"Come to think of it, Sister Ling, you are also a mentor, right? Can't I just choose you?" Chen Yu asked

"Want to become my disciple?" Ling Xiuhe said with a smile,"Wait until you pass the fourth level and graduate from a regular college."

""Okay, then I will try to graduate early with a triple jump."

Chen Yu put away the white slate.

Ling Xiuhe is a tutor at Tenglong University, but as a forbidden master, she is obviously not at the same level as those tutors at the fifth or sixth level.

According to her previous career, she should be a tutor for masters, a tutor for doctors, or a senior professor.

Then, Chen Yu opened the"Materials" column and searched for the materials he needed.

Tenglong University is indeed Tenglong University. Even Yun Biyue could only sigh in despair. The materials she didn't know where to find were clearly marked with prices here.

"Unstable Space Fragment Crystal (Epic), unit price 100 credits, remaining 999+"

"Void Beast Crystal Core (One Color Myth), unit price 15000 credits, remaining 3"

"Time Sand (Epic), unit price 1000 credits, remaining 576"

"Leaf of the Tree of Life (One Color Myth), unit price 400 contribution, remaining 15"

"Water of Life (Legend), unit price 3000 credits, remaining 999+"

"Spirit-bearing Ancient Tree Trunk (Epic), unit price 30 credits, remaining 99999+"

"Fruit of Suffering Tree Demon (Epic), unit price 50 credits, remaining 99999+"


After reading the exchange list, Chen Yu found that even with 50,000 credits, he was still a poor guy. He couldn't even gather a few sets of resources needed for plant life to be promoted to myth.

"Forget it. Every time you change your job, the resource requirements for plant life to advance to myth will decrease, so you don't have to worry."

Among these materials, Chen Yu only exchanged one"Unstable Space Fragment Crystal" and one"Time Sand" respectively.

These two are considered conventional space and time attribute resources, which can be used to allow the World Tree to breed the original elves of space and time attributes.

In addition, there are a large number of cheap plant seeds.

He now has three types of plant life on a large scale, and one credit can buy 5,000 seeds, which is almost equivalent to giving them away for free.

After changing to the first level, the planter has two more commonly used plants, namely"parasitic dandelion" and"energy-gathering sunflower".

These two plants are classified as"first-level plants", and their basic level is 51 after maturity.

Ordinary planters will cultivate a large number of high-level plants to quickly form combat power.

However, for Chen Yu, this is meaningless.

Because as long as the plants under his command mature, the level is the same as his own, and there is no need to spend time and energy to upgrade them

"The price of"Parasitic Dandelion" and"Energy Concentrating Sunflower" is a little higher than the three types of plant life in the novice period, but not much more expensive. One credit can buy 1,000 of them.

There are a total of five types of plant life that can be planted in large quantities. It only costs more than 50 credits to replenish 20,000 of them.

Chen Yu closed the material list and opened the skill list.

He now has an empty skill slot.

After some selection, he selected a skill.

【[Legend] Seed of Heart (First Order) LV1: Communicate with the plant life you already have and depict the heart. After the heart is depicted, it can be summoned to fight. The attributes of the heart are the caster's own attributes * 200%; there is no cooldown time and quantity limit for summoning the heart, but the presence of the heart will continue to consume"vitality"; Note: The heart has no self-combat ability and needs to be controlled by the caster.

This skill book consumes 500 contribution points plus 20,000 points.

It may not be worth it for other growers because they do not have enough high-quality plants.

With so many credits and contributions, the corresponding resources can cultivate a new batch of combat power.

But in Chen Yu's hands, it will definitely shine.

Who made him have so many high-quality plant lives?

A moment later, there was a knock on the door of the room.

Chen Yu opened the door, and outside the door was a school worker with an inexplicable expression.

"Is there anything wrong?" Chen Yu asked

"Is this Chen Yu? These are the seeds you bought.

The janitor took out more than a dozen sacks and placed them in front of Chen Yu.

"Since the quantity you purchased is too large, if there is a lot of damage, you can report it to the material department."

"Uh, thank you."Chen Yu put away the seeds

"You're welcome." The janitor nodded, left the room and closed the door.

After the janitor left, Chen Yu looked back at Ling Xiuhe with a strange expression,"Sister Ling, are Tenglong University's supplies still delivered manually?"

"Of course!" Ling Xiuhe rolled her eyes at Chen Yu,"Do you think everything can be transmitted directly?"

"Only high-value items will be delivered directly to you. If you buy low-value items, they will be delivered manually!"

"That's right... you……"Ling Xiuhe hesitated to speak


"Nothing."Ling Xiuhe shook her head.

She wanted to ask Chen Yu why he bought so many seeds.

However, when she thought of Chen Yu summoning thousands of legendary plant lives in the ranking match, she had a crazy guess.

Or rather, she was sure in her heart.

So, when the words came to her lips, she swallowed them back.

Just do your job honestly.

It's better not to get involved in some dangerous things.

Chen Yu is now linked to the highest secret order of the empire.

Not to mention that she is a small eighth-level professional, even if the high-ranking demigod comes, as long as he touches something he shouldn't touch, he will be in trouble.


After a big purchase at the exchange office, Ling Xiuhe took Chen Yu and the other two to the dormitory area of Tenglong University. There are two types of dormitories at Tenglong University.

One is to be admitted from the top 500 in the college entrance examination ranking competition, and live in a single-family villa with beautiful scenery.

There is an independent skill practice room in the villa, equipped with high-quality food every day, equipped with transportation and drivers for travel, and there are maid professionals to take care of life.

The other is the special recruitment quota of each province, living in a crowded six-person room.

There is nothing except a bed!

If you want better conditions, it’s no problem, just challenge the people living in the villa directly.

Of course, challengers can’t just make money out of nothing, and they need to pay credits to initiate a challenge.

In the first year of freshmen’s enrollment, only freshmen can challenge freshmen.

After one year, as long as they are of the same level and the level difference does not exceed 10 levels, they can challenge.

It is worth mentioning that the tutor of Tenglong University also lives in the villa area and can also be challenged.

The courtyards of Chen Yu, Su Miaoyue and Lu Pingping are adjacent, forming a"品" character.

After swiping the badge and returning to his dormitory, Chen Yu did not bother to appreciate the luxurious interior of the dormitory. He directly closed the bedroom and entered the Supreme Holy Land.

Then, he immediately walked to the World Tree and fed the"Unstable Space Fragment Crystal" and"Time Sand" he had just purchased to the World Tree.

"World Tree, tell me, how much of this material is needed to breed the original spirits of space and time attributes respectively?"

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