Horadric Royal City.

Many candidates believed that the appearance of the red light column might mean some hidden mission, so they searched for the source of the light column everywhere.

The Ripping Ritual Object, which was removed from its hiding place, soon appeared in front of the candidates.

Some candidates who were seeking safety felt that things were strange and quickly fled the Royal City, including those who knew the source of the Ripping Ritual Object.

Some candidates also believed that the thing summoned by the Ripping Ritual might be a hidden BOSS, and they were not afraid, but full of anticipation.

Thirty kilometers outside the Royal City.

After seeing the red light column, Chen Yu led the monster army towards the direction of Horadric Royal City.

Not to attack the city, but to wait for the arrival of the Demon God's clone.

In less than ten minutes, the monster army moved within the visible range of the Royal City.

The Royal City defenders suddenly became nervous.

In the eyes of the Royal City NPC, compared with the weird red light column whose source is unknown, the monster army is obviously a greater threat to them. The magic tower began to charge urgently.

In the turret, the shells have been loaded.

The bowstring of the crossbow cart was stretched, and the giant crossbow arrows, which were two meters long, were aimed at the outside of the city.

The war was about to break out.

However, the monster army did not take any further action, but stopped five kilometers away from the royal city.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The two armies faced each other from a distance, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

The candidates who stayed in the royal city were eager to fight and were extremely excited.

After all, after so many days of development, the time for harvest has finally arrived.

Chen Yu was still sitting in the huge lily, silently watching the scarlet pattern in the sky.

"Sir, does that pattern have any special meaning?"Delia couldn't help but ask softly

"That is a magic circle for a summoning ritual."Chen Yu said,"It will summon an avatar of the Abyss Demon God to descend."

"Summon the Abyss Devil!!!" Delia covered her mouth and exclaimed,"Father would actually do such a thing? Is he crazy?"

Chen Yu glanced at Delia calmly,"I don't know if your father is crazy, but he can't do such a thing."

"The ritual item for summoning the demon god was brought in by a player like me."

"Then... Sir, should we retreat?" Delia asked fearfully.

The Abyss Demon God is a well-known existence no matter where he is.

The Horadric Kingdom is no exception.

"Retreat?" Chen Yu raised a smile,"Why retreat? The Demon God clone is an extra score."

Delia swallowed her saliva, and her awe of Chen Yu went up a level.

The Abyss Demon God is a terrifying existence that is said to destroy the world as easily as eating and drinking.

And Chen Yu actually regarded such an existence as prey!

At this moment, in the Horadric Royal City, all the ritual objects shattered at the same time, and the red light column disappeared into thin air.

However, the strange pattern in the sky shone brightly.

Lines like blood painted on the lines twisted and wriggled like a long snake.

A moment later, a huge blood-colored light column suddenly projected from the strange pattern in the sky.

Everyone in the royal city looked at this huge light column at the same time.

Many candidates immediately looked towards He rushed to the location of the blood-red light column, ready to launch an attack as soon as the BOSS appeared.

The light column landed outside the city, very close to the city wall.

A large group of candidates suddenly gathered on the section of the city wall close to the light column.

A few seconds later, the pattern in the sky and the light column disappeared at the same time.

Where the light column was originally located, stood a three-meter-tall, red humanoid monster.

There were two curved horns on both sides of the temples of the humanoid monster's head.

His muscles were tangled all over his body, and because there was no skin covering his body, he could even clearly see the thick muscle fibers.

He had only four fingers on his hands, and each fingertip had a blood-red nail as sharp as a knife.

"The image is far worse than Yuna Sivers." Chen Yu looked at the back of the demon and gave a bad review in his heart.

Although Yuna Sivers' demon form is also three meters tall and red-skinned, it is at least a human face, with regular features and a hot body.

It can make those special enthusiasts who like to stand on a small bench and drive a big car excited at a glance.

And this tearing demon god can only be said to look like a human.

Not to mention looking at it up close, even looking at it from a distance can feel a sense of abstract painting style

【The Tear Demon Estramik. Level 100 Special Gold BOSS】

"Level 100 special gold BOSS? Something!" Chen Yu narrowed his eyes.

The original elves under his command were only level 50 special silver BOSS.

The attributes of the tearing demon god Estramik would definitely crush the original elves.

However, the strength of the original elves lies in the ability to use forbidden spells.

No matter how strong the tearing demon god's clone is, it is only the peak of the first turn. It is absolutely impossible to resist the forbidden spell.

Once the forbidden spell is used, even a level 100 gold BOSS will be killed instantly.

At this time, the candidates on the city wall also began to attack the tearing demon god's clone.

Even if the information of the demon god's clone was detected, the candidates were not afraid.


A mage took the lead and threw a basketball-sized fireball at the demon boss.


The fireball hit the chest of the demon boss, and a wisp of black smoke came out.

The health bar of the demon boss did not move at all.

""Damn, such a high magic resistance." The mage candidate cursed inwardly and began to cast more powerful magic.

At this time, the other candidates also reacted and fired at the demon.

Because of the large number of people, even the melee candidates jumped off the wall and rushed forward to attack.

"Continuous rain of arrows!"

"Ice cone technique!"

"Charged arrow!"

"Wind Blade Technique!"

"Eat my Xiao Li Flying Dagger!"

"The secret meaning, the instant prison thousand-year kill!"

"A flash of cold light came first, and then the gun shot out like a dragon!"


The overwhelming attacks fell on the demon boss.

However, the demon boss's health bar remained as stable as a rock, with no sign of reduction.

After a round of attacks, the candidates were stunned.

Just now, there were at least a thousand people taking action, and the types of attacks were even more varied.

However, the boss didn't lose any blood at all!

How high is the resistance of this boss?

At this moment, the boss moved.

Its head turned 180 degrees, looking at the candidate holding a spear behind him and stabbing hard, revealing a cruel smile

"What a living sacrifice!"


The spear candidate was startled and quickly drew back his spear and turned to run.

However, the next moment, the demon boss appeared in front of him.

"Use your blood to start this tearing feast!"

A bloody hand instantly pierced the chest of the spear candidate.


The spear candidate spat out a mouthful of blood, revealing a look of pain.

Then, another bloody hand grabbed his shoulders and gently pulled them to the sides.

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