"Is there a sacrifice ceremony tomorrow?" Chen Yu immediately asked.

The fallen man he had killed before said that the town had captured a priest alive and would sacrifice him alive to the Abyss Demon God.

"Sakum, are you cheating people again?"

At this time, another degenerate walked into the store.

"You are so ridiculous, always using some tattered equipment to cover ordinary corpses to disguise the bodies of priests."

"Clito, you are not welcome here!"Sakum's face darkened and he said in a cold voice

"Hahaha! I told you, if you don't return the money you cheated me of, don't even think about doing this business again!" Clito raised his head and laughed.

Sakum's face suddenly turned pale, and the abyss magic power surged all over his body, revealing a ferocious look.

Clito sneered and didn't care.

Chen Yu was watching the show on the side.

These two people were both second-level fallen people, similar to the farmer who was killed before. If they fought, no one knew who would die first.

The result disappointed Chen Yu.

The two were tit-for-tat, but they were still restrained and didn't take action. They seemed to have reservations.

A few minutes later���Clito, who had ruined a business, left triumphantly.

Sakum, without saying a word, tore off an arm from a corpse and began to chew it.

After becoming abyssal, this scene of blood and flesh flying everywhere no longer caused Chen Yu to have a physical reaction.

But psychologically, he still felt uncomfortable.

It's not that there are no fallen people in the Blue Star world.

In the Church of Pain, in addition to the normal professionals who possess the magic power of the abyss, there are also a group of fallen people who have been corrupted by the magic power of the abyss.

But the fallen are also human beings. Except for a few who are already mentally abnormal, no one will do such a thing.

"What are you still doing here?"

After eating an arm, Sakum looked at Chen Yu expressionlessly.

"I just arrived here and I am not very familiar with this place. If you are willing to introduce it to me, I can pay you." Chen Yu said

"This piece of equipment should be worth a lot of money."

Chen Yu threw his cross sword directly over.

"May I?"

"Of course!" Sakum held the cross sword and nodded repeatedly.

"Then, let's talk about tomorrow's sacrificial ceremony first."Chen Yu said

"Good, good!" Sakum put away the cross sword and said with a smile:"Tomorrow's sacrifice ceremony will be presided over by Lord Monalak. The main sacrifice is a living priest who seems to be of a very high position.……"

After asking for the intelligence, Chen Yu was almost certain that the priest captured by the other party was the Saint herself.

The sacrificial ceremony will be held in the square in the center of the town.

Every resident of the town can participate and make sacrifices to pray for the reward of the Demon God.

The best sacrifice is naturally the priest who is the mortal enemy of the Fallen.

Whether alive or dead, they can get the attention of the Demon God and their strength will increase greatly.

Of course, living priests are more valuable.

And the higher the position, the more rewards you get.

The residents of the town don’t know yet that the priest they captured is the Saint.

It’s just that when she was captured, there were many guards around her, so they guessed that she was an important person.

As for Monalak, he is the mayor of the town, a strong man, who formulated the rules of the Fallen Town.

Before, the two Fallen had a conflict but did not fight because Monalak stipulated that random fighting was not allowed in the town.

"What is Monalak's strength? How can he make everyone in the town dare not resist?"Chen Yu continued to ask.

The Fallen and the Abyss Demon are one family.

The Abyss Demon is the brand spokesperson for evil and chaos. How could it be possible for it to consciously abide by the so-called order?

The only thing that can make the Abyss Demon follow order is a strong strength.

"I don't know about this. I heard that Lord Monalak has become a true abyss demon, at least level 4 or above."

"Thank you for your answer."Chen Yu smiled and nodded,"These are very helpful to me."

"You're welcome, my good friend."Sakum also smiled.

"Then, can I ask you for one more favor?"Chen Yu put a hand on the Fallen's shoulder.

"Of course!" Sakum's face lit up,"Tell me, what's the matter?"

This newly fallen priest was very generous.

The sword was worth a lot, and it could be sold for at least dozens of Abyss Magic Crystals.

Sakum liked to do business with such people.

"Then please——"

Chen Yu's smile became more intense, and his other hand was placed on the Fallen's shoulder.

"Help me say hello to the Demon of the Abyss!"

"Say hello to the Abyss Demon?"Sakum was slightly stunned.

I have such a big face, and I still open a grocery store here?

If it is a joke, then you can't mention the great Abyss Demon casually, right?

"Hey, my friend, this joke is not funny."Sakum's face is slightly serious.

"Do you think I'm kidding you? Sorry, I'm serious!"

Chen Yu held the fallen man's shoulder with one hand, climbed up his head with the other hand, and twisted it hard.


The burst of more than 2000 points of power instantly broke the cervical vertebra of the Fallen.

The small shop was opened on the street, but because the boss was not popular, few people patronized it.

In addition, the two were located inside the store.

So no one noticed the death of the Fallen.

Chen Yu threw the body in the corner and searched the store.

The grocery store is not big, and it sells some ordinary items.

In addition to his own cross sword, he only found a dozen low-quality abyss magic crystals.

In addition, he picked up two coats and some small items that looked like they might be useful.

After searching for usable supplies, Chen Yu walked out of the grocery store and closed the door.

At this moment, a rumbling sound came from not far away.

Chen Yu looked in the direction of the sound source.

Several���The convoy of horse-drawn carriages drove along the road in the middle of the town.

The horses pulling the carriages were tall and majestic, with bloodshot eyes and heavy horse hoof sounds.

The wide carriages were covered with black cloth, covering the piles of cargo.

After a while, the convoy arrived at the circular square in the center of the town.

The townspeople on both sides of the road immediately surrounded them.

The fallen man driving the carriage tore open the black cloth, revealing the"cargo" inside.

It was densely packed ordinary humans, all in a coma.

At this time, they had been infected by the omnipresent magic of the abyss, and began to have some characteristics of the abyss.

"I want the strongest one!"

An old fallen man with wrinkled face threw an abyss magic crystal to a coachman, greedily pointed at the edge of the carriage, and a sturdy man

"This is not enough!" The coachman said with disdain,"This is a peak first-level warrior!"

"I can only give you half at most!"

"Half? Okay, half is half!"The old man said angrily.

The driver nodded, grabbed the sturdy man's feet and lifted him up, then pulled him to both sides.


Blood splattered.

The sturdy man was torn into two pieces.

"Take it!"

The driver threw half of the corpse to the old man.

The old man grabbed the half of the corpse and started to eat it frantically.

The bloody smell immediately stimulated the fallen people around.

"I want that child! Give it to me now! Here is the money!"

"That woman! Yes, yes, the one in the middle! No, not that one, the one on the right"


The noisy sound woke up the people in the carriage.

The bloody scene around them made them scream in fear.

However, the transaction did not stop because of this.

The awakening of these"cargoes" seemed to intensify the excitement of the fallen.

Some fallen even specifically selected the fresh and awake"cargoes" and then slowly tore their flesh and blood one bite at a time.

Screams, cries, wails, excited laughter, angry shouts, made the quiet town extremely noisy.

Blood, limbs, broken internal organs, hideous expressions, and fallen people gnawing at living people formed a weird and bloody picture of hell.


Chen Yu suddenly felt uncomfortable.

He didn't know if he had a misunderstanding about the abyss, or if the abyss in this world was not the same as that in Blue Star.

The Fallen in the Trial Mission World were so savage, crazy, and bloody that even the demons in the Blue Star World would cry when they saw them.

He cursed inwardly that curiosity had killed the Great Immortal, and quickly left the scene and rushed to the location of Monalak's residence.

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