The orc glanced at the barrage without washing his hands and shouted:"Everyone, don't question it first, just listen to my story!"

"Before today, were there many contents in the live broadcast of the college entrance examination ranking competition that confused you?"

"For example, why did all the NPCs in the Snow City disappear? Where did the NPCs in the Dragon City go? Why did the final battle start early?"

"That’s right, all of this is the masterpiece of this number one genius!"

"On the first day of the ranking competition, he charged forward, entered the dragon's sphere of influence, and successively broke through two dragon main cities!"

"You heard it right!"

"Just one person broke through the city! Break through two cities in a row!"

"Don’t be too surprised, there are more exciting things to come!"

"In the next three days, this genius was unstoppable. He killed his way through all the main cities of the Demon Dragon forces and killed the Demon Dragon, replacing it as the ultimate BOSS of the Demon Dragon camp!"

"Afterwards, he successively broke through the Dark Demon Cult and the Snowfield City, slaughtering the two major hidden forces!"

"Then, he gathered all the wild monsters in the dragon's forces, formed an army, and started the ultimate battle ahead of time!"

"Since the live broadcast cameras were focused on observing the Horadric Kingdom, we had no chance to see his heroic figure on the battlefield."

"We can only get a glimpse of it from his current college entrance examination scores!"

"At this moment when the ranking match has not yet ended, the score of this genius has reached a terrifying 384W!"

"This number has broken the highest record in the college entrance examination ranking competition and is even close to four times the highest record!"

"Don't keep saying"impossible" in the comments! Nothing is impossible in this world!"

"Maybe you think what I said is a fantasy."

"In fact, if the news had not come from the college entrance examination command headquarters, I would not have believed it."

"However, what has happened is an ironclad fact that cannot be questioned."

"I am very honored, because during the live broadcast of the ranking tournament that I hosted, there appeared such an earth-shattering and peerless genius!"

"At the same time, I am also proud! Because this genius has the world in his heart, and in this critical moment, he did not choose to stay out of it, but stood up!"

"Ladies and Gentlemen, perhaps you have already guessed the identity of this talented candidate."

"That's right, he is the top scorer in Yunchuan Province who scored 18,500 points in the first round of the college entrance examination. He is also the top scorer in the country in the first round of this year's college entrance examination!"The live broadcast camera was timely transferred to the Dragon Camp.

At the same time, Chen Yu's reference information and the real-time score of the second round of the ranking competition popped up on the screen.

The sky-high score number shocked all the audience.

"Oh my god! It really is 3.84 million points!"

"It’s incredible, are the geniuses of this class so powerful?"

"Too strong! With such a record in the novice stage, he will definitely become a taboo strongman in the future!"

"Taboo strongman? You underestimate the value of the ranking tournament score record, don't you? You probably forgot what kind of existence the top ten holders of the ranking tournament points table are now?"

"The one who earned 1 million yuan was promoted to heaven, and the one who earned 870,000 yuan was also promoted to heaven. This one’s outrageousness is even worse than theirs. I’m afraid he will also be promoted to heaven in the future, right?"

"He killed his way through the entire dungeon by himself and slaughtered all the forces hidden in the map. In this way, he really has the ability to fight against the Demon's clone!"

"It's hard to say. The strongest monster in the dungeon is a level 200 bronze BOSS, which is no match for the level 100 gold BOSS. Moreover, this gold BOSS is a clone of the devil. I don't know how many hidden tricks it has."

"I think it's feasible! After all, the arrival of the Demon God's clone will be subject to great restrictions. Even the Abyss Demon God must abide by the rules of the dungeon!"

"The point is, shouldn't this kind of genius be protected? Why should he be forced to face an enemy that he cannot face at this stage?"

"That’s right, such a genius should be protected. As long as he grows up safely for a period of time and participates in power wars, I wonder how much terrifying benefits he can gain for our Tenglong Empire!"

"You have to understand that in the ranking competition copy, the outside world cannot convey information. This is his own choice, not a task imposed by the official!"

"So, this person has the ability, but he is really stupid. Shouldn't he protect himself at this time? Wouldn't it be more useful to fight for more resources in the future than to protect these useless candidates?"


In the ranking match, six original elves floated in the sky outside the Horadric King City, watching the demon clone with vigilance. It was the first time since their birth that they had joined forces to attack.

"Everyone, are you ready?"

Hou Tu looked solemn.

This time, she rarely held a sword in her hand.

"No problem."A muffled voice came, as if the speaker was in a can.

The elves looked towards the source of the voice.

They saw a steel figure several times larger than the other elves standing in the air.

"Who are you?" Xiao Miao was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but stepped forward and knocked on the little iron man.

"The sound of"bang, bang, bang" is like hitting a solid piece of iron, proving how solid this armor is.

"If nothing unexpected happens……"Xiao Guang looked around at the Primordial Elves, pinched his chin and said,"This should be our Primordial Fire."

"That's right! I'm Xiao Yan!"The little iron man made a dull sound again

"When did you learn Hou Tu's tricks?" Xiao Miao said in astonishment,"Do you really think that becoming like this will enhance your defense?"

Hou Tu:……

""Okay, stop messing around. Now that we are ready, let's get started!"

After saying that, Hou Tu concentrated her mind and locked onto the Demon God's clone.

Then, she began to chant a silent spell.

With Hou Tu's body as the center, a vast tide of earth elements began to surge.

Feeling the earth elements begin to gather, the other five original elves stopped all their movements at the same time and locked onto the Demon God's clone that was wreaking havoc on the walls of the royal city.


In the Horadric City, the demon boss had just torn a candidate to pieces, and licked the blood on his hands with an intoxicated look.

The next moment, he suddenly raised his head and looked solemnly at the sky outside the city.

"This kind of elemental fluctuation, eighth-level earth magic?"

"Using less than first-level power to cast eighth-level magic"

"I didn’t expect that such a noble existence could exist in such a small clip!"

"However, it is a pity that since you have chosen to be my enemy, you will have no chance to grow up!"

The demon boss sneered, and two huge bat wings suddenly popped out from behind.

Then, the bat wings fluttered slightly and soared into the sky in the direction of the elves.

"It left! I survived!"

A candidate who was running slowly turned around in despair, ready to make a final resistance, but when he saw the demon boss flying away, he suddenly felt great joy at surviving the disaster and knelt down crying.

"Idiot! Hurry up and hide! God knows if that BOSS will come back to kill him!"

The teammate in front saw the BOSS leave, and quickly turned back and pulled the kneeling candidate up.

"Thank you!"

The candidate who was pulled up quickly followed his teammates and continued to escape.

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