In the monitoring room, all the supervisors were shocked.

"What? Demonic ritual?"

"A demonic ritual to summon the demon's incarnation?"

"How is it possible? How could the Demon God Ritual be activated in the College Entrance Examination Ranking Competition copy?"

"All prosecutors, listen to my orders!"Lord Hua Yan shouted angrily.

The prosecutors immediately became solemn and stopped discussing.

"Immediately report the news of the Demonic Ritual appearing in the ranking competition copy to the Imperial Emergency Response Department, and summon all examination officials at the General Command Center to immediately unlock the ranking competition copy and expel all candidates from the copy!"

"In addition, notify all examination management personnel at or above level one to come to the monitoring room for a meeting!"

"But sir……"

The examiner next to him wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a scolding from Lord Hua Yan.

"No buts! Do it now! I'll take responsibility if anything goes wrong!"


All supervisors in the monitoring room left immediately and dispersed to various areas of the command center.

Soon after, a shrill alarm sounded in the command center.

"Hopefully, it's not too late!"

Lord Hua Yan took a deep breath, sat next to the white crystal, and stared nervously at the picture projected by the crystal.

The college entrance examination system of the Tenglong Empire is strict. Even a ninth-rank expert cannot directly unlock the lock of the ranking competition copy.

It is necessary to summon professionals scattered all over the country who are responsible for encrypting and locking the college entrance examination copy to work together to crack it.

And this process will undoubtedly take a certain amount of time.

The Demon God Ritual is almost complete.

No one knows what the demon god who is about to descend will do to the candidates.

Although the candidates have a protection mechanism in the copy, they will directly exit the copy after death.

But the demon god's ability is weird, and whether the protection mechanism can protect the candidates is still unknown.

Now, all he can do is pray.


College entrance examination live broadcast room.

The ultimate showdown is imminent, and the camera is naturally locked on the Horadric Royal City.

A large number of candidates gathered together, including many super geniuses, and the screen switched back and forth between these super geniuses.

Before the two sides went to war, the two hosts continued to introduce the hopes of the new generation of the Tenglong Empire to the audience.

Suddenly, a series of scarlet beams of light appeared in the screen.

The army and candidates in the royal city also showed obvious signs of panic when the beams of light appeared.

The orc who was introducing the genius candidates in Xidu City was stunned for a moment, and tried to search his memory, but found that he had no impression of these light beams.

In desperation, he could only pretend that nothing had happened and continue to explain.

At the same time, he winked at the little dumpling next to him.

"What is this? Is it some kind of magic circle in the royal city?"

When encountering something he had never seen before, the little dumpling immediately consulted the examiner behind him.

"No." The examiner answered with certainty,"There is no such defensive magic array in the royal city."

"So what is this?"

"I don't know."The examiner shook his head.

Orc Bushui and Xiaoxiaotuanzi turned back at the same time and glared at the examiner.

The two swore that this was definitely the most difficult large-scale competition commentary they had ever done.

Not only did various unexpected situations occur frequently, but the examiner sent by the official to assist was like an idiot and didn't know anything.

In desperation, the two had to commentate according to the established plan.

The host pretended not to see it, but the audience was not blind.

A large number of barrages began to discuss the red beam of light.

"What on earth are those red lights? Why do they look so eerie?"

"Is it a signal light? The demon sent by the dragon force to the royal city raised the fire as a signal?"

"Look at the sky. What do these pillars of light draw in the sky? It looks weird."

"I am a formation master. This pattern in the sky looks a bit like some kind of formation."


In a small town in Yuanhai Province of Tenglong Empire, in an underground church that enshrined a demon statue, a group of professionals in black robes silently watched the college entrance examination live broadcast.

Until they saw the light column rise and gather into a pattern in the sky, everyone smiled wildly and cruelly at the same time.

"My God is coming!"

"Great Demon of Tearing, please enjoy the delicious sacrifice!"

"Kami, I believe this year's geniuses from the Tamron Empire will surely satisfy you!".............................

Jiangyang City, Dongfeng Town, underground church.

Bishop Liu Peng stared at the live broadcast of the college entrance examination. When he saw the beam of light rising into the sky, he immediately showed an excited look.

But when he observed the pattern in the sky, his face suddenly changed.

""Your Excellency, my God is about to descend, shouldn't you be happy? Why do you look so unhappy?" a priest nearby asked in confusion.

Liu Peng gritted his teeth and said,"Did you see clearly? That pattern is the pattern of the Tearing Ceremony! The one who is about to descend is not my God, but the Tearing Demon God!"

"What? It's the Tear Demon God?"

"The scum that tore apart the church actually also had the attributes of a ritual object?"

"Hiding the properties of ritual objects is a unique creation of our Church of Pain. It was made by my God himself, so it was successful!"

"There must be a traitor in the church who defected to the Tear Church and reported the method of hiding the ritual objects to the Tear Demon!"

"Damn it! No wonder the church was like a mad dog biting everyone it saw some time ago. It turns out that it wanted to compete with us for the fat piece of meat in the college entrance examination ranking competition!"

"Don't be anxious yet!" Liu Peng said in a deep voice,"The one who entered the ranking match in person must have known about this situation."

"That person is the archbishop appointed by my God, so he must have a plan to deal with it."

"The geniuses of this generation of the empire will surely fall into the arms of my God!".............................

In the ranking match,

Chen Yu was playing with a tearing ritual object in his hand, quietly looking at the strange pattern in the sky.

"It's just this time"

"According to the Church of Pain, the demon's avatar will descend at the place where the ritual objects are most densely packed."

"Judging from the current situation, the place with the most Ritual of Tearing artifacts should be the Horadric Royal City."

"Well, we can clean them up together."

From Chen Yu's perspective, the entire Horadric City was shrouded in a red beam of light.

The place with the most ritual objects must be the Horadric City.

"However, Yunasifus's ritual object has not reacted yet. I guess it's because I took it out too late."

A few days ago, Chen Yu took out the pain ritual object.

It had been placed outside the Dragon City before.

After the final battle, in order to have close contact with Yunasifus as soon as possible, he kept the pain ritual object with him.

At this time, the pain ritual object was not much different from when it was just taken out.

Although the red light was shining, it had not yet formed a light column like the one that tore the ritual object apart.

"It looks like the clone of the Ripping Demon will soon appear."

"And Una Sivers will take some time"

"I think it's unrealistic to see two demons tearing each other apart."

"Tsk, it's my fault, I must correct it next time, and try to give my god Yuna Sivers a chance to shine and start a world-shaking war!"

Fortunately, Yuna Sivers and Chen Yu were separated by thousands of worlds, and could not hear Chen Yu's call.

Otherwise, I would sing a song for Chen Yu: Listen to me, thank you...

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