"Ka La——"

The sound of flesh shattering and bones breaking could be heard.

The spear candidate's body was torn in half, and blood spurted out several meters away.


"What a delicious soul!"

The demon boss took a deep breath and showed an intoxicated expression.

"Unfortunately, his weak body is not even qualified to be food."

After saying that, the demon boss loosened his hands.

The two pieces of the spear candidate's body fell to the ground with a muffled"pop" sound.

"This idiot, knowing that the BOSS is powerful, still dares to be greedy for damage, but in the end, he didn't deal any damage and his life is gone."

An archer on the wall said disdainfully


The warrior teammate next to the archer nudged his shoulder and pointed in the direction of the demon boss.

"What are you looking at? We can't take down this BOSS. We can't break its defense at all. Let's save our strength and wait for the monster to attack the city."The archer said helplessly.

"That's not what I'm talking about." The soldier teammate showed a trace of fear,"Look, the body of the man who was just killed!"

"Corpse? What's wrong with the corpse? It was a miserable death, but that's all, right? There are more disgusting scenes in doomsday dungeons."The bow and arrow sneered and said,"Are you afraid?"

""Have you never thought about it?" The warrior's voice trembled a little,"We are now in the college entrance examination ranking competition copy!"

"Why... did he leave the body behind?"

"Why... leave a body behind?"The archer candidate was stunned.

Then, a piercing chill rose, as if he had fallen into a glacier that had existed for thousands of years.

He suddenly realized that in the ranking competition copy, if a candidate's health was reduced to zero and he died, he would be directly exited from the copy.

In the eyes of others, he would turn into a white stream of light and disappear.

Moreover, there is a protection mechanism in the ranking competition copy.

When a candidate is attacked, he will only lose health and feel pain, and at most bleed a little, but will not really suffer serious physical damage.

As for the spear candidate, his health had long been emptied, but he did not turn into a white stream of light and disappear.

Instead, his body was broken into two pieces and was thrown on the ground at random.

The blood that kept spurting out had already dyed a large area of the ground red.

"He, he's dead! Really dead!"


It wasn't just the archers and warriors.

Most of the candidates noticed that the body of the spear candidate didn't disappear.

If a professional left a body after the HP was reduced to zero, it meant that the person was really dead!

Regardless of whether the person who left the body had any additional means of resurrection, at least this time, he was really dead!

The candidates were in a commotion.

"How come? Isn't there a protection mechanism for ranked match copies?"

"No! There is a protection mechanism! My teammate died yesterday, and I saw clearly that he had exited the dungeon!"

"But why was that person just now?"

"Could it be the golden boss demon? I found out that its name is the tearing demon Estramik!"

"It must be because of that demon boss! Anyone killed by that demon boss will actually die!"


The examinees on the city wall immediately scattered and fled.

Facing the threat of real death, how could the examinees dare to stay?

The strength of the level 100 gold BOSS was far different from theirs.

Before, they dared to attack the BOSS because they wanted to get more damage and try to get some gains after the BOSS died.

But now, the little gains they might get are not proportional to the risks they bear. Of course, they retreated as soon as possible to save their lives!


Seeing the candidates fleeing in panic, the demon boss laughed wildly

"Sacrifices, panic, flee!"

""Let me enjoy the thrill of chasing prey!"

After saying that, it leaped onto the wall. It grabbed a slower candidate with both hands and lifted him into the air.

""No! No! Save me, save me quickly!"

The examinee cried desperately.

The demon boss watched his face twisted by fear with pleasure, and whispered in his ear:"No one will save you!"

"You can only face death alone!"

"Your soul will become a sacrifice to the abyss!"

"You die!"

The examinee's face was grim, he drew out the dagger from his waist and stabbed the demon boss's arm.


The sound of metal colliding was heard.

The sharp blade did not cause the demon boss to shed even a drop of blood.

"I like prey that resists!"

"Death in the struggle is the most delicious death!"

The demon boss grinned, and with both hands, he tore the examinee in half.

Scarlet blood sprayed on its head and flowed down its cheeks.

It cast its eyes on the examinees who were running for their lives.

"Who is next?"

"Abyss Demon, Die!"

At this moment, a level 150 commander BOSS led the NPC soldiers on the city wall and rushed over.

"Fake life, worthless."

The demon boss looked at the NPC soldier indifferently and stretched out an arm.


A scarlet light flashed.

All the NPC soldiers that stood in its way, including the level 150 commander BOSS, were shredded into pieces.

Then, it looked again at the examinees who were fleeing along the city wall.

"A life with talent will make the soul more delicious!"


"Its target is indeed the examinee."

Chen Yu stood on the high platform built by the thorn demon spirit with vines, observing the demon boss's every move.

"However, I didn't expect it to actually have the means to kill the examinee directly in the copy."

"Hou Tu, solidify the atoms, shorten the chanting time as much as possible, and control the abyss demon as quickly as possible."

At this time, most of the candidates were in the royal city.

Su Miaoyue, Li Wei, and the descendants of the two forbidden masters were probably also in the royal city.

The demon had the ability to kill people in the dungeon. If they were not solved quickly, they might be in danger.

Su Miaoyue was fine. With Chen Yu's previous reminder, she would not join in the fun.

Li Wei was not sure.

"Master, I need to get closer, at least within a two-kilometer radius."Hou Tu said solemnly.

"Moreover, I can feel that the essence of that guy is a true god."

"If I start casting a spell, it will definitely sense it and come and attack me."

"Even if you compress the preparation time to the shortest possible, it still takes at least 20 seconds."

"This period of time is enough to break me apart"

"I can delay it for a while." Xiao Miao flew up,"My domain skills can be released instantly to suppress it."

"However, the opponent's essence is god-level, so the effect of the domain will be greatly weakened."

"If it were just me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to delay Hou Tu from completing her control spell."

"But, with Xiao An and I, it's enough." Xiao Guang took Xiao An and flew to Chen Yu, smiling.

Chen Yu frowned,"Will you be in danger?"

"No way!" Xiao An shook his head gently,"Master, you know, the original elves represent the elements themselves."

"Unless we are in a special environment like the back of the world, or unless a being like Mother intervenes, it is impossible to completely kill us."

"Even if our blood volume is emptied and our bodies are broken apart, we will slowly recover."

"It will just hurt a little at most!" Xiao Yan also said passionately, fearlessly,"For the sake of the master, we are not afraid of pain!"

However, when she said this, she was obviously not confident enough.

""Okay, that's settled."

Chen Yu nodded, applied a"plant enhancement" to Hou Tu, and then ordered the monster army:

"All troops, charge!"

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