College Entrance Examination Live Room.

As professional hosts, Orc Bu Xishou and Xiao Xiaotuanzi immediately noticed that the examinee's body had not disappeared.

Although the two could not see the information of the demon boss, they also realized the seriousness of the problem.

The live broadcast room barrage was directly exploded.

"This BOSS looks so strong, so many candidates attacked it together. But they couldn't even take away its health."

"Those red beams of light just now were the prelude to summoning this demon BOSS, right?"

"Wait, why didn't the murdered candidate exit the instance? Why was his body still there?"

"This candidate is dead! Really dead!"

"It's the demon boss! Candidates killed by him will not exit the dungeon, but will die immediately!"

"The demon boss has killed the third person, leaving behind all the corpses without any resurrection!"

"Where's the host? Stop playing dead! Explain what's going on?!"


The two hosts were sweating profusely.

Because this incident was no longer a live broadcast accident, but a college entrance examination accident that had not happened in a century!

This time, before they could ask the examiner in the live broadcast room, the examiner had already taken the initiative to find them.

"This is the message just sent from the college entrance examination command headquarters, you guys take a look."The examiner handed a crystal to the two hosts with a serious face.

The orc took the crystal without washing his hands, read the information, and then handed it to Xiao Xiaotuanzi without saying a word.

After reading it, Xiao Xiaotuanzi also fell silent.

After a few seconds, Xiao Xiaotuanzi took the lead and asked,"What does it mean when something like this happens? Conceal it or announce it?"

"I can't hide it." The examiner smiled bitterly,"I'm afraid many people in the audience have already guessed the true identity of the demon boss."

The orc took a deep breath without washing his hands, feeling heavy-hearted:"In that case, we will explain it in detail to the audience, is that okay?"

"No problem. The examiner nodded and said guiltily,"Thank you for your hard work."

Strictly speaking, the host has nothing to do with the college entrance examination ranking competition. He is only responsible for the scene commentary.

The entry of the demon clone into the examination room is a dereliction of duty by the official department.

However, as a host facing the audience directly, he will inevitably bear the greatest pressure.

Even his entire career may end because of this.

"This live broadcast was not easy at all."The little girl smiled a smile that was uglier than crying.


At the College Entrance Examination Command Headquarters, in the Ranking Competition Dungeon Monitoring Room, a group of senior officials related to the College Entrance Examination gathered together.

Everyone's face was extremely grim, as if they had just received the news that their own mother had passed away.

"Yuchi Qingfeng, tell me, why did you let the live broadcast room announce the accident news just now?"A woman in a green dress glared at the emperor of Hua Yan.

"Don't you know how much impact this kind of thing will have on the entire empire?"

"Not only will the people question the government, but even other national forces will regard our Tenglong Empire as a laughing stock!"

The woman in green is the commander-in-chief of the Tenglong Empire's emergency response department, the Bibo monarch Yu Wujiang.

Like the Huayan monarch, she is a ninth-level profound master.

"I know." Lord Hua Yan said calmly,"Do you think we still have room to hide?"

"It happened in full view of the public"

"If you choose to cover it up with lies, it would be the biggest joke!"

"This incident can be regarded as a warning to us."

"Our Tenglong Empire has been strong and prosperous for too long, and has lost its due vigilance."

"Besides, don’t forget what the original purpose of the college entrance examination live broadcast was!"

""Do you have a plan?" the green-clothed woman asked.

Hua Yanjun sneered,"I have already arranged it. We are just waiting for those bugs to show up on their own.""

"Humph, I hope so." The woman in green snorted coldly, then turned to look at an examiner beside her,"How is the progress of unlocking the ranking competition copy?"

""Commander-in-chief, the unlocking progress has reached 15%, and it is estimated that it will take another hour to completely unlock it." The examiner lowered his head and replied.

"Hurry up!"The Bi Bo monarch frowned and said,"The main target of the Demon God's clone is the candidates. You must know that every second of delay will cause the future pillar of the empire to fall!"

"Yes, sir!"

At this moment, a cry of surprise rang out

""Master Chief Examiner, Master Commander, there is something going on in the dungeon!"

Lord Hua Yan and Lord Bi Bo immediately looked at the surveillance screen.

In the screen, the monster army belonging to the magic dragon force moved.

Like a torrent, it charged towards the Horadric King City.

In less than ten minutes, it had collided with the wall of the Horadric King City.

"Damn it, why did it happen at this time?"

Lord Hua Yan couldn't help but clench his fists.

The Horadric King City was gathering strength to strangle the demon clones that were killing people everywhere.

Although they couldn't cause much damage to the demon clones, they could still play a certain blocking role.

If the monsters started to attack the city, it would inevitably involve some of the Horadric King City's troops.

"This may not be a bad thing."The Bi Bo monarch said after a moment of silence.

"The entry of the Demon Dragon forces at this moment will cause greater chaos and delay the actions of the Demon God's clone."

Suddenly, the Bi Bo monarch looked serious and said to the supervisor who was controlling the screen:

"Wait, turn the camera!"

"Look at the position behind the dragon camp!"

The inspector immediately controlled the crystal and pulled the surveillance camera to the back of the monster wave, the center of the dragon camp.

In the picture, thousands of girls gathered together, dressed in the same uniform, with cold and indifferent faces.

"Judging from their positions, these humanoid monsters have a very high status in the dragon camp."

"However, their feet are in the form of roots, so they should be a kind of highly anthropomorphic plant life, right?"

"This level of anthropomorphism is at least a feature of legendary plant life."

"The quality of the monsters corresponding to the legendary level is better than that of ordinary BOSS, and even a very small number of perfectly developed ones can be comparable to bronze BOSS"

"I don’t remember there being such a large number of plant life bosses in this college entrance examination copy?"

"Yuchi, you are quite familiar with the dungeon. Does the Demon Dragon have such a trump card?"

"How is it possible?"Lord Hua Yan stared at the screen and frowned, saying,"There is no plant life BOSS in the dragon camp!"

Suddenly, Lord Hua Yan noticed that among the expressionless plant life, there was this"alien".

A human boy was lying comfortably in a huge lily.

Kneeling beside him was a blonde woman in a tattered white dress.

Lord Hua Yan immediately asked the inspector to zoom in.

"Is that Princess Delia, the boss of the Dragon Camp?" Lord Bi Bo also stared at the screen and said in confusion,"The boy lying on the ground is actually a candidate?!"

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