"Wait! Wait!" Yuna Sivers shouted hurriedly,"50! I'll give you 50!"

"Wouldn't it be over if you had said that earlier?"

Chen Yu nodded with satisfaction, walked to Yuna Sivers, and spread his palm.

Yuna Sivers reluctantly handed a handful of red crystals to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu took the high-level abyss magic crystals and crushed them one by one.

The more these abyss magic crystals are used, the worse the effect.

After all of them were used up, Chen Yu's abyss magic limit barely reached 1500 points.

""Um, sir, can I go now?" Yuna Sivers asked cautiously.

"Wait, right away."

Chen Yu walked back to his own camp, and took Delia and thousands of plant lives back to the Supreme Holy Land.

Then, he turned to Yuna Sivers and said,"Okay, you can go now."

"Really?" Yuna Sivers asked in disbelief.

"Really!" Chen Yu nodded.

"Thank you, sir!"

Yuna Sivers' eyes flashed with a hint of joy.

In fact, she was still holding back.

This clone was condensed with the power of the abyss, and its value was naturally more than just a few dozen high-level abyss magic crystals.

However, money is something that no one wants, so save it if you can!

Yuna Sivers was immersed in the joy of winning the battle with Chen Yu. She turned around, spread her bat wings happily, and flew into the sky.

At this moment, Chen Yu pouted at the five elves.

Hou Tu pointed at Yuna Sivers, who had not flown far in the sky, in confusion, indicating that taking action at this time would affect the other party, and cast an inquiring look at Chen Yu.

Xiaoguang knocked on Hou Tu's light armor, with an inexplicable smile on his face, pointed at Yuna Sivers, then put his palms together into a hand knife, and cut through the void.

Hou Tu looked at Xiaoguang in surprise, and then looked at Chen Yu.

Chen Yu gave Xiaoguang a thumbs up with a satisfied look.


Hou Tu's eyes rolled, and she suddenly realized what was going on.

Several Primordial Elves stared at each other for a second, and at the same time, they understood what was going on and released the forbidden spell skills they had been planning for a long time.

"The light of despair at the end!"


"Atomic solidification!"

"Meteor shower!"

"Final balance!"

Yuna Sivers, who was flying in the air, suddenly felt a chill on her back.

Looking back, she saw Chen Yu staring at her with a dim gaze and waving goodbye.

Yuna Sivers smiled and also made a goodbye gesture.

However, she had another idea in her mind:

"Damn human! I'd better never let me see you again!"

"I, the demon god of pain, Yuna Sifus, swear! One day, when the abyss is great enough to surpass the existence behind you, I will make you feel real pain!"


"Fortunately, the clone was saved, unlike that stinking fool Estramik, who lost everything."

At this moment, a ray of extremely bright, dazzling, and scorching light suddenly burst out from the sky.

It was like the scorching sun at noon falling on the earth.

All creatures affected by the light lost their vision after feeling the brief extreme light.

Then, the scorching temperature like a raging flame came, scorching everything in the world.

In the pure and extreme light, terrifying storms formed. In the Horadric King's City, countless buildings were destroyed by the raging hurricane and swept into the air.

NPCs and stranded candidates, who had not yet gotten rid of the blinding troubles and the baptism of burning, were immediately torn apart by the violent hurricane.

Then, a silent wave came, and everyone fell into stagnation, as if time had stopped.

No more resistance, no more struggle, no more pain, and calmly accepted the coming of death.

A moment later, the sky turned red.

Flame meteors fell from the distant sky to the earth.

The earth trembled, and the raging flames merged into the hurricane, forming a series of fire tornadoes that penetrated the sky and the earth.

In the end, all the restlessness was completely calmed down in a gray color.

The violent elemental energy, all kinds of substances that were destroyed into powder, condensed and collapsed into a tiny point, and completely disappeared from this world.

The entire Horadric King City disappeared in less than a minute.

Whether it was monsters, the royal city army, or even the buildings, there was no trace of their existence.

A few minutes later.

Xiao An and Hou Tu came to Chen Yu with a lump of unknown substance and a colorful treasure chest respectively.

""Tsk tsk tsk, too miserable."

Chen Yu couldn't bear to look directly at the unknown substance.

How could the Demon God's clone, the charming beauty, turn into such a thing?

After putting the Demon God's clone's body and the treasure chest into the Supreme Holy Land, a prompt sounded in Chen Yu's mind.

【Tip: You destroyed the Horadric King City and completed the faction mission"Expanding Territory", and the college entrance examination score increased by 50,000】

【Tip: You have completed the faction mission"Destroy the Horadric Kingdom", and your college entrance examination score is +20W】

【Tip: You have completed the ultimate mission"Quick Battle and Quick Decision", and your college entrance examination score is +50W】

【Tip: The final mission has ended. The College Entrance Examination Ranking Competition will enter the final settlement in 30 minutes. Please make preparations to evacuate the dungeon.

At the same time, the candidates who first fled the Royal City and took refuge in the ruins of the Horadric Main City also received a reminder of the end of the dungeon.

"Hiss——My head hurts so much."

Su Miaoyue rubbed his temple with a distorted expression, feeling as if his head was about to split.

Lu Pingping was lying on the side, with a silly smile on her face and saliva on the corners of her mouth. I don't know what sweet dream she was having.

In the ruins of the city, some candidates were lying in the same state.

Not far away


A piece of iron lump wearing full body armor was kicked away, and the bad girl in red clothes struggled to get up from the ground.

Then, regardless of the pain of her brain being half drilled by an awl, she bent down and shook the armor.

"Hey, wake up! If you're not dead, move!"


"Bang bang bang——"

The Iron Man hammered his head and slowly sat up.

"Not dead yet, but almost dead."

"What on earth just happened?"

"I don't know." Min Hongyi smiled bitterly and shook her head,"I only remember a flash of red light, and then I fainted."

"I just woke up and my head feels like it's going to explode."

"The ultimate mission really failed." Li Wei sighed,"Luckily I escaped early and didn't die, otherwise I would have lost points."

"It’s better to hang up, it won’t hurt so much." Min Hongyi grimaced in pain,"By the way, I haven’t asked you yet, where are you from?"

"The instance is almost over, when can we get together?"

Li Wei looked up at the sky, stroked the red tassel on his helmet, and said in a deep voice:"Don't be obsessed with me, I'm just a legend!"

"I'm telling you a lie! Tell me now!"

Min Hongyi picked up the machine gun and smashed the barrel onto Li Wei's helmet with a clang.

"Girls, you need to be gentle and reserved, or you won’t be able to get married!"


Min Hongyi picked up the machine gun and fired a few more times,"I'm asking you a question, are you going to tell me or not? Tell me or not! Tell me or not! Tell me or not!"

""Okay, okay, okay, I told you, isn't that enough? Stop smashing it! Damn it! Epic equipment is very valuable! Don't break it!"

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