Several original elves immediately flew over, eager to follow in.

However, after Chen Yu entered, the light gate flickered and disappeared.


"Yeah, it hurts.~!"

A few original elves bumped into the tree trunk stupidly and were bounced back.

"Mother is so annoying. Why can't you let us learn a little?" Xiaoguang rubbed his forehead and complained unhappily.

"Let's think of a way, we must go in and take a look!"

Xiao Yan knocked on the tree trunk, gesturing with his hands, as if looking for a good place to start.

At this moment, a green branch quickly grew out of the trunk of the World Tree.

"Snap Snap——"

The new branches whipped six times with lightning, and all six original elves flew away.

On the other side.

Chen Yu followed the light green figure into the trunk of the World Tree and found that it was a very strange space.

In the empty world, colorful colors blended together dreamily.

It was like a child splashing paint on white paper.

But if you experience it carefully, you will find that these chaotic colors interweave with a kind of amazing regular beauty.

It seems that everything in the world can find its own shadow in it.


A sweet, naive, and full-of-energy voice sounded in Chen Yu's ears.

This was the first time Chen Yu heard the voice of the World Tree.

In the past, communication with the World Tree was conveyed through thoughts.

Chen Yu turned his head quickly.

However, there was nothing around him.

At this moment, Chen Yu felt the corner of his clothes being pulled.

Looking down, he found that a little girl with silver hair and green eyes, whose height was just above his waist, was looking up at him.

The little girl wore a heart-shaped leaf hairpin and a white flower bud dress, which was decorated with light gold lines and dark green leaf decorations. She wore a pair of bright gold bracelets on her arms, and open-toed white socks on her soft little feet.

"Are you the World Tree?" Chen Yu was a little surprised.

The World Tree actually had the image of such a cute little girl. The flat body with fleshy hands and feet was completely inconsistent with the image of the light green humanoid.

""Master, don't you like it? How about this?"

The little girl grew up in front of Chen Yu.

In less than a minute, her height increased from 1.3 meters to over 1.7 meters. Her short hair became waist-length hair, and her chubby legs became a pair of white, tight and slender legs.

The flower bud skirt unfolded and turned into a white backless low-cut dress.

The little white socks also turned into long white stockings that went over the knees.


Chen Yu stared in amazement at the cute little girl who instantly turned into a pure and gentle queen.

""Does the master like it?"

The sister version of the World Tree smiled softly and asked softly.

"I like it!"

Chen Yu nodded.

In fact, the loli version is also good, but not as shocking as the queen version.

"What are you waiting for?"

Sister World Tree smiled and held Chen Yu's cheek, raised her head and gave him a kiss.

At this moment, the psychedelic colors in the surrounding space began to flow rapidly, rushing towards Chen Yu and Sister World Tree, drowning them. Chen

Yu's sight was occupied by endless colorful colors.

In a trance, he felt that he was surrounded by an extremely warm and comfortable feeling.

A strange warm current penetrated the skin on the surface of the body and went deep into the body.

It was as if every cell in the body was immersed in a steaming hot spring.

"So this is the way to increase professional attributes?"

Chen Yu simply closed his eyes.

【Tip: Contact with the World Tree, exchange material energy, vitality +1]

The prompt sounded in his mind, but Chen Yu was unable to distract himself.

He now gave everything to the World Tree, and didn't even want to control his breathing.

【Tips: Contact with the World Tree, exchange of material energy, vitality +1】

【Tip: Deeply contact with the World Tree, exchange of material energy, vitality +2】

【Tips: Super deep contact with the World Tree, exchange of material energy, vitality +3】


【Tips: Long-term super-deep contact with the World Tree, exchanging a large amount of material energy, vitality +10】.......................................

Kyoto City, College Entrance Examination Command Headquarters.

Senior examiners are holding a meeting under the chairmanship of Lord Hua Yan.

As the dungeon ended, all candidates exited the dungeon, and this year's college entrance examination was considered to have failed.

All officials, including two ninth-rank masters, finally felt relieved.

In a ranking match dungeon, two demon god rituals occurred, and two demon god clones were successfully descended.

How long has it been since such an exciting event happened in the college entrance examination of the Tenglong Empire?

Fortunately, a master appeared in this ranking match dungeon, and he killed two demon god clones by himself, and the loss was controlled within an acceptable range.

You know, the later the ranking match dungeon is, the more elite the candidates in the dungeon are.

If it weren't for Chen Yu, at least half of the remaining candidates in the dungeon would have died.

Even for the entire Tenglong Empire, this is an incalculable loss!

"We all owe him a favor."

Lord Hua Yan sighed.

"Such a brilliant person probably doesn't need this favor."

The Bi Bo monarch said self-deprecatingly.

"On the contrary, we may even ask him for help in the future."

"Who says it's not true?"Lord Hua Yan smiled bitterly.

""Report!" An examiner walked into the meeting room,"Ladies and gentlemen, there is something wrong with the ranking competition copy."

