Strengthen yourself and become a supreme being!

This idea was unstoppable and soon became finalized in Chen Yu's mind.

In order to prevent a big commotion, such strengthening cannot be carried out in the outside world.

Back in the Supreme Holy Land, Xiao Yan proudly showed off to her sisters how intimate her master had been with her just now, and kissed her many times in a row.

Several primordial elves immediately flew over and circled around Chen Yu, trying to get his attention.

Even mature personalities like Hou Tu and Xiaomiao were no exception.

Chen Yu was immediately dazzled by the flying elves, so he had to kiss them one by one.

Then, Chen Yu walked to the edge of the Supreme Holy Land, and then drove away the primordial elves hanging on his body.

"Use it and it will definitely strengthen you!"

"Strengthen the target, myself!"

The next moment.

Chen Yu clearly felt that an unknown force of unknown origin merged with him silently.

The whole process may have taken less than a second.

There were no sound and light effects, or strange phenomena that Chen Yu thought might appear.

However, he had a vague feeling.

It seemed that... the world had become different.

He couldn't tell exactly where it was different.

Chen Yu opened the attribute panel and looked at the supreme strengthening talent.

It had already entered the cooling state.

The entire panel did not change at all.

The attributes did not change, the potential level did not change, and the skills did not change.

"Wait... the existing talents have not changed, but there is a new talent!"

After observing, Chen Yu found that a new talent appeared on his attribute panel.

Supreme new talent!

Daluo Daoguo (Supreme):

Effect 1: Time and space are endless, and the true self is unique: Your existence is unique. Except for yourself, no one can shake your trajectory. Your interference in the world is deterministic, and except for yourself, no one can change your mark.

Effect 2: Immortality, indestructibility: The true spirit is indestructible, and the source is immortal.


Chen Yu pondered for a moment, then couldn't help laughing.

Daluo Daoguo!

In mythology, there is an existence with supreme status.

It can even be understood that in the eyes of"Daluo", this world is no different from a virtual game.

Now, he is at a very low level in this game and lacks a little accumulation.

But in essence, he has jumped out of this dimension!

From the talent introduction,"Daluo Daoguo" provides two attributes.

One is immunity to causal attacks.

For example, props such as"Years Quicksand" affect the past or the future.

If someone uses such means to deal with Chen Yu, they will find that this person's past or future cannot be explored at all.

Others cannot change the cause and effect of Daluo, but Daluo can change the cause and effect of others, which is so unreasonable.

The second is to provide an enhanced version of immortality.

Directly eliminate any form of"extinction" from the concept.

Up to now, among the products of the two effects of"absolute reinforcement","Supreme Holy Land" changes the environment, while"Daluo Daoguo" changes the essence.

In terms of its own meaning,"Daluo Daoguo" is even better than"Supreme Holy Land".

Because the"Da Luo Dao Fruit" gives"player identity"","The Supreme Holy Land is more like a game plug-in."


"Master, you……"

The World Tree seemed to sense something.

A pale green shadow appeared in front of Chen Yu, hesitating to speak.

"What about me?"Chen Yu asked with a smile

"I feel like you've become... different." The will of the World Tree revealed a little fear.

Chen Yu pondered for a moment, walked to the trunk of the World Tree, and knocked gently.

"How about I let you feel it carefully?"


On the trunk of the World Tree, a white light door opened, and Chen Yu walked in confidently.

Immersed in the joy of improving his professional attributes, Chen Yu did not know that at this moment, all the creatures in the heavens and the worlds saw a colorful and complex symbol when they looked up at the sky.

It seemed to be some kind of text, but it did not belong to any known civilization.

However, all the creatures who saw this symbol could understand its meaning.——


Countless strong men noticed this phenomenon and searched for the source.

But no matter how they searched, this symbol was always across the sky.

In other words, it was in people's sight when they looked up.

It was always so far away from the gaze, no matter how high it flew, it could not be reached.

Even its position in the gaze would not change at all.

There were no traces of human beings, no fluctuations of power, as if it was a rule that had been established since the beginning of the world.

However, this symbol appeared suddenly and disappeared very suddenly.

In terms of the time span, it only existed for a few minutes.

It did not cause any additional impact on the world, as if it was just a simple strange image.

The strong men studied it to no avail, and could only think that someone had set off a firework and left it alone.

Only some great and indescribable existences that touched a certain vertex boundary could feel that this was a power from another dimension!

This was a power that they had been pursuing hard, exhausting the vast time, but could not touch or understand!


The next day.

Chen Yu stumbled out of the World Tree.

After being taught a lesson by the World Tree, he suddenly realized that Daluo was nothing special.

When the back is sore, it still hurts, right?

"What the hell is this? It's a Daluo Dao Fruit, why doesn't it give any attribute value?"Collect!"

However, although it was a bit tiring, the harvest was still gratifying.

The exhausted vitality has been replenished, and the upper limit has been increased by 40 points.

The effect is not as significant as the first time.

But this increase is already terrifying.

Those who have a simple difficulty for the job transfer task and an ordinary profession, and the potential level after the first transfer is only one star, can only increase 50 professional attributes from level 50 to level 100.

If other professionals knew that someone could add dozens of professional attributes after sleeping, I'm afraid they would be jealous to the point of separation.

"You, come here."

Chen Yu waved to a thorn spirit.

The thorn spirit walked in front of Chen Yu.

""Life calculation!"

Chen Yu stretched out his hand and placed it on her shoulder, with a light green light blooming in his hand.

The last time he used the life calculation to deduce, he only got the information of the main material, and some auxiliary materials had not been deduced.

Now, he has more than 900 points of vitality attribute, so he must be able to deduce it.

As expected by Chen Yu.

With the support of sufficient vitality attribute, the promotion path of the thorn spirit was quickly deduced.

The result of the deduction surprised Chen Yu a little.

In this deduction, the demand for materials of the thorn spirit was reduced.

In the last deduction, the main materials needed for a thorn spirit to be promoted to the mythical level were a gold BOSS corpse of the same level, ten units of water of life, and a leaf of the tree of life containing the origin.

Now, the conditions for the gold BOSS corpse have become silver BOSS. S.

The demand for water of life has been reduced from ten units to five units.

The auxiliary materials of epic level and below are all common materials and are not scarce.

Chen Yu feels that this is related to the advancement of the Supreme Holy Soil.

After he completed the first task, the Supreme Holy Soil was upgraded from LV1 to LV2.

In addition to being able to get a supreme level quota again, the invisible function that allows ordinary plants to improve their quality should also be strengthened.

The direct manifestation is that the consumption of materials required to upgrade the grade of legendary plant life has decreased.

Taking advantage of the sufficient vitality attribute, Chen Yu also deduced the upgrade route of lily and man-eating plant.

The main materials are the same as those of the thorn spirit, all of which require the BOSS corpse and the leaves of the tree of life, as well as the water of life.

The auxiliary materials are slightly different, but they are all things that can be bought with money.

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