In addition to the life-saving mechanism, the Road to Rebirth can also provide combat power by surging troops.

The way the World Tree provides Chen Yu with regular combat power is by giving birth to elves. The regular combat power of the Road to Rebirth comes from Yin spirits.

It is different from the mechanism of the World Tree.

The World Tree gives birth directly, while the Road to Rebirth requires ready-made souls to be enlightened.

The soul itself has no combat power.

The combat power of Yin spirits is essentially given by the Road to Rebirth.

The Yin spirits enlightened by the Road to Rebirth have a level equal to Chen Yu's level, and a quality equal to the essence of the soul itself.

But she cannot enlighten Yin spirits unlimitedly.

""Yin Ling" needs a corresponding world to accommodate it.

Just like the World Tree, each complete world created can accommodate 8 original elves.

And every time the"Road to Rebirth" completes a closed loop, or controls a world, it can enlighten Yin Ling of corresponding quantity and quality according to the strength of the controlled world itself.

At this stage, a weakest closed loop can accommodate about one mythical Yin Ling, ten legendary Yin Ling, and one hundred epic Yin Ling.

What kind of world does the weakest closed loop represent?

It is probably a little stronger than the College Entrance Examination Ranking Competition copy, but the range is much wider.

Although it can accommodate mythical"Yin Ling", this kind of world may not give birth to mythical existence, and even if it is born, it is not so easy to die.

Therefore, for now, if you want to use the Road to Rebirth to create Yin Ling, you have to rely on Chen Yu himself to kill some high-quality BOSS and provide soul materials. With the current power of the Road to Rebirth, it is simply impossible to... It is impossible to occupy a powerful world and wait for high-quality souls to come.

Because, a powerful world has its own mechanisms similar to"the underworld" and"the netherworld". If the Path of Rebirth wants to occupy this kind of world, it is equivalent to competing with other underworld forces for jobs, and others will definitely be anxious for you.

As for the powerful world without the underworld mechanism, the lifespan of the strong is extremely long, and they can even live forever, and they will never obey the rules of life and death formulated by the Path of Rebirth.

In this extremely short period of time, the branches of the Path of Rebirth that have completed the closed loop have begun to receive souls one after another.

Chen Yu asked the Path of Rebirth to randomly enlighten several ordinary Yin spirits.

After testing, it was found that these Yin spirits often cannot display their strength even if they obtain the strength of level 70 because of their low strength before, and their combat effectiveness is even worse than that of level 70 wild monsters.

Yin spirits of this strength are not even qualified to be cannon fodder, and there is no need to enlighten them at all.

It is better to send them to reincarnation directly, and it can also accumulate some strength for the Path of Rebirth.

"Keep developing. If you encounter any tough problems, you can tell me." Chen Yu said to the Road of Rebirth.

Every time the Road of Rebirth completes a closed loop, it means that Chen Yu's subordinates have become stronger.

If the closed loop of a powerful world is completed, it will be a qualitative leap.

In order to achieve his goal, he does not mind"forcing the growth of seedlings"."

"Yes, Master." Wangshenglu replied solemnly,"If I come across a world worth living, I will tell you immediately."


After leaving the sea of flowers, Chen Yu came to the place where the legendary plant life gathered. He picked out 100 of each of the three types of plant life.

"Embrace the abyss!"

The majestic abyss magic surged out, and a red light extended from Chen Yu's hand, surrounding 300 plant lives.

The appearance of the plant lives gradually changed from human girls to abyss succubus.

After a few minutes, 1500 points of abyss magic were exhausted, and 300 plant lives completed the abyss.

The regular combat power of Chen Yu's men surged again.

Abyss can double the attributes of plant life, but combat power is more than just doubling.

Moreover, after having enough abyss magic, the abyss plant life can also use the"magic" skill as a regular big move.

It can be said that these 300 abyss plant lives can hang up and beat 5000 original plant lives.

After exhausting the abyss magic, Chen Yu found a quiet open space and took out the reward from the job transfer task.——""Jianyi Grass" seeds

"The" Sword Intent Grass" seed itself is a mythical grade, and it will surely have a good combat power after it matures.

Perhaps it is not as good as the original elves, but at least it is a regular mythical grade, much stronger than a group of legendary grades.

After burying the"Sword Intent Grass" seed, the super enhanced version of"Accelerated Growth" continued to take action.

As the"vitality" continued to be consumed, a piece of emerald green grass leaf slowly broke out of the ground.

This grass leaf, in appearance, is very similar to ordinary green grass, with a long strip of leaves and a slightly whitish vein in the middle.

But if you feel it carefully, you will feel a sense of sharpness.

With the first-level"Fast Growth" skill, plus the"vitality" attribute enhancement, the growth of the grass leaf is still very slow.

It was not until Chen Yu exhausted all the"vitality" attributes that the"Sword Intent Grass" barely grew to a length of 10 centimeters.

Moreover, there is only this lonely leaf.

Chen Yu opened the attribute panel of"Sword Intent Grass" and only got a message of"growing". As expected, the Sword Intent Grass was not ripened.

In fact, he had long experienced the"inertia" of mythical plants.

The mysterious lotus seed given to him by the little loli is a mythical plant.

Chen Yu has used accelerated growth on it countless times, but so far, the mysterious lotus seed is still in the state of just sprouting.

In comparison, the growth rate of Sword Intent Grass is the result of skill advancement and a large amount of"vitality" attribute consumption.

If it was before the job change, I'm afraid Chen Yu would spend a day here and only be able to make it sprout a small bud.

The clock that Chen Yu brought into the Supreme Holy Land showed that the time was already 11 o'clock in the morning.

"I can only continue after my vitality is fully replenished."

After instructing the World Tree and the Road of Rebirth to help look after the Sword Intent Grass, Chen Yu left the Supreme Holy Land with a little regret.

Just after returning to the dormitory room, the friend panel and the phone dinged at the same time.

Chen Yu opened the friend panel first.

Three people had sent him messages, namely Su Miaoyue, Li Wei and Yun Biyue.

Chen Yu clicked on Li Wei's message bar first.

It started with a bunch of exclamation marks, followed by a sentence"When the hell did you become so awesome?"

Below was a picture taken from the headlines of major media

"The secrets that the Level 50 candidates have to tell the two great demons!"

"Shocked! Two great demon clones descended upon the ranking match, but were killed by a single examinee!"

"Unprecedented! 8020 college entrance examination candidates broke the ranking competition points record!"


All of these contents are related to Chen Yu.

The main breaking points are either Chen Yu's single-handed challenge to the two demon clones, or a screenshot of Chen Yu's real-time points in the ranking competition.

Some unscrupulous small media have even begun to fabricate Chen Yu's life experience, making Chen Yu inexplicably have a large number of powerful parents and even grandparents.

There are also various tabloids that directly start to make up stories about Chen Yu.

What kind of childhood genius hides his identity and makes a name for himself.

What kind of super genius secretly cultivated by a big family finally emerges.

What kind of super treasure is obtained by falling off a cliff after being chased by enemies, and the recognition of elemental elves.

The twists and turns of the experience made Chen Yu himself dumbfounded.

Chen Yu couldn't help but send two words to Li Wei;"Do you believe it?"

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