In the white light, the transparent crystal gradually turned into a small hourglass.

The hourglass was filled with tiny silvery white sand.

【[ Sand of Time]

Quality: Supreme

Effect: Speed up time

Description: It contains the endless power of time. You can even use it to travel through the long river of time.

Note: This is a one-time item. Please use it with caution. The trajectory changed by [Sand of Time] is irreversible.

"Supreme level?!"

Chen Yu was greatly shocked.

So far, apart from the various byproducts related to himself and from the [Absolute Enhancement] talent, this was the first time he had seen the existence of the Supreme level.

Moreover, this thing was a small gift from his sister.

"Sister, what kind of cheat are you using?"

Holding the small hourglass, Chen Yu suddenly felt that the day when he could ride on his sister's head became distant again.

Shocked as it was.

The supreme item delivered to him was still a disposable item, so it had to go to a good place.

The first thing Chen Yu thought of was to let the World Tree eat it to nourish the fetus and give him an original time elf.

However, doing so was undoubtedly too wasteful.

【The effect of"The Quicksand of Time" allows Chen Yu to use his current power to change a certain point in the past, or to connect to a certain point in the future.

To put it bluntly, this thing is actually a causal prop.

Changing the past allows Chen Yu to directly negate the existing reality and create a new"result" by changing the"cause" of the past.

Connecting the future determines a certain"result" in the future. From now to the time point of connecting to the future, no matter how the"cause" changes, it will not affect the birth of that"result".

The ability to confuse time and space and change cause and effect is worthy of the grade of the highest-level prop.

If Chen Yu and a super strong man are enemies now, he can completely use this prop to go back to the past and kill the super strong man when he was weak.

Then in the current time and space, the super strong man naturally does not exist.

In other words, using the ability to connect to the future, he can forcibly lock his future of growing up and killing the super strong man.

During this period, no matter how the world changes, the strong man cannot escape the fate of being killed by Chen Yu in the future.

"But I don't need it either."

Chen Yu was a little distressed.

So far, no strong man had provoked him and needed him to use this item to kill.

This is a supreme one-time item! If he really encountered trouble, he would rather call on the Abyss Will to save him.

"Do you really just put it in the bottom of your backpack?"

"Hey, wait, this thing seems to have another use"

【[Sand of Time] In addition to being used as a causal prop, it also has a very simple function.

That is - providing cooldown reduction.

It is not a cooldown reduction in the ordinary sense, but through the power of time, a skill that is in cooldown can be restored at an extremely fast speed.

In theory, there are very few things in this world that are worth using a supreme disposable item to reverse the cooldown time.

Coincidentally, Chen Yu happened to have one

"Hopefully, it will work!"

Chen Yu stretched out his hand and clapped it gently.

The small hourglass turned into a stream of light and merged into his body.

Then, he opened the attribute panel and watched the changes of a piece of information with expectation.

Absolute Enhancement (Supreme): Designate an object for absolute enhancement, including but not limited to life, items, skills, talents...

Most of his current strength comes from this supreme talent.

Last time, absolute enhancement gave him a piece of supreme holy land.

It gave birth to such supreme existences as the World Tree and the Road to Rebirth.

Moreover, it can unconditionally give birth to countless legendary plant life legions at any time.

If the supreme level [Time Quicksand] can really reset the cooling time of"Absolute Enhancement"...

Soon, with the activation of Time Quicksand, the number representing the cooling progress of"Absolute Enhancement" jumped.

Then, it was the second time, the third time!

The numbers jumped faster and faster, making Chen Yu's heart beat wildly.





Time passed by, and the cooling time of"Absolute Enhancement" was rapidly reduced under the influence of the power of time.

In a moment, the number representing the cooling progress changed to 10%.

At this time, the frequency of the number scrolling also began to slowly decrease.

Until only 1% was left, the number no longer scrolled, but jumped slowly like at the beginning.

"Faster! Faster! Just one more time!"

""Sister, please help me last a little longer!"

As if hearing Chen Yu's call, the number representing the cooling progress jumped at an unwavering speed.

Until - it returned to zero!


Chen Yu excitedly picked up the photo frame and kissed Chen Mo's head portrait hard.

In his previous life, he had never experienced such a passionate love for his sister.

At this moment, Chen Mo was not around, and Chen Yu had nowhere to vent his strong emotions. He had to take Xiao Yan out of the Supreme Holy Land and kissed her head hard.

The quicksand of time was rubbed out by Xiao Yan, so she had some credit, didn't she?

Xiao Yan wiped the saliva on her face with a confused look on her face, and looked at Chen Yu at a loss.

"You are really my lucky star!"

After saying that, he took Xiaoyan to his mouth and kissed her several times.


Although Xiao Yan didn't understand, she felt Chen Yu's joy and became happy too, waving her hands excitedly.

After a long while, Chen Yu calmed down.

Absolute Strengthening really got better.

He already had a deep understanding of the power of this supreme talent.

But now, a new problem was placed before him.

What should be strengthened this time?

Strengthen a certain plant life?

Chen Yu cast his eyes on Xiao Yan.

Let a certain individual reach the supreme level and become the strongest combat force under his command?

Or strengthen a certain skill and obtain a more extensive and large-scale improvement?

For example, the supreme talent of Supreme Holy Soil has no combat power itself, but it can cultivate countless legendary and supreme life forms.

"Skills, talents, items, lives, and even equipment……"

Chen Yu felt that his thoughts were a little confused.

For absolute enhancement, it is impossible to preview the state after enhancement.

To be precise, there is no necessary connection between before and after enhancement.

Not to mention the planting space of the Supreme Holy Land and ordinary planters, just look at the World Tree and the Fairy Tree.

Things like the Fairy Tree, even if you take out the genealogy and look at it with a magnifying glass, it is absolutely impossible to have anything to do with the World Tree.

The World Tree is the World Tree, a supreme existence, and there is no such thing as a"lower-level" creature.

Perhaps, some analysis can be made based on the efficacy of the enhanced person.

But that is all blind guessing, and it may be completely different from the real situation.

"Otherwise, strengthen the Supreme Holy Land for the second time? See if the Supreme Holy Land can transform into something more powerful?"


"Forget it"

"As the Supreme Level that has already been finalized, the Supreme Holy Land can only be strengthened to enhance its original functions or add some other functions. It is completely unnecessary."

Chen Yu sat on the sofa in the living room, thinking hard for a long time.

It was not until the door repairman came over and repaired the door and left with the reward that an idea slowly emerged in his mind.

"Otherwise, I should just strengthen myself?"

(My dear emperors, this is awesome. Now the gift is up to 60 yuan again, and the gift king has entered the top 200! I love you guys~)

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