Chen Yu guessed correctly.

Ling Xiuhe's purpose of coming to Jiangyang City was indeed to protect him.

Moreover, Ling Xiuhe's behavior was not purely personal, but an SSS-level secret order task issued by the Empire Center.

In fact, there were far more people who accepted the task than Ling Xiuhe.

After Chen Yu and Ling Xiuhe left.

Five forbidden masters walked out of the teleportation array in Jiangyang City again.

As soon as these forbidden masters appeared, they quickly dispersed and surrounded the entire Jiangyang City like an iron barrel.

Some people may think that this is making a fuss over nothing. Is a mere top scorer in the college entrance examination worthy of such a forbidden master to protect? Is this too much of a waste of the Empire's resources?

The Empire Center of the Tenglong Empire does not think so.

The current emperor and the twelve elders of the Elders' Council, who are at the top of the pyramid, even feel that this kind of protection is slightly insufficient.

Chen Yu's performance in the college entrance examination ranking competition is far more than just saving the dignity of the Tenglong Empire and hundreds of masters.

In the eyes of ordinary people, 5 million ranking points may just be a number, and may only represent Chen Yu's promising future.

But in the eyes of the top of the empire who have more information, it is precisely this score number that represents an existence that will be infinitely great in the future, just like the rising sun.

Indeed, in the college entrance examination ranking competition, the final score of a candidate is full of contingency.

The candidate's state, the type of copy, and even the luck in the copy will affect the score at the final settlement.

However, when a certain accidental event has enough samples, the observer can calculate the probability of this accidental event from it.

When the probability is 100%, it can be determined to be inevitable.

This law applies to the connection between the candidate's college entrance examination ranking competition score and future achievements.

Integrate the score data of previous college entrance examination ranking competitions and compare them with the achievements of the corresponding candidates.

It will be found that when the score reaches a certain threshold, all candidates with scores above this threshold have achieved some kind of achievement, without exception.

This threshold is defined from taboos to demigods.

Since the Tenglong Empire can only judge the future of candidates up to demigods, is a future demigod worthy of protection by so many current taboo masters?

The answer is worth it.

And it is very worth it!

Even if one hundred or even hundreds of eighth-level forbidden masters are sacrificed, it is absolutely worth it if a tenth-level master can be born.

Moreover, what Chen Yu has shown at this stage is almost certain, and demigod is definitely not the end!

In this way, a new problem arises.

Since the points have definitely represented future achievements, does it also mean that this person will not fall before achieving such achievements?

Since he will definitely not fall, why bother to protect him?

The answer is that when the future has not become a reality, it is still full of uncertainty.

As the strongest force in the Blue Star world, the Tengkong Empire cannot bet on the absolute authenticity of big data.

It's like a lottery player who won five million in a lottery.

Before the funds are deposited into his card, he will not think that he has definitely won the five million.

He will be panic in his heart and calculate all the possibilities of losing the opportunity to receive the prize. He will not be truly at ease until the prize is in his pocket.

The attitude of the empire's top leaders towards geniuses is the same.

Moreover, who can tell clearly whether the protection from the empire is one of the necessary conditions for these geniuses to grow up?

After all, the college entrance examination system is deeply rooted, and the empire's protection system for geniuses has been formed for many years.

Of course, there are also people who clamor that"geniuses should experience hardships, and dead geniuses are not geniuses."

But such people are always only qualified to clamor, and never have the power to make rules.

The top leaders of the empire never pay attention to these clamoring people.

Carefully cultivate 100 geniuses and get 99 strong people, or let them go or even raise 100 geniuses and get 1 strong person, even a fool knows how to choose.

The latter is also applicable to cultivating geniuses, but that is a helpless move when resources are scarce.

Moreover, geniuses are emotional people.

A strong person has a sense of belonging to the Gu-raising force, or to the force that took good care of him when he was weak. This goes without saying.

As for why this group of taboo strong men did not provide close protection for Chen Yu.

This is another painstaking effort.

Or... system.

As we all know, ordinary people don't like their privacy to be completely exposed, let alone geniuses?

Being followed by a group of unknown strong men all the time will make people very uncomfortable.

Therefore, this group of forbidden masters are not targeting Chen Yu.

Instead, they are targeting… all those who may pose a threat to Chen Yu in the vicinity of Chen Yu!

Chen Yu naturally didn’t know about all this.

He thought that Ling Xiuhe’s coming to protect him was already an extraordinary phenomenon.

As for more forbidden masters coming to protect him?

He had never thought about it!

At this time, he was using a disguise mask to create a common face, and walked into the Jubao Pavilion leisurely.

"Thump thump thump——"

Chen Yu knocked on the cabinet at the front desk.

The round-faced girl followed the little girl away, and was replaced by a gorgeous beauty with peaks and peaks, exuding a strong and refreshing fragrance.

"Dear guest, what can I do for you?"

The enchanting beauty smiled, her eyes slightly raised, her eyes became narrow and long, and she looked like a foxy woman.

"Please contact your general manager for me, I need to pick up the goods."

Chen Yu placed a black card with a gold border in front of the enchanting beauty.

This was the Jubao Pavilion Super VIP Card that the little girl gave him before she left, as a voucher for picking up the Water of Life and paying the balance.

It was said to be an internal special supply, with a 20% discount on purchases and a 10% higher selling price.

This was the first time that Chen Yu came to Jubao Pavilion after the little girl slipped away.

The enchanting beauty picked up the VIP card, her expression flashed with surprise for a moment, then she immediately smiled and said to Chen Yu:"Okay, please wait a moment, distinguished guest."

A moment later, the enchanting beauty led a young man with gold-rimmed glasses out.

""Dear guest, please follow me." The young man said politely,"The transaction amount is too large, and there are too many people in the hall. I'm afraid it's not good."

Chen Yu glanced around and found that there were not many people.

Even if there were people, they were quickly led by the shopping guide to the sales floor upstairs for related products.

However, there was no need to argue at this time.

Chen Yu followed the young man, walked through the familiar backstage passage, and entered the study.

This used to be the little loli's den, and there were many good memories of Chen Yu and the little loli.

For example, feeding the little loli lollipops, treating the little loli to hot dogs, taking the little loli to see goldfish, and so on.

"Dear guest, ten units of Water of Life are what you ordered, right?"

After Chen Yu sat down, the young man sat opposite Chen Yu, pushed his glasses, and asked with a smile.

"That's right." Chen Yu nodded.

"This batch of goods was shipped out of the warehouse under the name of Yun Biyue."The young man said,

"May I ask what is the relationship between you and Yun Biyue?"

"In addition, what do you want to use the water of life for?"

The young man's voice was very calm, seemingly just asking casually.

But from time to time, a sharp look flashed in his eyes under the glasses, as if he wanted to pierce Chen Yu.

"I don't seem to have any obligation to answer your question." Chen Yu frowned.

"When you sell goods at Jubao Pavilion, do you still need customers to be told in detail how to use them?"

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