"Judgment Day?"

Chen Yu's heart suddenly jumped.

Speaking of which, when he just changed his job, there was indeed news that the legendary forbidden strongman took action in Jiangyang City.

And Ling Xiuhe's words clearly showed that she was the"legendary forbidden strongman" and she used the"Judgment Day" when she took action.

However, Ling Xiuhe had never been to Jiangyang City.

So now the question is.

Who was the"forbidden strongman" who once caused a sensation in Jiangyang City?

Who released the"Judgment Day"?

"Love whoever you want, I won't take the blame anyway."

Chen Yu's mouth twitched slightly.

Ling Xiuhe noticed that Chen Yu's expression was a little subtle, and couldn't help asking:

"By the way, Chen Yu, you are from Jiangyang City, do you know anything about this?"

"Sister Ling, you are joking. How could I know about this?" Chen Yu said with a wry smile,"There was indeed such a rumor at the time, but I had just changed my job and was still fighting monsters in the wild to gain experience and level up."

"That's right." Ling Xiuhe nodded and stopped asking.

"Do you have anything to pack? If not, we'll leave right away and come back early."

"No, I packed up a long time ago and was about to check out."

The teleportation array of the examination room will not be open for some time.

However, as a forbidden strongman, and a forbidden strongman with a meritorious title, Ling Xiuhe naturally has privileges.

Not to mention using the teleportation array in advance, even if the teleportation array is set up for her alone, that is what she deserves.

Following Ling Xiuhe, Chen Yu can be regarded as enjoying the privileges of a strongman in advance.

Less than half an hour has passed, and the examination room has opened the VVVVVVIP channel for Ling Xiuhe.

Accompanied by a burst of white light, the teleportation array gloriously completed its task.

Chen Yu and Ling Xiuhe appeared in the teleportation square of Jiangyang City.

""You are Chen Yu?"

Chen Yu had just landed when he heard a suspicious voice beside him.

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man who specialized in law.

He was sure that he had never seen this person before.

"Um, please tell me, do we know each other?" Chen Yu asked politely to the person who spoke.

"I know you! Of course I know you!" The middle-aged mage's eyes lit up,"You are the top scorer in this year's college entrance examination! The pride of our Jiangyang City, who wouldn't know you?"

"By the way, could you please sign for me?"

The middle-aged mage quickly took out a pen and paper and handed it to Chen Yu expectantly.

"Thank you for the award. It's all luck." Chen Yu smiled modestly, took the paper and pen and signed his name.

He never thought that one day he would become an idol and be asked for autographs on the street.

This feeling was really amazing.

At this moment, several more exclamations rang out.

"Look! It's Chen Yu!"

"Number one! Our Jiangyang City produced the number one national college entrance examination scorer!"

"Over there over there!!"

"Hurry, go get an autograph and take a photo!"


In an instant, a large wave of zombies, ahem, professionals rushed towards where Chen Yu and Ling Xiuhe were.

"If you are alright, I will go ahead. Send me a friend message when you are done."

Ling Xiuhe obviously did not like this kind of scene. She floated up on her toes, as if ready to fly away.

"Sister Ling, don't panic! Take me with you!"

Chen Yu's face changed, and he hurriedly grabbed Ling Xiuhe's hand in a hurry.

He didn't like being watched by people.

These people had no grudges against him in the past or in the present, and it was not easy to take action.

If they were really surrounded, it would be difficult to escape.

Ling Xiuhe was slightly stunned.

After becoming a taboo strongman, people of the same level treated her with courtesy, and people of lower levels were even more trembling in front of her. No one had ever made such a"bold" move to her.

But then he showed a faint smile.

It feels pretty good to be friends with such a genius friend.

""Let's go."

Ling Xiuhe pulled Chen Yu up with a smile and flew into the sky.

The professionals on the ground were disappointed and beat their chests in frustration.

The professional who got Chen Yu's autograph at the beginning was overjoyed. He was cautious and guarded against others, and quietly squeezed through the crowd and left.


In a remote alley.

Ling Xiuhe brought Chen Yu to the ground and teased,"You, Chen Da Zhuangyuan, dare to fight the Devil's clone, and you are afraid of this?"


Chen Yu was speechless

"Oh, right! Sister Ling, how did you deal with it?"

Chen Yu suddenly realized that Ling Xiuhe was very popular and must have been a fanatical star in the past.

""Well, this is for you."

Ling Xiuhe handed Chen Yu a mask.

Chen Yu took the mask and looked at it.

【Disguise Mask]

Quality: Rare

Effect: Can disguise your face, voice and other information.

Note: This item's disguise can be seen through by rare or higher detection skills and items. This item's disguise can be detected by creatures with a mental power of 10,000 or more.

""Thank you so much!"

Chen Yu quickly put on the camouflage mask.

He finally understood why those big stars in his previous life wrapped themselves up like dumplings when they went out. It was really hard to deal with fanatical fans.

This camouflage mask is much more useful than a mask or scarf.

"You take this too."

Ling Xiuhe took out another crystal and handed it to Chen Yu.

【[Reverse Teleportation Crystal]

Quality: Rare

Effect: Need to be bound to a teleportee. After the user, a portal will open next to the teleportee, leading to the user's location.

Note: It cannot be opened when one party is in a special terrain such as a copy, secret realm, or another world.

Chen Yu was slightly stunned.

Then, he took the reverse teleportation crystal and said solemnly:"Thank you!"

Ling Xiuhe nodded and said seriously:"If you really encounter danger, don't be reluctant to use it, or be afraid of disturbing me or something"

"You must understand that your existence is extremely important to me and to the entire Tenglong Empire!"

"I understand."

Chen Yu reacted immediately.

Ling Xiuhe came to Jiangyang City with him, and the so-called"investigation of forbidden spell users" was probably just an excuse.

The real purpose was to"protect" him.

His performance in the copy has probably attracted the close attention of the top leaders of the empire, at least the top leaders of the education system, and has become a key protected object.

Generally speaking, no other forces would plan to assassinate or induce rebellion against the geniuses in the college entrance examination of the Tenglong Empire, because doing so would likely be lured and lose more than the gain.

But Chen Yu is different, his performance is really too amazing.

Everyone has a lumbar disc, and he is definitely the most outstanding one.

There must be hostile forces who don't want to see this unprecedented terrifying genius grow up, and want to get rid of Chen Yu by any means.

Even in the territory of the Tenglong Empire, the overlord of Blue Star, it may not be safe.

"Well, if you have something to do, just do it. I don't have time to accompany you all the time."

Ling Xiuhe waved to Chen Yu and flew away.

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