Pulling Chen Yu into the room she rented, Su Miaoyue slammed the door shut.

"What are you two going to do?"

Chen Yu looked at the two impatient women and felt a little nervous.

"Ahem, to be honest, although men never suffer any loss in this kind of situation, there is no need for you to be so anxious, right?"

"Let's do it one by one, okay?"

"It was my first time playing 1v2, and I was afraid that I would be too nervous and perform poorly."

"It's such a big deal, of course we are anxious."Su Miaoyue asked in confusion,"What do you mean one by one?"

Lu Pingping blushed and pulled the hem of Su Miaoyue's clothes, and pointed to the super luxurious bed in the middle of the room.

Su Miaoyue was stunned and blushed.

"No, what am I thinking at this time!"

Su Miaoyue slapped herself hard and drove the dirty thoughts out of her mind.

""Is it so that you have such a hobby?" Chen Yu looked at Su Miaoyue in surprise,"Although I am not very good at Shaman, I can still give it a try if you need it."

"Shaman? What shaman?"Su Miaoyue was confused again.

Lu Pingping quietly took her hand and wrote two letters on it.

Su Miaoyue was immediately numb.

""Hahaha, stop joking, let's talk about it." Chen Yu said with a smile.

Of course, he could see that Su Miaoyue and Lu Pingping were looking for him in a hurry.

He just made a joke to ease the atmosphere.

When people are too anxious, their thinking will be disordered to a certain extent, and it is easy to miss some important information.

"Thank you." Su Miaoyue also calmed down.

"Here's what happened. This morning, Pingping and I were killing monsters in Howling Mountains.……"

After recounting the incident, Su Miaoyue handed the Ritual Tear Item to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu took the badge, checked its properties, and smiled.

"It's just as I expected."

As early as when the bishop of the Church of Pain in the neighboring city was being hunted down and told him that the Church of Tear was madly targeting the Church of Pain, he guessed that the Church of Tear might also summon the Demon God's clone in the ranking match by mixing in the ritual objects.

Now, seeing the Rift Ritual Objects, it can be regarded as confirming his guess.

"Do you know what this is?"Su Miaoyue looked at Chen Yu in astonishment.

"Yes, I know, as you can see, tearing the ritual object."Chen Yu said

"Of course I know." Su Miaoyue said anxiously,"I asked, what will the tearing ritual summon?"

"It's just a clone of the Abyss Demon God." Chen Yu replied,"It's not a big problem."

"That's good." Su Miaoyue breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wait, what did you say? The clone of the Abyss Demon God?!!!"

"Yes."Chen Yu nodded,"What's the problem?"

This is a big problem!

Su Miaoyue was mad.

That's the Abyss Demon!

For creatures outside the Abyss world, the Abyss Demon is generally regarded as a"terrorist","manic psychopath", or"a madman who loves destruction".

Even in the orderly Tenglong Empire of Blue Star, the Abyss Demon is still able to stop children from crying at night.

"Since you know something about the ritual objects, do you know any way to stop the demon's clone from coming?" Su Miaoyue asked hopefully.

"There is no way."

Once the ritual is started, it will not be interrupted unless most of the ritual objects are destroyed before the ritual is completed.

Even if the tearing ritual object in Su Miaoyue's hand fails, it cannot prevent the tearing ritual from being completed.

What's more, Chen Yu had never thought of stopping the arrival of the Demon God's clone. This is a great opportunity to fleece the Abyss Demon God, why should he stop it?

"What should we do then?"

Su Miaoyue's heart was filled with fear.

It seemed that a terrifying demon god would descend from the void and tear her into pieces.

""It's better to eat salty radishes than to worry about them." Chen Yu glanced at Su Miaoyue and said,"What does the arrival of the demon god's clone have to do with you?"

"This is a college entrance examination accident, the college entrance examination organizing department should be responsible for it, it is not your concern"

"Even if you really encounter the devil's clone and you can't defeat it, can't you just run away?"

"Yes, it seems that it really has nothing to do with me."

Su Miaoyue suddenly realized.

If she couldn't beat him, she could still make a move!

With the teleportation emblem, her safety was guaranteed. There were so many high-level NPCs in the dungeon, there must be someone who could hold back the Demon God's clone, right?

"It has something to do with me!" Lu Pingping wanted to cry but had no tears.

She had brought this Ritual Tear Artifact into the examination room!

"Anyway, don't worry."

"I believe the examination center will handle these issues."

"In addition, if you know the location of the demon's clone, please tell me in time!"

"By the way, these are for you."

Chen Yu poured out a large pile of various emblems.

Countless dazzling blue and purple lights almost blinded Su Miaoyue and Lu Pingping on the spot.

"Oh my God!"

Lu Pingping knelt down on the spot.

She held up a handful of emblems in both hands, and then one by one they slipped through her fingers.

""Ding-ling-ling" the emblem fell to the ground, and the crisp sound of metal collision was heard.

This is the sound of money! The most beautiful music in the world!

Su Miaoyue is not much better.

Although the emblem is only effective in the dungeon.

But according to the purchasing power of the emblem in the dungeon world, the emblems thrown by Chen Yu alone can buy several Su families! It has only been five days since entering the dungeon!

Is this the speed of making money, still human?

"Take advantage of this time to earn more college entrance examination points. I'm leaving first."

Chen Yu took out the Book of Emblems and started to rub back to the city.


Su Miaoyue quickly grabbed Chen Yu, interrupting his spellcasting, and handed him a seal.

"Take this, it will be convenient for you to contact me.���Heraldry, view properties

【Communication Emblem]

Quality: Rare

Effect: Both parties holding the same set of communication emblems can communicate with each other for a maximum of 5 minutes per day

"Isn't this just a super weakened walkie-talkie? There is actually such an emblem?"

Chen Yu was surprised.

He had fought so many monsters, but he had never seen such an emblem.

"I got this from a quest." Su Miaoyue explained,"This kind of emblem can only be purchased from the large emblem shop in the royal city, except when completing quests. Monsters will not drop it."

"It seems to be true."

Chen Yu remembered that the teleportation emblem he used was also stolen from the bearded boss at the beginning... borrowed.

Monsters have never dropped similar functional emblems.

"See you later."

Chen Yu placed the communication emblem into the Book of Emblems, and then activated the transmission emblem.

Ten seconds later, it turned into white light and disappeared.......................

Dragon City.

After Chen Yu returned, he quickly found a place in the wilderness and moved the magic ritual object from the Supreme Holy Land. He was busy fighting monsters these days and almost forgot about the Church of Pain.

As soon as the ritual object appeared, it began to emit a rich scarlet light, exactly the same as the tearing ritual object he had seen before.

Chen Yu picked up a large Band-Aid and checked the properties.

【[Pain Ritual Item]

Quality: Myth

Effect: Within a certain range, if there are a certain number of Pain Ritual Items, the Pain Ritual will be automatically started

Description: The ritual item of the 1040 Abyss Engineering Special Engineer. After the ritual is completed, the engineer's clone will be summoned to give you a lecture, deeply analyzing the benefits of joining the Abyss for talented professionals, as well as the various possibilities and probabilities of becoming a god after entering the Abyss. Family members, listen to the applause!

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