The candidates who survived the dungeon packed up their equipment and items, waiting for the dungeon to be settled.

30 minutes later, the entire dungeon was suddenly wiped out of color and turned into a gray color like a pencil drawing.

The people and things around them disappeared, leaving only a lifeless gray dungeon scene.

Then, a scroll appeared in front of each candidate.

The scroll quickly played all the actions from entering the dungeon to the end of the dungeon.

At the same time, next to the scroll, a red score number kept jumping.

Chen Yu looked at the scroll in front of him and felt a little bored.

Other candidates can still reminisce about their struggles in the dungeon, but he can only watch awkwardly as he bullies the children from beginning to end.

【Tip: The copy settlement begins……】

【Real-time score (including kill score, task score, achievement score, treasure hunt score, etc.): 503W3251】

【Performance score (comprehensive evaluation of copy performance): 5000 (full score)】

【Survival score (time spent in the instance): 100 (full score)】

【Rankings in progress……】

【Ranking calculation completed】

【Yunchuan candidate No. 32589, your final ranking in the college entrance examination ranking competition is: 000001】

【Congratulations, candidate No. 32589 of Yunchuan,"Chen Yu", you have won the title of"No. 1" in this year's college entrance examination ranking competition.

Suddenly, in the gray and dim copy scene around, brilliant colorful fireworks rose.

At the same time, another prompt sounded in Chen Yu's mind.

【Tip: You have completed the job transfer task"Win the College Entrance Examination"】

【Task settlement in progress……】

【Settlement completed】

【First-level promotion task]

Task difficulty: Purgatory level

Executor: Chen Yu

Task content: Become the top scorer in the college entrance examination of Tenglong Empire.

Task completion: Perfect (surpassing the scores of all previous top scorers in the college entrance examination since ancient times, becoming the highest record holder, and opening a gap of 4 times with the second place)

【Reward settlement in progress……】

【Settlement completed】

【Tip: Your first-level promotion task has been completed, and you will receive the following rewards:】

【Basic Reward 1: The highest level limit is opened to level 100】

【Basic Reward 2: Gain +2 skill slots】

【Basic Reward 3: Obtain the qualification to learn first-level skills】

【Note: The upgrade mechanism for first-order skills remains unchanged. Level 10 novice skills can be upgraded to level 1 first-order skills under certain conditions.】

【Basic Reward 4: Unlock Potential Star Level】

【Note: Professionals start calculating their potential star rating from the first level. Each star rating represents an upgrade of four-dimensional attributes +5, an upgrade of free attribute points +5, and a professional attribute +1.】

【Note: After the first level, the professional's upgraded attributes are calculated according to the potential star level.】

【Note: Your basic potential star rating is 2 stars (1 star for racial potential + 1 star for occupational potential)】

【Basic Reward 5: Gain professional attribute vitality +5】

【Additional Reward 1: Gain Potential Star Level +6】

【Additional Reward 2: Gain professional attribute vitality +200】

【Additional Reward 3: All max-level novice skills are promoted to first-level skills】

【Additional Reward 4: Obtain the legendary first-level skill"Different Bodies, One Heart"】

【Additional Reward 5: A Colorful Mythical Plant Seed"Sword Intention Grass"]

The job transfer task was settled. Before leaving the dungeon, Chen Yu's body began to emit upgraded golden light one after another.

【The experience pool has been used up and your level has been raised to level 51.】

【The experience pool has been used up and your level has been raised to level 52.】

【The experience pool has been used up, and your level has been raised to level 53.】


【The experience pool has been used up, and your level has been upgraded to level 70.

The upgrade golden light ended, and Chen Yu's level soared directly to level 70.

The attribute panel has also changed a lot.

Name: Chen Yu

Occupation: Planter (mutation)

Potential: 8 stars

Level: 70 (23%)

Strength: 4112=812 (basic) +1300 (equipment) +2000 (fundamental law)

Agility: 4063=813+1250+2000

Constitution: 4805=1255+1550+2000

Spirit: 4820=1270+1550+2000

Abyss Magic: 1500

Vitality: 495=365 (basic) +130 (fundamental law) Free attribute points: 800 Skill points: 21 Additional attributes: Final damage +9%, damage reduction +5% Talent: Absolute reinforcement (supreme level): designate an object for absolute reinforcement, which includes but is not limited to life, items, skills, talents...

Occupational passive : Supreme Holy Land LV2: Open up a piece of Supreme Holy Land, and the plant life planted in the Supreme Holy Land will be greatly strengthened; each time you change your job, you can designate a plant as your natal plant, and the natal plant will be sublimated to the extreme and mature instantly.

Currently designated natal plants: 1 (World Tree).

Currently remaining natal plants that can be designated: 1.

Skills: Accelerated Growth (Level 1) LV1: Accelerates the growth of plant life.

Can consume vitality to accelerate plant growth.

Plant Enhancement (Level 1) LV1: Increases all attributes of plant life by 100%.

Can act on 1 object, and for every 1 vitality consumed, 5 more objects can be acted on, and each use consumes a maximum of 10 vitality points.

Lasts 100 seconds, cools down 300 seconds

【Legend] Life Calculation (Level 1) LV1: All attributes +2500, vitality +130; consuming vitality can deduce the quality promotion path of plant life, the higher the quality, the more vitality is consumed

【Legend] Different Bodies, Same Heart (Level 1) LV1: Select 2-5 different individuals and designate one of them as the"Heart of Life".","If the Heart of Life individual is not dead, other individuals will not die. Each use consumes 1 vitality, and each additional vitality consumed can connect 5 more different individuals. Duration 100 seconds, cooldown time 500 seconds

【[Supreme] Abyss of Attachment LV2: No matter where you are, you can always summon the will of the abyss to descend, and will sacrifice its own existence to relieve you from danger. Note: This skill can be used one more time each time you change your job. Current number of uses: 2

【[Myth] Embrace the Abyss LV2: Choose a plant life, turn it into the Abyss, all attributes +100%, obtain the skill"Magic", and obtain the skill"Abyss Magic Extraction". After the job change was completed, Chen Yu's strength immediately made a qualitative leap.

The attributes skyrocketed, and the power of the skills was greatly improved.

The number of times the Abyss Attachment was used became 2 times, and the Embrace the Abyss skill also gave the Abyss-turned plants an additional skill to freely extract the magic of the Abyss. The

"Heteromorphic Concentricity" skill just obtained is a life-saving skill.

Not only can it save the plant life, but also himself.

In extremely dangerous situations, he does not have to hide in the Supreme Holy Land.

As long as he uses Heteromorphic Concentricity once to connect himself to the World Tree, no one can kill him.

In fact, Chen Yu's own improvement is not critical to the impact on combat power.

The most important thing is that the plant life has finally broken the shackles of level 50, and all the attributes and skills have ushered in a wave of skyrocketing!

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