"Not really, I came here to save you."

Chen Yu's mouth twitched.

His orientation was normal, and it was impossible for him to have any abnormal thoughts.

Except for the strange forms of the World Tree that could accurately grasp his XP.

"Well, please." The little girl nodded.

"Just bear with the pain."

Chen Yu stretched out his hand and pressed on the iron nail on the little girl's foot.

"Don't worry, I have a strong tolerance for pain." The little girl said,"But please be careful with your technique and don't cause me any secondary injuries."

"I don't want to lose my ability to move, which would have a huge negative impact on the escape process."

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

Chen Yu grabbed the nail and pulled it out.


As the nail was pulled out, blood spurted out from the gaps between the little girl's toes.

Chen Yu raised his head and pointed his finger at the wound on the little girl's foot.

A light green light lingered, and the bleeding soon stopped.

"How do you feel?" Chen Yu looked up and asked

"Very good, thank you."

The little girl did not show any pain.

"What a brave child!"

Chen Yu gave the little girl a thumbs up.

Then he used the same method to pull out the other three nails.

He then used the cross sword to cut the ropes that bound her and carried her down.

At this time, other fallen people had already discovered Chen Yu.

"Someone broke in!"

"He is snatching the sacrifice!"

"Stop him now, and don't let him take the sacrifice away!"

More than a dozen Fallen rushed towards Chen Yu.

Some of them were wearing fine armor and holding sharp blades, which were obviously stronger than the guards beside the cross.

Chen Yu did not want to fight, and controlled the Heart Thorn Demon Spirit to block him. He jumped up holding the little girl and jumped out of the yard.

The streets of the town were densely populated with Fallen. Chen Yu did not want to waste his vitality on them, so he chose to escape from the side away from the street.

"Go to the right, there is a post station where high-level fallen people gather in front of this direction." The little saint said quickly


Chen Yu immediately changed direction and ran along a small path.

"Someone is stealing the sacrifice! Kill him!"

The Fallen behind him had already caught up and shouted loudly.

Several Fallen rushed out from the houses on both sides of the path and blocked Chen Yu.

The shadow of a thorny demon spirit appeared beside Chen Yu, swinging a vine whip down.


The fallen who blocked the road died quickly and without delaying even a second.

After hearing the voice of the guard, the fallen gathered in an endless stream, blocking Chen Yu's path.

Chen Yu controlled the Heart Thorn Spirit to block behind him, and then replaced it with a Heart Cloud Vine.

The vine was as thick as two people hugging together, and hundreds of meters long, smashing down along the road, directly clearing out dozens of fallen along the way.

""Turn left at the second fork in the road ahead."

The little girl said again.

Chen Yu did not hesitate. After passing a rough bluestone house, he turned into another alley.

There were only a few fallen people in the alley.

Seeing Chen Yu running wildly with the little girl in his arms, they were just a little surprised, but did not try to stop him. Instead, they stared at the pursuers behind Chen Yu, as if they were laughing at him.

At this moment, the little girl said again:"Shout out loud: I got the sacrifice, I want to see Lord Guzar, please help me stop Monalak's people!"

"Guzar? The leader of a force that is competing with the mayor in this corrupt town?"

Chen Yu understood, and immediately a strong abyss magic power burst out around him, and then shouted:"Brothers! I got the sacrifice! I want to see Lord Guzar! If you want to share the gift of the demon god, help me stop the vicious dog of the Monalak family!"

"What? He's one of ours?"

"Lord Guzar actually sent people to snatch and blatantly rob the sacrifice?"

"Are we finally going to have a falling out with Monalak? Good, I like it, hehehe!"

"Go! Stop them! The gift of the demon god belongs to us!"


In the alley, dozens or even hundreds of Fallen suddenly emerged and attacked the pursuers behind Chen Yu.

The pursuers were furious.

"Damn it! They are actually Guzar's men!"

"Damn it, are they trying to start a war?"

"Hehe, it should have been done a long time ago! This is a good opportunity to get rid of these bastards!"

"That's right! There only needs to be one voice in Haklu Town, and that's Lord Monalak!"

"Go! Kill them!"


Two groups of Fallen with red eyes collided with each other and started a bloody fight.

If both sides were normal humans, this trick might not work.

But the Fallen themselves are full of crazy factors, and there is not much rationality left.

When their crazy nature is suppressed at ordinary times and they already have conflicts, their emotions will completely explode with a little provocation.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Yu has already run out of the alley and re-entered the streets of the town.

Many Fallen on the street saw Chen Yu running wildly with the little girl in his arms, their faces suddenly changed, and they rushed towards Chen Yu.

Chen Yu used the same trick again:"Stop Monalak's dog! The gift of sacrifice belongs to Lord Guzar! The great demon god will surely bestow a gift on us!"

"Kill him! Get the sacrifice back!"

"Don't even think about it! The gift belongs to us! Kill!"

"go to hell!"


The town suddenly became chaotic.

"Don't go to the main road, go through there!"

The little girl raised her hand with difficulty and pointed to the other side of the street.

Chen Yu controlled three heart-phase thorn spirits, one to lead the way, and two to guard the rear, quickly clearing out the fallen around him and moving forward according to the little girl's instructions.

The fallen along the way were all weaklings of the second level.

Not to mention blocking, they couldn't even show up in front of Chen Yu, and were directly cleared out by the heart-phase thorn spirits.

In less than five minutes, Chen Yu had broken through the siege and crossed the town, escaping into the pastoral wilderness outside the town.

In the fields, there were only a few scattered fallen people working, and there was no threat at all.

Chen Yu looked around and found a continuous mountain range not far away.

Among them was a tall and abrupt peak.

Chen Yu immediately ran towards the mountain range, ready to use the height to observe the surrounding terrain and the situation of the town.

"Don't go to the mountain!" The little girl said quickly,"There are at least 118 third-level elite fallen patrolling around the mountain."

"Where are you going?" Chen Yu asked

"The woods next to the main road at the entrance of the town are the garbage dump for the Fallen in Haklu Town. There are almost no high-level Fallen patrolling there."The little girl replied.

"It is easy to hide in the woods. Follow the road and you will soon be out of the range of Haklu Town."

"Garbage dump?"Chen Yu recalled the road he took before entering the town. The trees on both sides were filled with bones and debris.

The stench was so strong that it polluted the road leading to the town for a long distance.

Even the devil would not like such an environment.


Chen Yu nodded, picked up the little girl, and ran towards the woods.

Not long after, they entered the woodland full of corruption.

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