"You are joking, my dear guest." The young man smiled faintly,"Of course you have no obligation to do so."

"However, even in our Treasure Pavilion, the Water of Life is a very precious commodity. It is better to explain"

"In addition, Miss Yun Biyue was willing to... obtain a share of ten units of Water of Life. It seems that the relationship between her and you is extraordinary. "

Chen Yu suddenly felt disgusted.

This young man's words were condescending, as if he was interrogating Chen Yu.

In addition, he was also very concerned about what Yun Biyue meant by"not hesitating".

It sounds like buying the Water of Life is not as simple as the little girl said.

In order to get a share of the Water of Life, the little girl even paid a certain price in her own interests.

However, he could ask the little girl in person about this matter, and there was no need to waste time talking to the man with glasses.

"Dear guest, please consider this carefully."The young man's voice sounded again.

"No comment." Chen Yu said coldly,"I have already paid the deposit for the Water of Life, and the Water of Life has also arrived."

"I will come to pick up the goods and pay the balance."

"I have no connection with you, and I don't have the time to listen to your nonsense."

"Of course, you can also try to ask some random questions"

"However, my patience is not very good."

Chen Yu looked at the young man with cold eyes.

If the other party dared to say another word, he would dare to attack directly.

The clone of the tearing demon god, the level 100 special gold BOSS, was willing to call himself a"lowly existence" in front of him, okay?

You are a weak chicken less than level 200, and your attributes are not as high as an elite monster. You also want to seize my goods and pretend in front of me? Are you tired of living?

However, the other party did not give Chen Yu a chance to attack on the spot

"Ha." The young man sneered,"Since the distinguished guest has spoken, I shall obey."

"We in Jubao Pavilion value the spirit of contract the most."

Then, he took out ten crystal bottles from the storage space and placed them on the coffee table in front of Chen Yu.

Each crystal bottle contained about 100 ml of transparent water-like liquid.

However, these bottles of water contained a huge amount of life energy.

Chen Yu felt that if he drank it on the spot, it should add a lot of vitality.

"Dear guest, please check the goods."The young man raised his hand and made a"please" gesture.

Chen Yu checked all ten crystal bottles, and the properties showed that it was indeed the water of life.

Moreover, the life energy was pure, not fake on the property panel.

"No problem."

Chen Yu put away the ten bottles of Water of Life, then took out a box full of professional bank cards and placed it in front of the young man.

"No problem."

The young man counted the money and took out a delivery note and placed it in front of Chen Yu.

"Dear guest, you hold a gold card that is bound to Miss Yun Biyue's identity, so please sign for Miss Yun Biyue to represent that the payment and goods are settled."

"Yun Biyue's ID card?"

Chen Yu didn't expect that the little Lolita gave him her own ID card.

However, for things like signing for others, you must ask the person in question, otherwise it may cause trouble for the other party.

Chen Yu opened the friend panel, sent a message to the little Lolita to explain the situation, and asked if the little Lolita had encountered any trouble.

The little Lolita replied in seconds, telling Chen Yu that there was no trouble at all. Moreover, the signing process was real, so Chen Yu just had to sign for her.

Since the person in question agreed, Chen Yu naturally had nothing to say, and signed the little Lolita's name.

After signing, he got up and left, not even bothering to say a word of courtesy.

He had a very bad impression of the young man and had no desire to talk to him.

Even if he had to pretend to be nice, the other party must be worthy of that.

A dish just because he dared to push his nose to his face.

If it weren't for the little Lolita's face, this person would have become fertilizer for the flowers.

The young man looked expressionless, looking at Chen Yu's departing back, a cold light flashed in his eyes

"Ice Blue"

"I am here!" The charming woman smiled charmingly and walked to the young man.

"Did you see anything?" the young man asked.

"He was wearing a rare camouflage mask, so his identity could not be seen."The seductive woman replied

"A rare camouflage mask is worth a lot of money!" The young man sneered,"That bitch Yun Biyue is really willing to give it up."

"The more willing they are to give up, the more it proves that their relationship is not simple, right?"The seductive woman smiled and hugged the young man from behind, her voice as sweet as honey.

"That's right." The young man nodded,"In other words, it is almost certain that this person is Yun Biyue's backup."

"Ten units of Water of Life, if she could win over some experts, she would have a chance to turn things around."

"It seems that I came to the right place this time."

"Then~ woo~ Lord, what are you going to do?"The enchanting beauty gently bit the young man's neck, put her hands all the way down, and said in an extremely sweet voice,"Win him over, or~"

"hiss~~~~Send someone to follow him. There must be other people behind him. Find them and wipe them out completely."The young man took a breath and sneered:

"Oh, don't forget to take back the water of life."

"My Lord, do you want me to do it myself?" The enchanting beauty showed some expectation,"According to my experience, this child is still very tender. I can tell he is a handsome boy just by smelling him. Perhaps, without bloodshed, I can make him change his mind.~~"


"Splash of goods!"

The young man was furious and turned around and slapped the seductive woman to the ground.

"Do you really like being ridden by those wild dogs out there?"


The charming beauty covered her face and giggled,"If my master can satisfy me, would I have to run to others to drink milk every day?"

"Splash! Splash!"The young man was so angry that he kicked the charming woman in the stomach.

"If you can't do it right, I'll kill you!"

"As you command! My Lord, I will do it right away."

The charming woman's face flushed, her smile deepened, and she had some different expectations.

""Get lost!"

The ferocious expression on the young man's face did not improve until the enchanting woman disappeared around the corner.

However, at this moment, a strange

"bang" sound was heard in the quiet corridor.

Following closely, there was a strong smell of blood.

""Who!" The young man's hair stood on end, and he turned around suddenly.

He saw a round object rolling to his feet.

The blood scattered along the way was like a line.

This object was the head of the charming woman.

She died silently, and she didn't even realize that she was dead.

There was even a look of excitement and joy on her face.

The young man was shocked.

Who could kill a fifth-level peak assassin silently?!

(My fellow Taoists are so awesome, they have the potential to be emperors! The King of Gifts is ranked in the top 300! I'm happy! The cumulative gifts are 200, and I will update more)

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