"Sorry, I said something wrong." Lord Hua Yan smiled bitterly with guilt.

The Tenglong Empire's new generation of genius professional protection law is an iron law specifically for genius professionals.

The most important one is that it is forbidden to spy on the talents of genius professions in various ways.

Even if a genius professional is suspected of violating the law and needs to be investigated and reviewed, it must be reported to the Imperial Center for approval.

Then the Imperial Center will send someone to investigate, and the results of the investigation will not be disclosed to a second person.

It is precisely because the Tenglong Empire has always protected the new generation of geniuses with iron and blood means that it has a strong centripetal force.

There are very few geniuses who have grown up and betrayed their country.

This mechanism has allowed the Tenglong Empire to be far ahead in the era of professionals and become the undisputed strongest in the Blue Star World.

Other great powers of the old era, such as the White Eagle Empire, like to exploit and oppress with capital means, and even control the new generation of genius professionals, resulting in the inability of the capable to rise and the incompetent to fall.

In terms of cutting-edge combat power, the Tenglong Empire alone accounts for more than one-third of the entire Blue Star. Nowadays , most of the top powerhouses in the Tenglong Empire who have grown up have benefited from the New Generation Professional Protection Act, so they will consciously abide by and maintain it.

"By the way, why would Chen Yu order the monsters to attack at this time?"

Lord Bi Bo did not seize upon Lord Hua Yan's mistake, but continued to observe the copy screen.

"Do you want to take this opportunity to capture the Horadric King City?"

At this moment, in the picture, several exquisite and cute miniature girls flew away from Chen Yu and shot towards the direction of the demon boss.

The Blue Wave Lord was puzzled:"Hey, what is that? Little goblins or flower fairies? No, they don't have wings, they are not..."

"It looks a bit like the larvae of the elves, but there is no halo on the body surface, and it can fly."

"The faction information shows that they are the silver boss of the Demon Dragon faction!"Lord Hua Yan's expression condensed,"That is to say……"

"Six mythical creatures!" Lord Bi Bo was horrified."What does he want to do?"

"Could it be that... he discovered that the Demon's clone was endangering the candidates, so he sent out his trump card to try to fight the Demon's clone and delay time for other candidates to evacuate?"

"What a hero does is not what reason does!"Lord Hua Yan sighed,"Six level 50 mythical creatures can't be a match for the Demon God's clone."

"They are mythical creatures! Losing any one of them would be a huge loss!"

"However, it is undeniable that these mythical creatures can buy a lot of time"

"At least, before the copy is unlocked, it can save the lives of a large number of candidates."

"He was the only candidate in the entire Demon Dragon camp, and the Demon God clone didn't notice him at all."The Blue Wave Lord sighed and said,

"He could have chosen to protect himself, but at this moment he chose to step forward and save his competitor's life."

"Even if we ignore his strength and potential, his personal character alone is admirable!"

"That's right." Hua Yanjun nodded,"In this era, few people can do this."

"Since he chooses to be a hero, we can't let him become an unknown hero!"

"Immediately inform the college entrance examination live program of the situation, so that the public can know the strongest genius of the new generation of our Tenglong Empire."

"In addition, report to the Imperial Security Department and the Ministry of Education to apply for compensation for all losses suffered by candidate Chen Yu in the high-ranking competition copy."

"If the two ministries do not approve, I will personally compensate them."

"After all, I am the highest person in charge of this year's college entrance examination. It is my responsibility that the devil's clone appeared in the ranking competition copy!"

"Our Emergency Response Department also has responsibilities, so count me in."The Bi Bo monarch also said

"Good!" Lord Hua Yan nodded.


College entrance examination live broadcast room.

Two hosts announced the news of the demon god's clone to the public.

The live broadcast room was in an uproar.

Audiences from all over the country who were concerned about the college entrance examination were all shocked.

The college entrance examination organizing department had already been criticized.

In this short period of time, the demon god's clone had killed more than ten candidates again.

This was the result of it"showing mercy".

