In the Supreme Holy Land.

A white light gate emerged on the trunk of the World Tree, and Chen Yu walked out of it.

In that hazy colorful color, he didn't know how much time had passed.

The effect of the spirit of plants and trees is very outstanding.

Opening the attribute panel, taking a look at the occupation attribute"vitality", it has increased by nearly two hundred points.

However, even with Chen Yu's four-dimensional attributes of several thousand, he felt that he couldn't move forward.

Perhaps, the necessary condition for the World Tree to respond to the"vitality" attribute is to absorb his physical strength?

Several elves gathered around, looking surprised.

It was the first time they saw Chen Yu being so listless, as if he had no interest in anything.

"You are still the best."

Chen Yu smiled tiredly, picked up the elves one by one and kissed them.

The elves didn't understand why, but because of the closeness of their master, they all felt very happy and flew around Chen Yu.

"What to do next?"

"Oh, yes, there is also the Yellow Spring Flower."

Chen Yu thought for a moment and walked to the side of the Yellow Spring Flower.

The Yellow Spring Flower has been planted in the Supreme Holy Land for some time. The scarlet flowers are in full bloom, gorgeous, and have an indescribable sense of solemnity.

Chen Yu leaned over and reached out to gently touch the long petals.

""The natal plant is designated as the Yellow Spring Flower!"

The next moment, an unspeakable great power gathered from the Supreme Holy Land and poured into the body of the Yellow Spring Flower.

The Yellow Spring Flower suddenly shattered and turned into particles of dust, which were scattered into the soil.

Where the dust fell, countless new buds grew out and grew rapidly. In an instant, they were mature and bloomed into countless new flowers of the other shore.

These blooming flowers of the other shore turned into dust again and were scattered into the earth.

Over and over again.

In a moment, a large sea of flowers of the other shore blossomed in the Supreme Holy Land, and even spread to the edge of the Supreme Holy Land.

However, this is not the end.

The flowers of the other shore that touched the border of the Supreme Holy Land are still growing non-stop, spreading from the Supreme Holy Land to the endless void.

Whenever a new flower of the other shore grows in the endless void, a piece of black soil will appear under the sea of flowers.

If you look down from the air from a distance, you can see In the clear, gray Supreme Holy Land, there was a fiery red"ribbon".

The red"ribbon" split into countless red ribbons in the void not far from the Supreme Holy Land.

These split ribbons continued to split soon after.

Some of these ribbons will continue to split, while others will gradually become illusory, and no one knows where they will spread.

In Chen Yu's perception, the sea of red spider lilies is like a meridian, spreading towards endless time and space.

However, they do not grow wildly and without any rules.

The ribbons spreading from one end will always merge with the ribbons spreading from the other end at a certain node to form a perfect closed loop. It starts from the Supreme Holy Land and ends in the Supreme Holy Land.

The flowers in the middle part of those red spider lily"ribbons" that formed a closed loop quickly withered and turned into a piece of black mud, forming a muddy black"road""

"After the"road" was formed, some of the red spider lilies continued to wither and floated in the void, turning into a winding, turbid yellow"river""

"The"river" occasionally intersects with the black"road" surrounded by bright red flowers on both sides.

At the"intersection", after the"road" is blocked, the red spider lilies next to it float again, and"bridges" are built above the"river".

Every once in a while, a"closed loop" is formed, the"road" is opened, the"river" is spreading, and the"bridge" is built.

The growth of the sea of red spider lilies seems to be the same as the world tree, with no end and no rest.

The difference between the two is that the growth of the world tree is disordered, and no one knows where it will lead.

The sea of red spider lilies is orderly. No matter where a branch leads to, it will be connected to the branch developed from the other end somewhere.

Although Chen Yu has already sensed the effect of the sea of red spider lilies, he still opened the attribute panel to observe it.

【[Road to the Rebirth]

Quality: Supreme

Effect 1:"Road":"The"Path to Rebirth" will continue to spread until it covers all worlds with life.

Effect 2:"Rebirth":"The"Path to the Afterlife" will guide the remaining will of the living being after death to step into it, giving it a chance to reincarnate.

Effect 3:"The Underworld":"The"Road to the Rebirth" is the final destination of the living after death. The more souls you guide, the stronger your control will be.

Effect 4:"Order":"The"Road to the Rebirth" can grant the soul being guided authority, making it a"ghost" that controls order on the"Road to the Rebirth".

Effect 5:"Resurrection":"The"Road to the Rebirth" can mark the soul of a creature of the same origin, and regenerate it after the same creature dies or even has its soul destroyed.

Effect 6: ??? (Growing)

Effect 7: ??? (Growing)

Like the World Tree, the Road to the Rebirth is also of the highest level, without any level or attribute markings.

This kind of existence cannot be described by level or attribute.

However, from the perspective of effect, the Road to the Rebirth is slightly better than the World Tree.

"The rule of the"Road to Rebirth" is that any world with life will spread over and receive souls.

Although the World Tree itself is a collection of worlds, and can even achieve one world per leaf.

But no matter how many worlds she creates, as long as life is born, it is within the control of the Road to Rebirth.

For Chen Yu now, in addition to its function as the director of the"Netherworld", the"Road to Rebirth" is also a weapon for exploding troops.

The Road to Rebirth can continuously receive souls, and these souls can be endowed with the power of"yin spirits", thus becoming the combat power of Chen Yu's men.

Then, the most important function of the"Road to Rebirth" at this stage is���

That is"resurrection"!

This is a super resurrection that can regenerate even if the soul is shattered!

As for"same origin creatures", it actually refers to the creatures born from the Supreme Holy Land.

"" My Lord."

A low and slightly indifferent voice sounded in Chen Yu's mind.

Then, a human-shaped gray light and shadow emerged from the sea of red spider lilies and bowed to Chen Yu.

This was the manifestation of the will of the"Path to Rebirth", which was no different from the light green human-shaped light and shadow of the World Tree.


Chen Yu nodded and said:

"Mark all the living beings in the holy land, and revive them immediately if any of them die."

"Yes, Master!"

At the foot of the gray light will of the Road of Rebirth, a flower of the other shore turned into dust and scattered into the entire Supreme Holy Land.

Chen Yu could clearly see that in the sea of flowers of the other shore, there appeared the illusory images of all the creatures in the Holy Land, even the phantom of the World Tree.

However, he was the only one missing.

Whenever Chen Yu asked a question, the will of the Road of Rebirth took the initiative to explain it to him.

"Master, your soul cannot be marked, but you are my master, and as long as I exist, death has no meaning for you."

"That's good."

Chen Yu nodded. The more life-saving abilities, the better.

Even if he can enter the Supreme Holy Land at any time, summon the Great Will of the Abyss with the Abyss's Attachment at any time, and have the life-saving magic skill of Different Bodies and Hearts, it is still not absolutely safe.

Because these abilities require him to use them actively.

The resurrection effect of"The Road to Rebirth" is a passive effect, which will be automatically triggered when he dies.

This is equivalent to giving him a super invincible fault-tolerant bottom line, completely eliminating any possibility of capsizing in the gutter.

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