This examination room has become strange.

Not only female professionals, but even male professionals look at him with admiration and fanaticism.

Returning to the examination room dormitory, Chen Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief. After locking the door, he immediately entered the Supreme Holy Land. When several primordial elves saw Chen Yu appear, they immediately surrounded him and chattered about how powerful they are now.

Xiao Miao, who was originally seriously injured, also recovered to his best condition because of his 20-level increase.

Chen Yu encouraged them one by one, and then looked at the World Tree.

World Tree

Grade: Supreme

Effect 1: Endless: The World Tree will continue to grow, using nutrients including but not limited to spatial turbulence, chaotic aura, and various energies, and will never stop. Effect 2:

Breath of Life: The World Tree will continue to release the breath of life to nourish and heal the surrounding creatures; the breath of life will take effect on the owner of the Holy Land space first.

Effect 3: Original Mother: The World Tree will breed corresponding primordial elves according to the type of energy absorbed.

Effect 4: The source of all laws: The World Tree will breed corresponding law elves according to the absorbed law concepts

Effect 5: ? ? ? (Growing)

Effect 6: ? ? ? (Growing)

After being promoted to the first level, the World Tree has an effect of breeding concept elves.

The original elves represent elements, the basic components of building the world.

The law elves represent a series of law concepts such as life, death, creation, destruction, weapons, killing, etc.

If elements are the hardware of the world, then concepts are the software of the world.

The height of the World Tree has long been unobservable with the naked eye, and there are no levels and attributes.

But Chen Yu can feel that her strength has become stronger.

With the promotion of the class, the improvement of the World Tree far exceeds Chen Yu himself, and even any creature bred by the Supreme Holy Land.

Under the World Tree, Delia was kneeling towards the trunk of the World Tree and kissing the roots of the World Tree devoutly.

When she found Chen Yu appeared, Delia's object of kneeling immediately changed from the World Tree to Chen Yu.

She kowtowed step by step, slowly came to Chen Yu, tears streaming down her face

"Great Master, thank you for saving me from the river of illusion and giving me real life!"

""How do you feel now?" Chen Yu asked curiously.

Delia is a character in the dungeon. Logically, she cannot exist independently from the dungeon.

Just like the paper people in cartoons, they cannot exist in the real world without the cartoons.

Delia said that it was Chen Yu who gave her real life, which was not wrong.

If Chen Yu had not brought her into the Supreme Holy Land, her ending would most likely be refreshed after the dungeon ended.

As for whether the new Princess Delia is still her after the dungeon is reopened, it is hard to say.

"Great Master!" Delia kowtowed to Chen Yu again,"I feel very good now. I have escaped from the cage of illusion and the shackles of mission. I am free and real!"

"Do you want to see the outside world?"

Chen Yu was a little curious. If Delia appeared in the outside world, what would her identity be?

A professional? Or a special BOSS?

"The outside world?"Delia was a little confused

"This is the world I created." Chen Yu explained,"You should have seen that there is no one else here except me."

"It turned out that this was a world created by the master."Delia's eyes flashed with shock, but she quickly calmed down.

In her impression, Chen Yu was omnipotent, and even creating the world was not something difficult to understand.

"Is the outside world the world where the master lives? Are there many beings as great as the master?"Delia asked timidly.

Chen Yu thought for a moment.

Although he didn't think he could be described as"great".

But considering his supreme talent, there shouldn't be many in this world.

At this moment, Xiao Miao flew over and glanced at Delia with disdain,"Mother maggot, you must know that in the myriad worlds, the master is also the greatest existence."

"Those people in the outside world are just disgusting maggots like you."

"Okay, Xiao Miao, stop scolding her. She will be one of your companions in the future."Chen Yu extended his index finger and tapped Xiao Miao's head.

Perhaps because of the influence of the Supreme Holy Land, Delia seemed to have an inexplicable connection with him.

This connection was as close as other plant life growing in the Supreme Holy Land, second only to the World Tree as the natal plant.

Strictly speaking, Delia should be the"real" existence planted by Chen Yu in the Supreme Holy Land with"illusory" seeds.

It can be said that at this time, Delia is not much different from a group of legendary monsters except that her race is human.

"Come on, I'll take you out to have a look."

Chen Yu took Delia's hand and left the Supreme Holy Land.


The moment she left the Supreme Holy Land, Delia suddenly found that the world around her suddenly darkened.

Then, a terrifying pressure came from nowhere.

It seemed that in the next second, she would be completely crushed.

Delia screamed in panic, but found that she could not make even the slightest sound.

Just when she thought that she was about to be annihilated by this pressure, a hazy halo suddenly appeared on her body, repelling the pressure.

The heavy pressure came in waves, like the roaring waves in the storm.

But the halo was like an unshakable reef, standing still.

"This is... the breath of that great land!"

"Great Master, you have always protected me."

Delia heaved a sigh of relief.

In the darkness, she didn't know how much time had passed.

Delia found that a stream appeared in the distant sky.���When I got closer

, I could see that it was actually a surging"river"."

"The water in the"river" was not ordinary water, but pieces of mysterious mirror-like light, reflecting everything in the world.

Before Delia could observe carefully, the white halo carried her upstream at a high speed.

After crossing an unknown distance, the white halo wrapped her and suddenly plunged into a stream of light in the river.

After a moment, the river of light raised a huge wave.

The huge wave did not fall and subside, but meandered in the air, and finally turned into a tributary, crossing an unspeakable distance and merging into the river again.


Tenglong Empire, Yunchuan Examination Hall Candidate Dormitory.

When Chen Yu returned to the examination hall dormitory room, he suddenly felt his hands empty.

Turning around, he saw Delia was still beside him, but she had become transparent and quickly became more illusory.

Delia opened her mouth slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn't make any sound.

"Something went wrong after all."

Chen Yu frowned and prepared to send her back to the Supreme Holy Land.

However, he could not feel her presence at all.

It was as if she was just an illusory projection.

After a few seconds, this illusory image also completely disappeared, as if it had never existed.

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