On the live broadcast stage, the host Beastman did not wash his hands, his eyes were red, his voice was sad, but he still insisted on explaining.

"The demon clone is still attacking the examinees"

"The forces of the Horadric Kingdom tried their best to stop it, but to no avail!"

"Run! Run! Don't look back!"

"Hold on a little longer! Just a little longer!"

"The College Entrance Examination Command Headquarters has begun unlocking the College Entrance Examination copy! It only takes a little time to rescue you all safely!"

"Please! Hold on a little longer! Just a little longer!"

"I have faced the vastness of the abyss and experienced the gaze of the devil."

"I believe in you, as long as you escape this disaster, your life will be smooth sailing. You are brave, you are fearless, you dare to look fear in the face!"

"The copy is over, all of you are the top scorers!"

At this time, in the screen, the monster wave has surged to the wall of the royal city.

However, the two hosts had no time to pay attention to the monsters. Four red eyes stared at the demon clone.

The host's highly contagious voice conveyed emotions to the hearts of every audience.

All the barrages were praying for the candidates.

At this time, an examiner came over and placed a crystal on the live broadcast platform.

"There is new information!"

His voice was hoarse, but his expression was filled with undisguised joy.

The orc grabbed the crystal without washing his hands, and began to browse the information in the crystal with trembling body.

After a moment, joy flashed in his eyes, and he stood up suddenly, propped his hands on the live broadcast platform with a"snap", and said very quickly:

"Dear audience, just now, the College Entrance Examination Command Headquarters brought us good news!"

"At this critical moment, in the copy, a candidate chose to stand up, desperately delaying the demon's clone, protecting the lives of his compatriots, and buying precious time for the command headquarters to unlock the copy!"

"Perhaps you are wondering, how could a candidate possibly delay the devil's clone?"

"But now, I want to tell you!"

"Others may not be able to do it, but he can definitely do it!"

"Because he is the greatest genius in our Tenglong Empire throughout history!"

The live broadcast room immediately reached a climax.

"A candidate held back the demon's clone? The host lost his mind? Do you know what you are talking about?"

"What does it mean to be the greatest genius of all time? When did our generation have such a genius?"

"I remember that in our Yunchuan Province, there was a genius who scored 18,500 points in the first round, but he can definitely not be called the greatest genius of all time, right?"

"That Chen Yu was going to fight against the Demon God's clone? Was he crazy? There was no chance of winning, okay?"

"It's absolutely impossible! The level of the candidates in the dungeon is not higher than level 50, and the Demon God's clone is a level 100 gold boss!"

"What is the concept of a golden boss? It is not for professionals of the same level to fight! Not to mention low-level professionals! And this golden boss is the incarnation of the demon god!"

"The host must have a point! Is there really any super genius in our class?"

"Don't be ridiculous, no matter how strong a genius is, he can't be a match for the Demon God's clone! Forget about the examinees, if you give this Demon God's clone some time, it can even slaughter the entire copy!"

"If there is anyone who can really stand up to fight against the devil's clone, it should be Chen Yu!"

"By the way, how come Chen Yu never got any screen time when he scored so high in the first round?"

"Yes, why haven’t I seen it before?"

"For your information, the built-in camera of the dungeon is a macroscopic camera that expands in all directions from the main cities of the Horadric Kingdom. The camera cannot lock on a specific candidate."

"But, with so many storyboards, we should be able to find this talent, right? And, weren’t there a lot of tracking shots?"

"You have to understand a premise, all tracking shots start with finding the candidates first, and then tracking them. Didn't you notice? All tracking shots start from the main city!"

"That's right. The copy is so large and there are so many candidates. It is impossible to spend a lot of energy to find a specific candidate."

"There are so many geniuses who didn’t get any screen time. Isn’t that the case in all ranking competitions?"

"What are you talking about the lens issue? Take a good look at what kind of person the so-called No. 1 in history is!"

"It is very interesting to see a super genius fighting against the devil's clone, but I don't agree that the host said it is good news!"

"I agree with that! How can this be considered good news? The empire is about to lose a super genius, is that good news? Where is the host's brain?"

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