The town fell into internal strife, and the pursuers did not catch up, so the environment was temporarily safe.

It must be said that the escape route indicated by the little saint was very correct. Until now, Chen Yu's vitality attribute was still close to full value, and he basically did not encounter high-intensity battles.

"Put me down, you take a rest and recover your strength, I also need to heal myself."

The little girl said to Chen Yu.

This time, Chen Yu did not accept the little girl's advice.

"You are an important person. The corrupt people in this town will definitely search everywhere and find you here soon. It is better to leave quickly."

"Don't worry." said the little girl

"The emotions of the Fallen are difficult to control, especially the low-level Fallen."

"The leader of the Fallen in Haklu Town was busy resolving the internal strife. There was no time to organize the action until the winner was determined."

"They don't know my identity yet."

"In their eyes, I am just a better sacrifice, used to exchange for the reward of the Abyss Demon God."

"But the town is their foundation, more important than me"


Chen Yu took off his two shirts, spread them on the ground, and then put the little girl down.

"Thank you."

The little girl sat cross-legged on the ground, her hands glowing with a faint white light.

The bloody hole on her palm pierced by the nail healed little by little in the white light.

Unfortunately, Chen Yu's virtual body was replaced.

Otherwise, with the skills of a third-level priest, he should be able to help the little girl.

"Your holy power is very weak." Chen Yu frowned,"Is it enough to heal yourself?"

"When I was captured, I was seriously injured and on the verge of death. The Fallen forced me to eat the Abyss Magic Crystal, and most of my holy power was consumed."

"Now, we can heal the external injuries and ensure that the physical condition does not continue to deteriorate and lead to death."

The little girl said calmly, as if she was describing a trivial matter that had nothing to do with her.

She seemed to be indifferent to everything, even to her own body and life.

But she showed a strong desire to survive.

"Perhaps, it is not indifference, but reason."

Before, the little girl was nailed to the cross, without crying or struggling.

She did not give up her life, but was conserving her strength and energy, waiting for the opportunity to escape.

She knew the town well, not only knew the conflict between the two forces, but also accurately pointed out the escape route for Chen Yu, which clearly had been planned long ago.

"The route you pointed out to me is correct, why do you know the information about the town?" Chen Yu asked curiously.

"After being captured and brought to the town, I saw and heard the things I saw and heard, and I drew conclusions from my analysis."The little girl replied.

It is hard to imagine that a little girl under ten years old, while enduring great pain and in danger of death, could always maintain absolute rationality and obtain useful intelligence from the complex environment around her.

"Are you a clergyman?" the little girl asked,"Have you received the mission from the temple to rescue me?"

"Yes."Chen Yu nodded.

He did not receive a mission from the Holy Temple, but a trial mission. His identity as a priest was genuine.

It was just that his virtual body had dissipated, and he could not use the professional attributes and skills of the priest.

"You have the aura of the magic of the abyss." The little girl frowned,"Did you corrupt yourself on your own initiative in order to sneak into the town?"

"That's right, she's a really smart kid."

Chen Yu smiled and rubbed the little girl's head.

"You are lying to me."The little girl suddenly said

"The abyss magic in you is pure"

"Your body shows no signs of being corroded, or your ability to control the magic of the abyss is very strong, even better than that of high-level abyss demons."

"You guessed it right!" Chen Yu showed a weird and crazy smile, just like Yuna Sivers.

"That group of stupid degenerates only knew how to brutally sacrifice their lives!"

"They will never understand that tempting a saint to complete depravity will make my God even happier!"


The little saint seemed to be a template of a wise man, and had always behaved like an emotionless robot.

He was somewhat looking forward to whether the little saint would reveal different emotions because of this.

However, the result disappointed him.

The little saint glanced at him lightly and said,"It's a illogical lie."

"If you just want to lure me down, there's no need to go to so much trouble to rescue me."

"Oh? Then how do you know, I robbed you just because I didn't want to share the results with those people in the town?"Chen Yu said stubbornly

"It's very simple."The little girl said,"I have a strong sense of perception."

"You are not a fallen one, nor a demon from the abyss."

"The magic of the abyss is just a usable energy for you."

"Your foundation is not the magic of the abyss, but a kind of life force."

"The most important point is that you don't fear the devil, or even the abyss. You have no faith at all."

"but……"The little girl frowned and said,"You said you wanted to seduce me to fall, there is a little truth in it."

"But it's not to please the Abyss Devil"

"It's just a little expectation, you don't care whether it succeeds or not"

"Why do you have this idea?"

"Just for fun?"

"Do you find it more pleasurable to play with my faith than with my body?"

"Ahem, it's just a joke, don't take it seriously."

Chen Yu felt a little embarrassed when his evil thoughts were clearly dissected by a little girl.

"In fact, you can think of me as a priest. I will protect your safety and will not let you give up your faith."


Suddenly, the little saint drew out the cross sword from Chen Yu's waist.

"What are you doing?" Chen Yu looked at the little saint with amusement,"Are you going to punish me, a minion of the abyss?"

Not to mention that the little saint is in a weak state now, even in her prime, she is no match for Chen Yu.

The little saint did not answer, but held the cross sword and slashed it hard on her neck.

Chen Yu's face changed, and he made a move in a flash, slapping the cross sword away with a slap.

""What are you doing?" Chen Yu was furious. He stretched out his hand to pinch the little saint's neck and lifted her up, his eyes flashing with cold light.

If the little saint's sword was aimed at him, he would not be so angry.

But she cut her own neck, which was unforgivable!

Whether the little saint lived or died had nothing to do with Chen Yu, but his potential trial mission was to ensure the little saint's survival!

The potential trial mission was related to the potential star level, which was more important than any copy he had played before.

There was absolutely no room for error!

"I don't know what your purpose was for your actions just now." Chen Yu said coldly,"But I won't give you a second chance!"

After that, a heart-shaped thorn demon appeared.

Thick vines stretched out and tied the little girl up like a dumpling, leaving only her head exposed for her to breathe.

"It is your mission to save me." The little saint girl did not struggle, letting the vines tighten, and then said,"My survival is very important to you."

"However, all you need to ensure is that I am alive. I don't care about anything else."

"Am i right?"

"That's right." Chen Yu looked at the little saint with a cold look in his eyes,"You should understand that there are many ways to keep a person alive but lose any ability to move!"

Sometimes, naughty children need strict education.

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