After breaking through the Barrier City, Chen Yu's territory of influence expanded again.

All the monsters within the Barrier City also became his subordinates and joined the Monster Army.

The cannon fodder lost in breaking through the Barrier City was immediately replenished.

As for why he could command the monsters in the territory, but his Horadric Kingdom could not, Chen Yu was not sure, and could only attribute it to the copy mechanism.

Due to limited time, Chen Yu did not stay in the Barrier City, and immediately led the monster army to move forward.

Three hours later, they arrived at the second main city near the front line.

There was no defensive force in the city at all, only some old and weak soldiers who had no time to retreat.

The monster army rushed up and quickly occupied the city, and then took advantage of the night to move towards the next main city.

Until the next morning, Chen Yu had broken through the third and fourth main cities along the way.

Except for some sporadic candidates who took advantage of the situation along the way and killed a few monsters, there was no decent resistance.

Chen Yu felt a little strange, so he contacted Su Miaoyue through the communication emblem.

Su Miaoyue told Chen Yu that the Kingdom of Horadric had contacted the Snowfield Giant City and was ready to join forces with the Stuart Empire to fight against the dragon forces.

It turned out that the giant city was completely empty, with only some adventurers left.

So, they were scared and retreated directly to the royal city, ready to gather all their strength and fight to the death.

All other main cities were abandoned to buy time to make some pre-war arrangements.

When Chen Yu heard the news, he divided his monster army and plant life into three groups without saying a word, with two elves leading each group to attack different main cities.

Sure enough, there were no tough bones to chew along the way, and the monster army won victory after victory.

On the seventh day of the ranking competition, six main cities were captured.

On the eighth day of the ranking competition, eight main cities were captured.

On the ninth day of the ranking competition, the remaining two main cities were also swept away.

Chen Yu's monster army expanded rapidly like a snowball.

By the morning of the tenth day, the number of cannon fodder monsters had reached millions!

The morning of the tenth day of the ranking competition.

The mighty monster army has already arrived at the Horadric King City area, no more than 30 kilometers away from the King City.

In fact, at noon on the ninth day, Chen Yu had already conquered 20 main cities.

However, due to the high-intensity march in the past few days, the monster army has become a mess.

Monsters of different races are crowded together, and conflicts continue.

If it weren't for Chen Yu's orders, I'm afraid they would have started to kill each other.

Just in time, Chen Yu ordered a day of rest and integrated the monster army.


The Horadric Palace.

On the city walls, arrow towers, turrets, magic towers and other defensive facilities were hastily built, almost crowded together.

Outside the city walls, there were densely packed pits, chevaux de frise and other lethal traps.

The army surrounded the city walls, ready for battle.

Candidates were also densely distributed all over the battlefield, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

In the Horadric Palace, the king, wearing a heavy golden crown, was anxious and paced back and forth in front of the throne.

"Your Majesty, there is news over there."

The queen came in from outside the palace, looking unhappy.

"What's the situation?" The king immediately raised his head with hope.

But when he saw the queen's gloomy expression, his heart sank.

He sighed and said,"My father told me that the Stuart Empire did not withdraw its troops from the Snowfield City. In fact, they are also looking for people from the Snowfield City!"

"Could it be possible that the people of a huge city could disappear without leaving any trace?" The king said in disbelief,"What should we do now? Can your father support us?"

"No." The queen smiled bitterly and shook her head."The empire sent people to conduct urgent research, but still couldn't find the reason for the damage to the teleportation array."

"Now, we can only rely on ourselves!"

At this moment, a blood-red pillar of light suddenly rose from the ground outside the temple and rushed straight into the sky.

"what is that?"

"It seems like there is a kind of... very oppressive atmosphere."

The king and queen hurriedly walked out of the palace.

Before they could call the guards to find the source of the light pillars, scarlet light pillars suddenly rose one after another in the entire royal city.

Hundreds of light pillars came forward and quickly attracted everyone's attention.

The city guards responsible for maintaining order quickly found the source of the light pillars.

They were black badges engraved with six interlaced bloodstains.

Some of the badges were even hidden on the candidates!


At the same time, in Kyoto, at the Tenglong Empire College Entrance Examination Command Headquarters, an examiner in charge of monitoring the dungeon hurriedly approached the chief examiner of this year's college entrance examination, the ninth-order profound master Hua Yanjun.

"Mr. Chief Examiner, I just found traces of extremely high-purity Abyssal Magic during my routine inspection of the ranking match dungeon."

"Abyssal magic of extremely high purity? Are you a candidate for the demon profession?"Lord Hua Yan opened his eyes and asked slowly

"No, it is impossible for a novice professional candidate to possess that level of abyssal magic power." The examiner said anxiously,"I suspect that only a strong person at least above the eighth level can possess that level of abyssal magic power!"

"Abyssal magic power of the forbidden strongman level?" Hua Yan's face condensed,"Let's go to the control center and take a look."

""Yes, sir."

Lord Hua Yan and the examiner who came to report walked forward and entered a hall full of complicated array patterns.

In the middle of the hall, there was a crystal base.

Above the base floated a light blue vortex with a diameter of four or five meters.

This vortex was the"body" of the college entrance examination ranking match copy portal, and it was also the copy control center.

Lord Hua Yan stretched out his hand and pressed on the blue portal, sensing it carefully.

After a few seconds, his face became solemn.

"Where is the dungeon monitoring screen? Pull it up for me! I want to see the implementation status in the dungeon!"

"Yes, sir, please follow me!"

The examiner immediately led the way and took Lord Hua Yan to another hall.

In the hall, there were dozens of college entrance examination inspectors. In front of each inspector, there was a white crystal stone, projecting the real-time scene in the copy.

Lord Hua Yan pulled aside a prosecutor, sat down next to the crystal stone, and began to control the crystal stone to move the monitoring screen

""Everyone! Something's happening!"

Suddenly, a test tube stood up and shouted loudly.

"What's going on?"Lord Hua Yan stood up suddenly.

""Mr. Chief Examiner!"

All the inspectors saw Lord Hua Yan and immediately stood up to salute.

Lord Hua Yan didn't have time to pay attention. He walked directly to the examiner who called and looked at the picture projected by the white crystal.

In the picture, scarlet beams of light rose from the ground, intersecting and converging in mid-air, gradually forming a complex pattern that seemed chaotic but had traces to follow.

"This is……"

""Devil, God, Ritual, Style!"

Lord Hua Yan's face suddenly changed, and he gritted his teeth and said these four words.

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