"Boom boom——"

The earth trembled, and thunderous sounds rang out.

Not long after the defense line of the Barrier City was set up, the monster wave had already come into sight.

There was no confrontation between the two armies, no commanders challenging each other, and even no communication between the two sides.

Monsters are just monsters, with simple minds, and they will only obey the orders of their leaders.

Facing the defense line in front of the Barrier City, the monster torrent did not stop at all, like a raging wave hitting the shore, rushing forward without hesitation.

1,000 meters

800 meters

600 meters


In a few seconds, the monster had rushed to within 300 meters of the fortress city.

"All attack!"

The commander of the Fortress City, who was in charge of the frontline command, immediately issued the attack order.

On the city wall, arrow towers, turrets, crossbow carts, and various long-range units were deployed in full force.

Cannonballs, arrows, and various magics rained down on the dense group of monsters, instantly causing a large number of monster casualties.

However, the number of monsters was too large.

The gap caused by the long-range attack was quickly filled up.

After several rounds of long-range attacks, the heavy cavalry troops of the Fortress City also began to move.

Thousands of horses galloped and charged towards the monster torrent.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of cavalry had collided with hundreds of thousands of monsters.


The cavalry commander who was at the front raised his great sword.

A huge sword-shaped shadow dozens of meters long extended from the great sword, slashing forward with the force of thunder.


In an instant, dust flew up, and countless monsters were chopped into pieces.

More monsters on both sides of the sword-shaped phantom were knocked away.

In front of the cavalry commander, a vacuum corridor dozens of meters long suddenly appeared.

The cavalry charging in the front arrow formation pierced into the monster torrent along the incision.

It was like a hot knife cutting butter, cutting the entire monster torrent in half.

When the cavalry cut through the monster line, the infantry army of the fortress city had already engaged the enemy in close combat.


A three-meter-tall ogre holding a huge wooden stick smashed down on a soldier's head.

The soldier was unable to defend himself, and his head exploded like a smashed watermelon.

At the same time, the spears of the other soldiers pierced the ogre's body.

Beside the ogre, a large group of goblins rushed up and instantly tore several soldiers into pieces.

The horn of slaughter has been sounded, and countless monsters and soldiers from the Fortress City are crushed by the wheels of war every moment.

This chaotic scene is undoubtedly what the examinees like to see the most.

The examinees with free identities and flexible movements went around to the side of the monster army and kept harassing and raiding.

If you can beat them, fight them, if you can't beat them, run away, and never get entangled too much when encountering powerful monsters.

A corner of the battlefield. More than a hundred people from the Tianxia League team formed a pocket formation and put a group of monsters in it.

Yuanxiao and Li Hao rushed left and right among a group of monsters and killed them one by one.

"These monsters are all worth double points! Kill them! Kill them hard!"Yuan Xiao was covered in blood and yelled excitedly.

""Hahahaha! Cool! It's so cool!"

Min Hongyi held the machine gun in both hands, the muzzle flashed with blue flames, and it sprayed out streams of metal, harvesting to her heart's content.

Beside her, Li Wei raised a large shield and faced the monster's charge head-on, standing like an iron tower.

Throughout the battlefield, tens of thousands of candidates showed their magical powers and continuously reduced the number of monster armies.

Directly in front, the infantry units and city wall defenses of the Rampart City also withstood most of the pressure.

In the middle of the monster army, there were countless cavalry charging back and forth, cutting the battlefield.

As time passed, the balance of war gradually tilted towards the Rampart City.

The commander of the Rampart City front-line war breathed a sigh of relief, seeing the hope of defending the Rampart City and waiting for reinforcements to arrive.

At this time, at the back of the battlefield.

Xiao Yan sat on Chen Yu's thigh, yawned boredly, and said with a pout:"Master, there's no point in watching them fight, it would be better if I didn't burn them all!"

"There is no need for that."Chen Yu shook his head.

Although the original elves are very strong, their level limits their combat effectiveness and they cannot release forbidden spells multiple times.

Although the copy judged that his side is much stronger than the Horadric Kingdom, he is sure that more than 95% of his strength is concentrated on a few distant elves.

In the next period of time, the intensity of the battle is very high, and there are also demon clones that may appear at any time.

He must always ensure that the status of several original elves is intact to deal with any possible emergencies.

On the battlefield now, it seems that the Barrier City has the upper hand, but in fact it is because he only sent out cannon fodder monsters of level 60 or 70 to disrupt the opponent's defense formation.

The real main force of the monster army has not yet taken action.

Chen Yu looked at the direction of the battlefield.

A small half of his cannon fodder troops have been wiped out.

The rest have been divided and surrounded, and it is only a matter of time before they are completely wiped out.

However, because of this, the line of the Barrier City has become scattered.

"Now, it's almost time"

""All-out charge!"

Chen Yu immediately gave the order, and all high-end combat forces were pressed forward.

More than 20 BOSSs above level 150 led the elite monsters and high-level monsters to launch a charge.

Soon, some candidates discovered Chen Yu's actions with the help of the war map.

Although they had not seen it with their own eyes, a large area of red skulls representing BOSSes on the map were moving quickly towards them, and everyone knew that something bad was going to happen. At the edge of the battlefield, white beams of light suddenly lit up, and a large number of candidates were directly teleported away.

The candidates also relied on the omniscience of the map to see that the opponent's main force had not moved, so they Dare to stay in the Barrier City to get a wave of cannon fodder points.

At this time, seeing thousands of BOSS rushing over in a mighty manner, how dare they stay?

Including the candidates from the three major alliances, Tianxia League, Liudu League, and Shengshi League, they did not have the slightest idea of fighting the BOSS troops head-on.

When the elite monster troops under Chen Yu arrived at the battlefield, they did not even see the shadow of the candidates.

Only some candidates who were scoring by remote means on the city wall were still persisting.

However, when they saw the more than 20 BOSS above level 150 who served as the vanguard, they lost interest one after another and returned to the city to escape on the spot.


Without any surprises, when the elite monster army joined the battle, the defense line of the Barrier City quickly collapsed.

The commander of the Barrier City fled on the city's teleportation array, taking away the remaining elite defenders of the Barrier City.

The monster army under Chen Yu marched into the Barrier City in a mighty manner, and the plant life spread into the streets and alleys, looking for any life that could be devoured.

【Tip: You have conquered the Fortress City, and the progress of the final mission has increased (1/21)】

【Tip: Complete the faction mission to expand the territory, and the college entrance examination points will be +5W]

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