"What's the situation? Tell me." said the Lord Hua Yan

"We just reviewed the ranking match dungeon process and found that a hidden plot automatically appeared at the end of the dungeon."The examiner answered

"The hidden plot appears automatically? Let's see it."Hua Yan monarch said


The examiner placed a white crystal on the conference table.

The crystal projected a series of images that passed by at high speed.���The plot scene in the official ranking match.

The first half of the plot is not much different.

The kingdom is preparing for war, summoning troops, crossing the Howling Canyon, and attacking the Dragon City.

They are unstoppable all the way, from the first city to the seventh city.

When the seventh city is in danger, the Dark Demon Cult enters the field and repels the kingdom's forces.

Then, the Snowfield City enters the field and joins forces with the kingdom to defeat the princess and the Dark Demon Cult.

The original plot should be that the princess was captured by the Snowfield City, sent back to the palace for imprisonment, and then the plot ends.

Then in the plot played this time, after the princess was sent back to the palace, the plot did not end, but continued for a short period of time.

During this time, Princess Delia took action brazenly, directly showing the powerful strength of the 300-level silver BOSS, and killed people violently, slaughtering the queen and the high-level officials of the Snowfield City, forcing the old king to abdicate.

Afterwards, he eliminated dissidents with thunderous means, suppressed all disobedience, and brought the remaining forces of the Dark Demon Cult and the Snowfield Giant City under his control.

In the last freeze-frame, Princess Delia, wearing a golden crown and a royal robe, sat on the throne, staring into the distance with an indifferent look.

"Is this the result of one review, or multiple reviews?" asked Lord Hua Yan.

"Sir, we have reviewed the case many times and found the same phenomenon."The examiner who brought the crystal stone replied

"this……"The emperor frowned.

The senior managers present also began to discuss.

"Is this really Princess Delia?" An examiner couldn't help but ask,"Isn't she an ordinary level 100 boss?"

"Yes, during the pre-exam trial run, Princess Delia never did anything out of the ordinary."Another examiner also said

"To high-level NPCs in the dungeon, it has more symbolic significance than practical significance, and only serves to advance the plot!"

"Have you ever seen Princess Delia take action?"

"never seen it"


"I've never seen her play a vase role from beginning to end."

The examiners and supervisors who participated in the trial run of the dungeon shook their heads.

"Could it be that Princess Delia herself possesses such strength and means, but has not shown them during this period of the dungeon plot?"

"After all, this copy exists independently and has no other related copies to refer to."

"Could it be that some special mechanism was triggered during the exam, causing some unknown changes to occur in the copy, allowing us to see the subsequent plot?"

"You mean Princess Delia is a person who pretends to be a pig but eats the tiger. We have only seen her pretending to be a pig but not eating a tiger?"

"Yes, that's entirely possible."

"In previous tests, has Princess Delia ever died? Has anyone attacked Princess Delia?"

"No, except for the examinees, no one can enter the dungeon. Princess Delia didn't take any action in this ranking competition, right?"

"Our judgment of Princess Delia is all based on the dungeon appearance parameters. When the dungeon is in progress, without her battle plot, she will appear as a level 1 ordinary monster and will not have any impact"

"Indeed, the same NPC in many related copies will show completely different strengths in different copies, even if the timeline is basically the same."

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are not discussing Princess Delia's strength, but why this plot suddenly appeared."A senior examiner knocked on the table and brought the topic back.

"Could it be due to the influence of the candidates in the ranking competition copy?" An examiner speculated,"This ranking competition process is a bit... unusual"

"In the copy, Princess Delia seems to be with Chen Yu all the time, like a maid. Is it possible?……"A young examiner suddenly had an idea and said loudly

"You don't mean to say that our top scholar gave Princess Delia some benefits, so that she can kill all the enemies after the copy is reset?"An inspector showed a funny look.

In an instant, the managers present cast strange eyes at the young examiner.

"Ahem, just a joke, don't mind it."The young examiner suddenly felt extremely embarrassed and stopped talking.

As we all know, a copy is like a script, and the people who brush the copy are also actors.

The script is fixed. Even if the actors in a play are acting outrageously, it is only that play, and the script itself will not change.

As for whether the script can be changed?

The general view now is that natural copies are derived from real events that occurred at a certain time and place.

Therefore, the basic plot of the copy cannot be changed.

Unless the person with authority makes artificial modifications to the copy. However, the person with authority in the copy of the college entrance examination ranking competition did not make any relevant changes.

A candidate brushed a copy and directly changed the basic plot of the copy? This is simply too ridiculous!

What's more, the basic plot of the ranking competition copy has not changed, but there is an additional subsequent plot.

Why did the subsequent plot appear? Everyone discussed it for a long time without any result.

In the end, they could only draw a conclusion that was not a conclusion: they had always misjudged the role of Princess Delia.

"Just keep the relevant records, don't worry too much, and continue the meeting."Lord Hua Yan could only make a final conclusion.

Although the appearance of this hidden plot is a bit strange, it is not worth everyone's attention.

There are all kinds of things in the world.

It is not impossible for the copies to change naturally.

The ranking competition has ended, and whether the subsequent plot appears will not cause any impact.

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