Is this title a hint?

Save the Holy. Is the Saint considered holy?

Of course she is!

Who is saving the Holy?

The Fallen!

Who is carrying out the mission now?

It is him, Chen Yu!

So, this Fallen...

Chen Yu immediately constructed the general framework of the story in his mind.

The Saint was captured in the Devil Town and was about to become a sacrifice.

A priest arrived and found the Saint, but because of his weak power, he could not fight against the Fallen in the entire town.

In order to save the Saint, he did not hesitate to fall into the abyss and fall into the abyss, just to implement the faith in his heart.

Of course, even if the Saint was rescued in the end, his fate would definitely not be too good.

There is a high probability that he will become cannon fodder for the Saint on the way to escape.

Even if he returns to the Holy Temple, it will be very miserable.

The Fallen is the Fallen.

What if the faith in your heart is firm? What if you yearn for light?

Flawless holiness will not allow the dirty body of the Fallen to exist.

Therefore, the perfect ending of the script should be:

"The"Fallen" successfully rescued the Saint and escorted her back to the holy forces.

Then, because he could not tolerate his own depravity, he left sadly or committed suicide. He was even executed by the temple he believed in.

Doesn't this perfectly fit the name of the mission"Song of Saving the Holy Fallen"?

"What a match!"

"I’m sorry, as the Supreme Lord, I don’t accept scripts arranged by others!"

"Tragedy? It doesn't exist!"

Everyone who has played the game knows that most players don't care about the plot, they just fight for more rewards.

If the blood bar is exposed, even the God of Creation will explode gold coins! The basic requirement of the trial mission is to ensure that the Saint Girl does not die.

As for the others, there are no hard and fast rules.

According to Chen Yu's dungeon experience, killing monsters will definitely improve the mission evaluation.

As long as the method is right, not only the abyss monsters can explode gold coins, but also the temple monsters can explode gold coins.

"Although I don't want to follow the script, I can still use the ideas provided by the script."

Besides disguising himself as the Abyss, he really has no other way to rescue the Saint.

The Abyss's erosion of creatures from other camps is to gradually complete the Abyssification of non-Abyss creatures by the strong, stubborn and infectious nature of the Abyss magic.

"The source of the magic power of the abyss……"

Isn't it everywhere?

Around the town, even the air is filled with endless abyss magic, corroding every creature that steps into it.

It won't take long for an ordinary person to be transformed into a low-level abyss monster.

If it weren't for the holy power that was constantly operating to expel the pervasive abyss magic, Chen Yu's virtual body would have been assimilated by the abyss long ago.

It is difficult to expel the abyss magic, but it is too easy to introduce it.

Chen Yu moved his mind and forcibly controlled the holy power in his body to give up resistance.

The highly active abyss magic began to continuously infect his body.

"This place is simply a Feng Shui treasure land."

Chen Yu felt that after his real body descended, he would probably be able to replenish all the abyssal magic soon.

After about an hour, the virtual body had entered a semi-abyssal state, accumulating more than 10 units of low-quality abyssal magic.

The appearance of the body also had some abyssal demon symbols.

Chen Yu tried to use the holy power again.

When the holy power was released and passed through the abyssal body, it immediately produced a painful feeling of being burned by fire.

This situation is different from the main body.

Chen Yu's main body controls the abyssal magic and only uses it as a professional attribute.

The virtual body is completely transformed into an abyssal species, similar to the transformation of plant life by"Embrace the Abyss".

This low-level transformation is obviously not comparable to the mythical skill.

After the transformation, his attributes not only did not increase, but decreased a little, and fell into a weak state.

The four-dimensional attributes decreased by about 20%.

However, this does not affect the progress of the task.

The mission of this virtual body will soon be completed.

His main body will be able to break the shackles of the dark space and descend into this world in about a few hours.


Chen Yu mobilized the magic power of the abyss, carefully concealed the holy power, and headed towards the town again.

The closer he got to the town, the more Fallen there were. On a loess road outside the town, Chen Yu and a Fallen met head-on.

The Fallen glanced at Chen Yu.

But until the two passed by, there was no other reaction.

Because of the transformation of the abyss magic, the other party had already regarded him as one of the same kind.

In this way, he was just a"foreigner" in the town, not a"mortal enemy.""

"It should be successful."

Chen Yu raised his vigilance and slowly walked into the town.

Sure enough, after entering the town, the fallen people in the town did not pay too much attention to him.

The whole town has only one main street, which runs from the town head to the town seat.

In the middle, there is a circular square covering an area of about five or six acres, and a demon statue stands in the middle of the square.

Town residents come to the demon statue to kneel and pray.

In addition, the fallen people seem to continue their living habits as pure humans.

The whole town is in order, and there are few chaotic scenes.

Just as Chen Yu was looking at the demon statue, a hoarse sound like two rocks rubbing against each other sounded beside him.

"Hey, outsider."

A fallen man walked up to Chen Yu and gave him a weird smile.

"You look weak and need some strength."

"Your eyes deceive you, I am not weak, I only need one punch to smash your head!" Chen Yu pushed the Fallen away, stared at him viciously, and clenched his fist.

Although he was weak, he was still a third level.

A mere second level Fallen, could he still want to take advantage of the situation?

"If you don't believe it, come and try it."

"Hey, man, don't be impulsive, I have no ill intentions. The Fallen waved his hand

"I have something good here that can help you, you will definitely need it!"

"Can you help me get rid of my weak state?" Chen Yu raised his eyebrows.

"That's right——"The Fallen smiled, his mouth almost stretched to his ears, which could scare a child to tears.

In fact, it was not the Abyss that made him so ugly, but he just looked like this.

"Your sword is still new, you must be a newly fallen priest."

"Don't worry, after the fall of the clergy, there is a period of weakness. You need to integrate into the abyss as soon as possible."

"As long as you get through the adaptation period, your strength will soon soar!"

The Fallen brought Chen Yu to a shop on the street and pointed to the corner of the shop.

There were several human corpses dressed similarly to Chen Yu.

"These are some stubborn clergymen trying to break into town."

"It's a pity that they didn't succeed and ended up like this."

"I can sell you these bodies for a low price."

"Whether you eat it yourself or sacrifice it to the demon at tomorrow's sacrifice ceremony, it will help you get over your weakness quickly."

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