First, there was a large-scale army of plant life.

With sufficient food, 5,000 plant life of the three major species were all promoted to legends, and their levels were also raised to level 70 along with Chen Yu.

Even their skill levels followed their own levels, jumping to a level higher than Chen Yu's own skill level.

Thorn Spirit

Rank: Legend

Level: 70

Attributes: Strength 4700, Agility 4700, Constitution 5500, Spirit 3400, Vitality 400

Skills: Thorn Entanglement (First Order) LV5, Ruthless Whip (First Order) LV5, Poisonous Sting Shot (First Order) LV5, Blooming (First Order) LV5

Lily Spirit

Rank: Legend

Level: 70

Attributes: Strength 4300, Agility 4300, Constitution 4500, Spirit 6000, Vitality 400

Skills: Poisonous Fragrance (First Order) LV5, Gentle Breath (First Order) LV5, Fatal Kiss (First Order) LV5, Death Embrace (First Order) LV5

Gluttonous Spirit

Rank: Legend

Level: 70

Attributes: Strength 5600, Agility 5100, Constitution 6200, Spirit 2300, Vitality 400

Skills: Gluttony (first order) LV5, Rapid Digestion (first order) LV5, Corrosive Acid (first order) LV5, Desire Trap (first order) LV5.

The abyssalized thorn spirit has double the attributes of a normal legendary plant and two more skills.

Abyssal Thorn Spirit

Quality: Legend

Level: 70

Attributes: Strength 10000, Agility 10000, Constitution 10500, Spirit 6400, Vitality 400, Abyssal Magic 500

Skills: Thorn Entanglement (First Order) LV5, Ruthless Whip (First Order) LV5, Poisonous Sting (First Order) LV5, Blooming (First Order) LV5, Demonization (First Order) LV5, Abyssal Magic Extraction (First Order) LV5

Demonization (First Order) LV5: consume Abyssal Magic, enter the"demonization" state, improve all attributes, damage reduction, final damage bonus, all skill damage multiplier (the enhancement degree is related to the duration and Abyssal Magic consumption)

Abyssal Magic Extraction (First Order) LV5: Abyssal Magic +500; can convert any form of occupational attribute energy into Abyssal Magic (can only replenish consumption, cannot increase the upper limit); absorbing the corpses of Abyssal creatures can directly replenish Abyssal Magic.

In addition, the improvement of Moyun Vine is also very huge.

However, the highlight is still the improvement of the original elves.

Original Fire Elf Xiaoyan

Rank: Yicai Myth

Level: 70


Strength: 9500

Agility: 9500

Constitution: 9500

Spirit: 19000

Vitality: 800

Fire Source Power: 80


Fire Elementalization: Enter the elemental state, immune to all physical damage, immune to all fire damage, and increase its own fire damage by 500%.


Original Fire Elf: The consumption of using fire skills is reduced by 99%, and the power is increased by 100%.

Skills: Blazing Sky (forbidden spell); Doomsday Judgment (forbidden spell); Meteor Shower (forbidden spell); Fiery Shield (forbidden spell); Ten Thousand Thunders and Fire (forbidden spell)

In addition to the substantial improvement of the attributes of the original elves, each one has obtained a new forbidden spell skill.

In addition, it also obtains the professional attribute"vitality" and the additional professional attribute"source power".

The original elves of different attributes obtain"source power" corresponding to their own attributes.

"The"source power" attribute should affect a series of factors such as the power of their forbidden spell skills, casting time, spell control, etc.


After the fireworks exploded on the dungeon settlement interface, the gray dungeon scene quickly disintegrated completely and fell into pure darkness.

A few seconds later, a beam of light shone down. The surrounding scene regained color again.

However, it was no longer in the dungeon, but in the square before entering the ranking competition dungeon.

Chen Yu looked around and found that many candidates were lying on the ground and groaning in pain.

The few who could stand were also pale and had ugly expressions.

""Hurry, hurry! Save the examinees!"

At this moment, a group of healers and priests in white robes walked into the square and began to use their healing skills on the examinees.

In a soft white light, the symptoms of many examinees were relieved.

What made Chen Yu feel a little strange was that most of these healers and auxiliary professionals were secretly watching him.

Especially some beautiful female professionals, their eyes were so fanatical that they wanted to rush up and swallow him alive.

For his own safety, Chen Yu decided to leave this place of trouble first and go back to the dormitory to wait for the examination room's teleportation array.

After the college entrance examination, the provincial government examination room will open a teleportation array for every city with examinees, and examinees can use it for free.

Before Chen Yu took a few steps, a priest sister who had been staring at Chen Yu the whole time moved.

She tightened the waist of her white robe, staggered over, blocked Chen Yu's way, and showed Chen Yu a gentle smile that was very consistent with the image of a nanny.

"Classmate, you have worked hard in the dungeon, let me heal you"

"Uh, thank you."

Chen Yu couldn't refuse the kindness of the pastor sister.

After all, other candidates were receiving treatment, maybe this was a small benefit of the college entrance examination.

These auxiliary and healing professionals were of high rank, and they would definitely cost a lot if they were put outside.

However, the wolf-like eyes of this pastor sister who had a lot of milk made Chen Yu feel a little scared.

"You're welcome."

The pastor sister put her hand on Chen Yu, and a white light came out of her hand.

Chen Yu felt a gentle warm current flowing into his body, making him feel very comfortable.

"How do you feel?"

The pastor asked with a sweet smile.

At the same time, her white and tender hands slid from Chen Yu's shoulders to his chest.

"It's OK."

Chen Yu nodded.

The places brushed by the priest sister's small hands were particularly relaxed and soothing, comparable to top-level massage.

At this time, several healing professional girls walked over with smiles, and performed healing skills for Chen Yu.

Chen Yu suddenly felt something was wrong.

Because when they healed others, they released skills through the air.

Why did he have to touch the person before he could release them?

The priest sister at the beginning made more and more irregular movements, and even one of her hands was trying to catch the moon from the bottom of the sea.

It was warm and quite comfortable.

With the priest sister taking the lead, the movements of other girls gradually became outrageous.

Some other girls who completed their healing tasks showed fanatical and a little bit nympho smiles, and began to gather towards Chen Yu.


Chen Yu shouted loudly and pushed away all the female professionals who were crowded around him.

If there was no response, something serious would happen.

"Thank you for your help, but I am almost well now, you should go help others!"

After saying that, he turned and left.

The pastor sister stopped Chen Yu slightly and put a note into Chen Yu's pocket.

Seeing this, other female professionals began to write small notes on the spot.

However, when they finished writing and were ready to put it in, Chen Yu had disappeared.

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