The World Tree quickly absorbed the two material samples.

A moment later, Chen Yu received the answer from the World Tree.

Space system, 526.

Time system, 112.

To buy all of them, 170,000 credits are required.

For him, it is not too difficult to reach this level of credits.

"Girls, get up and work!"

Chen Yu threw the sack of seeds into the middle of the legendary plant lives, asking them to help sow.

The legendary plant lives rolled up the seeds and began to work silently.

Chen Yu came to the world tree, stretched out his hand to hold the trunk of the world tree, and prepared to open the [Seed of Heart] to depict the heart of the world tree.


The next second, Chen Yu felt his hand empty, and a white light gate appeared on the branches of the world tree.

Then, a strong pulling force pulled Chen Yu in.

Before Chen Yu could react, he was blinded by something.

According to past experience, this should be the world tree in the form of a lolita.

Relying on its small size, flexibility and changeability, it moves extremely fiercely and directly outputs on the face.

However, inside the world tree, no matter what he touches, he can benefit.

Sure enough, a majestic vitality energy merged into his body, quickly replenishing his consumption.

After a while, he felt the oppression became stronger.

It seemed that the thing that was pressing on him had become much larger.

The consumption of physical and mental strength began to gradually accelerate.


About an hour later, the vitality attribute was fully replenished.

After paying the price to the World Tree, Chen Yu quickly slipped away.

Otherwise, he would probably be locked inside for the whole night and unable to get out.

After leaving the inner space of the World Tree, Chen Yu continued his unfinished business.

""The Seed of Heart" unfolded.

Chen Yu felt that a blank space appeared in his spiritual world.

Outside the blank space, the image of the World Tree was perceived.

It started from the Supreme Holy Land and spread across the void, endlessly.

With the close connection with the World Tree, the shadow of the World Tree was quickly imprinted in the blank space.

Then, Chen Yu opened his eyes, left the World Tree, and found a piece of open space without flowers and plants at the edge of the Holy Land.

"Try the power first"

""The Seed of Heart!"

Behind Chen Yu, a huge branch shadow emerged and suddenly poured into the endless void outside the holy land.

In the void, visible ripples suddenly appeared.

Then, countless gravel-like fragments fell.

The fragments quickly became smaller, and then turned into a gravel storm, sweeping towards the selection hall.

"It can actually cause a void storm, what a powerful force!"

Chen Yu's eyes lit up.

Of course, he knew that this was the result of the characteristics of the World Tree, not that he had enough power to shatter the void.

However, as a first-level professional, he relied on legendary energy to deal such horrible damage, which was already outrageous, okay? Without saying a word, Chen Yu quickly copied all the plant life in the entire holy land into the mind world.

Not all of the 5,000 legendary monsters were copied, but dozens of images of each were left.

After learning the skills and making preparations, Chen Yu took out the"First-level Potential Trial" slate he had just exchanged and chose to use

【Tip: You have opened the potential trial (first level)】

【Tip: Please select the difficulty of the potential trial】

【Normal, Hard, Nightmare, Inferno, Abyss】

"The abyss and I are destined to be together, so let me choose the abyss."

Chen Yu said without hesitation.

【Tip: You have selected the difficulty of"Abyss", please confirm your choice or change the difficulty】


【Tip: Please confirm again or change the difficulty】


【Tip: Difficulty selection completed, trial begins]

The next moment, Chen Yu's eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.


Time passed slowly.

When he woke up, Chen Yu found himself trapped in an endless dark and lonely space.

Then, a pulling force came and pulled part of his soul out of his body.

"What the hell?"

Chen Yu frowned.

A bright red phantom of the red spider lily bloomed behind him.

The power from the Supreme Yin and Ming instantly suppressed the restless soul.

However, Chen Yu did not take the opportunity to retract the other part of his soul will, but let it go.

He wanted to see where this power came from and where it wanted to take him.

This part of the torn soul consciousness floated in the dark space for a long time.

Finally, it was thrown into a slightly translucent gap.

Then, an illusory body was formed instantly.

And a part of Chen Yu's soul will was poured into it and controlled this body.

Controlling the false body to open his eyes.

Chen Yu found that there was a winding road under his feet. Cobblestone road.

There are some dry mosses on the edge of the dark gray slabs.

There are also some black traces in the shape of water drops on the slabs.

I don't know if it is the traces of thirsty blood, or something else. On both sides of the road, there is a woodland full of dead branches and leaves, with a strong smell of corruption.

Between the sparse trees, one can vaguely see a mutilated human corpse.

Looking forward, you can vaguely see a small town with smoke rising in the distance.

At this moment, a gust of wind rolled up the fallen leaves and blew them over Chen Yu's fake body.

Countless dry fallen leaves suddenly ignited a strange blue-white flame.

The dead leaves turned into ashes in an instant.

Suddenly, the wind stopped.

The black ashes fell to the ground, forming neat lines of text

"Trial Mission: Save the Holy Elegy of the Fallen!"

"Mission Difficulty: Abyss"

"Mission content: Protect the Saint and ensure her safety.

Before Chen Yu could take a closer look, another gust of wind blew and blew away the traces of black ashes.

Chen Yu stayed for a few minutes and found that no prompts appeared again.

"You mean, you want me to complete this mission without a beginning or an end?"

The content of the mission is just to protect the life of the Saint.

Who is the Saint?

Where is the Saint?

How long will it take to protect her?

There are hints for all of them, and the trial takers need to find out for themselves.

Chen Yu examined his fake body.

During the trial, the attribute panel could not be opened.

However, the information of the fake body can still be roughly judged based on the information left in the mind.

The level is just over 150.

The average of the four-dimensional attributes is only 1500 points.

Among them, strength and spirit are the highest, reaching 2000 points.

Constitution and agility are only 1000 points.

The professional attribute is"holy power", a total of There were 200 points, but only 100 points were left.

There were 5 skills in total, one for treatment, two for damage, one for defense, and one for support, all of which were sacred.

This attribute probably couldn't withstand a slap from his original body.

His current state was equivalent to playing a holographic virtual game, controlling the actions of the game characters.

Chen Yu's original body tried to perceive in the dark space.

In the dark space, the sense of distance was very weak.

He even felt that he was very close to his virtual body.

As long as he got rid of the restraining force, he could rely on the soul connection to descend to the virtual body and replace the virtual body....

(Today is the third update, please continue to ask for small gifts~ By the way, Fanqie has turned off the interactive review function of the writer's assistant, haha. I don't know if it's because there are too many outrageous comments, which makes many authors unstable~)

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