In the trial mission scene.

Chen Yu checked his equipment.

He was wearing a somewhat worn white priest robe, and there was a close-fitting chain mail inside the robe. There was also a cross sword more than one meter long hanging on his waist.

With these attribute skills and equipment, his identity should be a paladin who practiced both magic and martial arts.

In terms of functions, attack and assistance are half and half, but more inclined to treatment assistance.

After understanding his own situation, Chen Yu did not wait for the real body to break free from the shackles and come.

Instead, he walked along the stone road towards the town.

The first priority now is to find the saint.

If you don't know where the saint is, how can you protect her?

If he acts too late and causes the"saint" to die, it would be too ridiculous.

There are barren mountains and wilderness on both sides of the bluestone road, and only the town in front looks like a populated place.

I can only go to the town to inquire about the news and understand the situation.

The virtual body cannot communicate with the Supreme Holy Land, and summons plant life as a means of transportation.

Fortunately, both agility and physique are over 1000, so the speed of travel is not slow, and the endurance is sufficient.

About half an hour later, Chen Yu stopped outside the town and did not rush in.

The town was filled with the messy atmosphere of the abyss.

Most of the residents had obvious demonic features.

Chen Yu was good friends with the big boss of the abyss, but the abyss demons and the low-level employees who were polluted by the abyss did not buy it.

His virtual body, which mainly cultivated divine power, was in a hostile relationship with the abyss.

As long as he dared to walk into the town, these severely abyssized town residents would definitely rush up and tear him to pieces.

"What should I do?"

Chen Yu thought for a moment.

If it was his true form, he would directly show his abyss magic.

By then, everyone would be relatives and friends of the abyss, and I think these natives would not embarrass him.

"Let's catch a tongue first and understand the basic situation before making plans."

Chen Yu was cruising around the edge of the town, looking for lonely townspeople.

Not long after, he found a Fallen working in a farmland outside the town.

The Fallen was at a high level of abyssization, and his arms had turned red like the skin of a demon.

The abyss magic aura emanating from his body was at least 70 or 80 points if calculated numerically.

His level was estimated to be over 100, which was the strength of the second transformation.

This farmland was far away from the town, and there were no other people around.

Even if there was some noise, it would not be noticed by others and cause subsequent trouble.

"Tsk tsk tsk, my dear, the benefits of our employees in the Abyss need to be improved."

"Look at this old man, he is our loyal believer, but he still lives such a hard life, and at such an old age he still has to rely on farming to make a living."

Chen Yu sighed in his heart, and slowly approached the fallen who was farming.

However, when he approached the fallen within ten meters, he found that he was not farming in the conventional sense.

The plants in the field looked a bit like rice, but upon closer inspection, they were not.

This is a plant that contains some abyss magic.

"Next to the"farmer", there were more than a dozen human remains.

Its face was twisted and its expression was hideous, but its hands were meticulous in their movements, chopping the corpses into neat pieces.

Then it dug up the soil and buried the body parts next to the strange crops.

The whole body of the Fallen was covered with blood and flesh residue.

Its image and movements were exactly the same as the classic shots in horror movies.

The strong smell of blood and rot wafted far away, making Chen Yu feel physically uncomfortable even ten meters away.

The abyss breath filled all around, and this virtual body that majored in the sacred system felt very uncomfortable.

"One strike solves it!"

Chen Yu drew out the cross sword from his waist with a clang, took a running start, jumped up, and rushed towards the Fallen.


The Fallen heard the noise and turned back suddenly.

"Holy Healing!"

In mid-air, Chen Yu quickly cast a healing spell.

The healing spell fell on the Fallen, burning his half-demonized body like a blazing flame.

The Fallen screamed and fell to the ground, holding his head.

Chen Yu fell from the air, swung the cross sword, and cut off the Fallen's arms.


The Fallen's bloodshot eyes were wide open, and he let out a painful roar like a wild beast.

Chen Yu grabbed a handful of straw and stuffed it into his mouth, then stepped on his head.

After a few minutes, the Fallen stopped roaring and his struggles gradually weakened, so he let him go.

"I ask questions, you answer them." Chen Yu said coldly,"Do you understand what I say?"

"Holy power? You are a priest!"

The Fallen One spit out the straw in his mouth and suddenly showed a weird smile to Chen Yu.


Chen Yu cut off half of the Fallen's calf with one sword

"I asked the question, you answered it, I don't want to repeat it again."

Dark purple blood spurted out.

Accompanied by a strong smell of iron and a faint smell of sulfur.

Obviously, this man was about to completely turn into an abyss demon.

"Hahahaha, huh, ho, priest, the pain you inflicted on me will be repaid a hundredfold!" The Fallen laughed crazily.


Chen Yu once again cut off a section of the Fallen's calf with his sword and said in a cold voice:

"Every time you answer a question that is not true, I will chop off a piece of your body."

"Think carefully before you speak!"

"Haha, I know what you want to ask, and I know what you want to find!"The Fallen opened his mouth and revealed an even crazier smile.

"Your companions will be sacrificed to the great demon!"

"The soul of the priest will be the most delicious sacrifice!"

"You will——"


Chen Yu chopped off the head of the fallen with one sword

"Why didn't you just say it earlier? You have to talk about this and that and act like a psychopath."

"No wonder you're treated badly."

"The reputation of our Abyss has been ruined by parasites like you."The

Fallen Farmer has made it clear enough.

A priest was captured and was about to be sacrificed to the Abyss Demon.

Where did so many priests come from in this desolate mountain?

The one who was captured was most likely the target of the mission.

His trial mission was to protect, not to find someone.

So it was impossible for the Saint to hide in a remote cave and take a nap.

Otherwise, the mission name should be"Hide and Seek" instead of"Save the Holy Fallen Elegy!"

He was a little priest who had just reached the third level, and he had to face a large group of second-level, third-level, and even fourth-level monsters in the town, and there might even be elites and BOSS. He also had to protect the Saint from being killed.

This difficulty was indeed worthy of the word"Abyss"

"The problem now is that my virtual character is a sacred character."

"In the Abyss Town, the target is too big, like a light bulb, and it is impossible to successfully find and rescue the target."

"If it is the Abyss system, there will be a chance"

"Wait, Abyss……"

Chen Yu suddenly remembered the name of the trial task

"Save the holy Lament of the Fallen!"

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