"【Rebirth Cross】, unit price 100 credits, maximum exchangeable 3."

Chen Yu clicked on the detailed information of the Rebirth Cross.

【[Rebirth Cross]

Quality: Fantasy

Restriction: Level 10 and below

Priority: 5

Effect: Before use, you need to bind a resurrection point, put the item in the inventory or carry it with you, and it will automatically take effect after the holder dies, and resurrect at the bound resurrection point with full status, and resurrect at the original location if the resurrection point is not bound.

Description: Extremely precious classic high-level resurrection item

"Dream level? That's a big deal!"

Dream level is a quality above the myth level.

As the name suggests, this quality is all about things that are out of the ordinary and gradually outrageous.

Without saying anything, Chen Yu spent 300 credits to buy all three redeemable [Rebirth Cross Seals].

After clicking to confirm the purchase, the red column on the redemption list disappeared.

A few seconds later, three wooden boxes appeared out of thin air on the desk.

Chen Yu opened the wooden box, and inside were three palm-sized silver crosses, which were the resurrection items [Rebirth Cross Seals].

Resurrection items are extremely rare, and generally have great side effects, such as loss of level, loss of attributes, loss of equipment or skills, and so on.

In addition, the resurrection priority entry of the resurrection function corresponds to the lethal damage priority. The resurrection priority must be higher than the lethal damage priority to successfully resurrect the function owner.

For example, most dungeons have a resurrection protection mechanism. After a professional dies in a dungeon, he will not really die, but will exit the dungeon and resurrect. Alive.

The priority of the resurrection protection mechanism in ordinary copies is generally level 1.

The same is true for the college entrance examination ranking copy.

The reason why the tearing demon clone can cause the real death of professionals in the ranking copy is because it has a lethal damage greater than or equal to level 1. For professionals and monsters below level eight, the lethal level of damage is generally level 0. Only strong people above level eight will gradually begin to master the ability to cause lethal damage.

Chen Yu once saw the auction information of a resurrection item on the Internet.

It is just a rare resurrection item with a priority of 1. It can be used up to level four, and it has great side effects.

After resurrection, it will drop directly to the initial level of 200 of the fourth turn, and all its equipment and items will explode.

In the end, it was auctioned at a sky-high price of several million gold coins.

And now in front of Chen Yu is the [Rebirth Cross Seal], which has no side effects and can be resurrected on the spot with full status. It can be used up to level ten, and the resurrection priority is 5.

The value of such a resurrection item is difficult to measure with gold coins.

"I'm afraid this is not a benefit for the top scholar, but a benefit that belongs to me alone."

"I just don't know if this is the work of Tenglong University or the imperial government."

Chen Yu smiled and put the three [Rebirth Cross Seals] into his inventory.

A top scorer in the college entrance examination is naturally not worthy of the protection of three fantasy-level resurrection items.

Tenglong University is not so arrogant that it can equip each top scorer with three fantasy-level resurrection items.

In fact, after coming out of the examination room and reading all kinds of news about himself, Chen Yu vaguely realized that what he did in the ranking competition might attract attention.

Later, the forbidden strongman Ling Xiuhe followed all the way and proved this conjecture.

However, it was not until now, with the three [Rebirth Cross Seals] in front of him, that Chen Yu truly realized the extent of his impact.

"As a genius, it is really a blessing to be born in the Tenglong Empire."Chen Yu couldn't help but sigh.

After leaving the college entrance examination, the upper class had already started to pay attention to him.

This is a kind of"secret protection" that is almost exposed.

While letting him know that there is someone behind him to support him, no pressure is put on him.

No one has jumped out to influence his will without authorization and try to change the trajectory of his life.

"Just a reminder." Ling Xiuhe on the side suddenly said,"This kind of thing is only for you to keep. If you give it to others or sell it without permission, it will be directly taken back."

"Got it." Chen Yu nodded awkwardly.

He had just thought about selling this thing in exchange for other resources.

【[Rebirth Cross Seal] It's good, but it's useless to him.

His own"Path to the Afterlife" can even revive the cause of death of the soul, which is beyond the scope of priority.

Moreover, there is no limit to the number of resurrections.

"By the way, you are not short of points now, I suggest you redeem the [Potential Trial] in the special item category first," Ling Xiuhe continued.

"Potential test?"

"You can find out if you search it out."


Chen Yu searched in the special items category.

A redemption option was selected.

"【First-level Potential Trial], unit price 10,000 credits, limited to 1 redemption"

【[First-level Potential Trial]

Quality: ?

Effect: Open a special mission potential trial, and after completion, you will get a potential star rating based on the evaluation.

Note: You can only conduct a potential trial once at each job transfer stage.

Note: You cannot repeat a potential trial after failing.

"There is such a thing?!" Chen Yu was surprised,"Why didn't I know about it before?"

After completing the first-level job transfer task, the potential level is unlocked.

Everyone has racial potential.

Occupational potential is divided according to occupation.

Ordinary occupations have no potential, mutant occupations have one star, and hidden occupations have at least two stars.

In addition, there are rewards for job transfer tasks.

Simple difficulty has no potential, normal difficulty has one star, difficult has two stars, nightmare has three stars, and purgatory has four stars.

If the completion rate is high, there will be extra rewards.

For example, Chen Yu got two extra stars because he broke the record and surpassed the previous record by four times.

In addition, I have never heard of other ways to increase the potential level.

"This is normal, there are many things here that most people will never know in their lifetime."Ling Xiuhe smiled and said,"Because this is Tenglong University!"

"Thank you for the reminder." Chen Yu said gratefully

"No need, you will know about the potential test sooner or later at Tenglong University." Ling Xiuhe said,"Many outstanding students will exchange for the test qualification."

"However, only a small number of people can successfully advance to the next level."

"There are very few who can receive high evaluations."

"Got it." Chen Yu nodded.

"I know you are strong, but in the potential trial, your own strength is not important... Never mind, you will know after you use it." Ling Xiuhe shook her head,"You don't have to have too high expectations."

"It would be best if you can pass to increase your potential, but if you fail, you can still gain more knowledge and experience, broaden your thinking, and think about how to deal with it next time."

"I'll use it when I get back later!" Chen Yu exchanged the [First-level Potential Trial] on the spot.

The object was an oval white stone slab, about a circle larger than a human palm.

"Yes." Ling Xiuhe said,"The duration of the potential trial is fixed at two hours."

"However, after the trial, your body and mind will be exhausted, so you need to pay attention to this."

"Tomorrow is the day for freshmen to gather and choose their mentors. Don't delay."

"If you miss it, you won't have the chance to choose a mentor this year."

"In school, efficient credit tasks and resources such as dungeons are all assigned by the instructor."

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