This situation was similar to the real-difficulty copy"Guarding the Village" that he had played before, and was fundamentally different from the dull programmed characters in other copies.

The college entrance examination ranking competition copy might be a real-difficulty copy.

However, it accommodates a very large number of people who can enter, and the world view is relatively complete.

In game terms, the meaning of"copy" is that a specific event in the time process of the game world view is intercepted for players to continue to play and explore.

In essence, a copy in a game is an event that has already occurred on the background timeline of the game world.

The copy in the world of universal job transfer is likely to be a fragment of the past in the long river of time.

However, are these characters in the real copy real lives, copied completely from the past, or are they just a more advanced program?

"You believed my words so easily?"

Chen Yu looked at Delia's changing expression in surprise.

The overflowing confusion and fear showed that Delia had reached the point of believing in his"chessboard theory" without a doubt.

"Sir, there is no need for you to lie to me about this matter."Delia said with a wry smile,"Can you tell me what the outcome will be for me?"

"After your game is over, will I... and us pawns, be completely wiped out?"

"I don't know about that." Chen Yu shook his head.

If it was a normal copy, everything in the copy would be reset after leaving it.

But he had only experienced the real copy once, and he couldn't enter it again.

After he left the copy, what kind of changes would the characters left in the copy face, he had no idea.

Delia was a good sample, and he could try to study it.

"Thank you for your help, sir."

Delia lowered her head with a look of death.

Chen Yu did not pay attention to her, but continued to play with the elves.

During this time, he was also paying attention to the Book of Emblems in the inventory.

One was the epic Book of Emblems that he had initially, and the other was the legendary Book of Emblems obtained from the Dark Demon Cult.

He found that when the Book of Emblems was placed in the inventory, only the previous Book of Emblems would gain experience points.

And when he took a Book of Emblem in his hand, only the Book of Emblem in his hand would gain experience points.

If both were in his hand, the higher-grade legendary Book of Emblems would gain experience points. The legendary

Book of Emblems was more valuable, so Chen Yu directly fed all his experience points to the legendary Book of Emblems.

Time passed slowly.

The scorching sun gradually set, and dusk came silently.

The plant life finally completed their mission and completely cleared out the huge snowy city.

【Kill the level 200 bronze boss Snowfield Vanguard, College Entrance Examination Points +8000】

【Tip: Since you killed the ultimate boss of your faction alone, you will get an extra +50,000 points in the college entrance examination】

【Tip: Since you killed all the bosses in the Snow City, the Stuart Empire has been destroyed.】

【Tip: You have completed the faction mission"Destroy the Stuart Empire", and your college entrance examination score is +50W】

【Tip: You have completed the faction mission"Expanding Territory", and your college entrance examination score is +5W】

【Tip: You have taken control of the Snowfield Giant City's area of influence and gained control of all monsters in the area (including BOSS)]

Chen Yu glanced at the virtual score column showing the college entrance examination scores.

The total score has risen from 1.7 million to 2.9 million.

The points that the Snowfield Giant City brought him were 300,000 more than those of the Dark Demon Cult.

This is the point income brought by pure monster spawning!

It can be seen that the strength of the Snowfield Giant City + the Kingdom of Horadric is far greater than that of the Princess + the Dark Demon Cult.

According to the normal dungeon process, Delia would probably die in a rhythmic manner.

After packing up the spoils, Chen Yu took Delia back to the Dragon City.

The Abyss Thorn Spirit sent Delia to a small room and imprisoned her. The densely packed legendary plant life instantly surrounded the room.

Delia said nothing throughout the whole process, her eyes were dim.

"I can try to take you out of this world."

Chen Yu smiled and said to Delia,"But the premise is that you have to cooperate with me."

"Really?!" Delia’s eyes lit up with hope instantly,"I will cooperate, I will definitely cooperate, sir, whatever you want me to do, I am willing to do it!"

"You don't have to do anything, just stay here."

After that, Chen Yu closed the door and walked away.

Since Delia can enter the Supreme Holy Land, it means that she can leave the copy.

What will happen if a character in a copy leaves the copy?

Chen Yu couldn't help but look forward to it...............................

Stone City, Adventurer's Guild.

Su Miaoyue was holding the"tearing ritual object" with increasingly intense blood in her hand, and she was extremely anxious.

She had consulted the task window of the Adventurer's Guild.

The teller told him that Chen Yu came back every night to check the progress of the task.

In order to be able to see Chen Yu as soon as possible, Su Miaoyue simply stayed in the task hall and just stared at the task window.

Lu Pingping was also anxious.

Because she brought the tearing ritual object into the ranking match copy.

There are two forbidden masters guarding the examination room in each province, and the national chief examiner is even a ninth-level mystery master. It can be imagined how much the Tenglong Empire attaches importance to the college entrance examination.

If the tearing ritual object really summons some unknown existence and causes problems in the college entrance examination, she, a small novice professional, estimates that even if she dies ten thousand times, it will not be enough to quell the anger of the empire.

In the hall, a white light lit up.

This is a sign that someone is using the teleportation emblem.

Lu Pingping looked over immediately.

In the white light, a female magician walked out.

Lu Pingping turned her head in disappointment.

At this moment, a voice sounded from behind her

"Su Miaoyue, and that Lu What, what are you two looking at here?"

Su Miaoyue and Lu Pingping turned around at the same time.

They saw Chen Yu standing behind them with a smile on his face.

"It's the fifth day now, how did you harvest?" Chen Yu asked the two girls.

After locking up Delia, he went to Jianshi City as usual to check the progress of the task and pay attention to the development of the two second-generations.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he was teleported here, he saw Su Miaoyue and her little sister standing in the hall like pillars, looking around anxiously, not knowing what they were looking for.

"Let's talk about this later, come with me."

Su Miaoyue pulled Chen Yu up and headed straight for the Adventurer's Guild's accommodation building.

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