On the hill next to the end of the road in Haklu Town,

Chen Yu used the Heart Thorn Spirit to dig a cave for the little saint to hide in.

"Can you give me the food?"

The little saint girl huddled in the innermost part of the cave, looking at the apple in Chen Yu's hand.

"Want to eat?"

Chen Yu tossed the apple in his hand.

"I want to eat it." The little saint nodded.

Chen Yu smiled and rubbed the little saint's head, then put the apple next to his mouth.

""Crack" bit off a piece of flesh.

The apple was not big.

The taste was also sour and astringent, not very delicious.

But in the eyes of the little saint who was surrounded by hunger and fatigue, this was the supreme delicacy.


The little saint looked at Chen Yu chewing an apple and couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

""Crack, crack."

Chen Yu ate the apple clean in front of the little saint.

The little saint was slightly stunned and looked at Chen Yu with an expression of disbelief and confusion.

"You don't need food, do you?"

"Yes." Chen Yu nodded.

"Then why did you pick this fruit and not let me eat it?"

Chen Yu smiled:"The purpose of picking this fruit is to eat it in front of you."

The most important step in taming a naughty child is to let them know that things will not develop as they expect, even if they throw a tantrum.

Little Saint:"……"

Although she was free now and not tied up, she did not feel more relaxed.

The man in front of her was more terrifying than the abyss demon.

When facing the abyss demons, she could judge their general actions from their emotions and types.

But she had no idea what this man would do next. Apart from the fact that he was protecting her from death, the rest of his actions and even his words were illogical.

She had used all the tricks she could, including temptation, coercion, submission, and pretending to be pitiful, but unfortunately none of them worked.

"I am now more certain that you are not a demon."

"What do you mean?" Chen Yu smiled and buried the apple core in the soil, stepping on it twice.

"The devil's behavior can be speculated, but you can't"


At night, a bitter cold wind blew across the wasteland.

The low hills could not resist the cold current.

The weak little saint shivered and sneezed non-stop.

"If this continues, I will get sick."

"It's amazing that as a fourth-level priest, I will be threatened by disease one day."

"Hmm, that person looks so warm, I really want to get close to him"

"You are protecting me, but you don't care about my feelings at all."

The little saint pouted her lips and looked at Chen Yu, who was leaning against the mountain wall and wrapped in a thick coat. An inexplicable strange feeling emerged in her heart.

She hated this person, but she didn't seem to hate him that much.

This was an emotion she had never experienced before.

In fact, she rarely had emotions that truly belonged to her.

Since she could remember, she was a saint of the church, with amazing and even terrifying divine talents.

Her future must be to become the leader of the church, and then at the right time, she would take off her human body and ascend to heaven.

Because of this, she has been undergoing extremely strict training and cultivation since she was a child.

She was taught how to deal with the emotions of others, but she had to suppress her own emotions. She is a"god" who has wandered in the mortal world. She should not experience the joys, sorrows, anger and happiness of mortals. She should be high above and look down on their humble hearts. Respond to the requests of the devout and punish the wavering of those with weak faith.

"What kind of emotion is this? Why has no one ever taught me this?"The little saint was full of doubts.

If Chen Yu knew her doubts, he would definitely tell her:

You are CPU-ed to the point of having Stockholm syndrome. The old-fashioned people in your temple don't know this cutting-edge technology.

"Is it cold?"

Suddenly, Chen Yu asked


The little saint nodded fiercely and looked at Chen Yu with hope.

""Hold it."

Chen Yu smiled evilly and wrapped his coat tighter.


The little saint puffed up her cheeks in anger


Time passed slowly.

The night was getting darker and darker, and the cold was getting worse.

A cold wind swept through the cave, mixed with a faint cold water vapor.

The little saint shivered with cold.

""Are you cold?" Chen Yu asked again.

The little saint looked at Chen Yu expressionlessly, without saying a word, and curled herself up into a smaller ball, trying to resist the cold.

However, the thin nun's clothes did not keep her warm at all.

The wind and frost in the early morning stabbed her small body like a sharp knife.

She gritted her teeth and tried to stay conscious.

Because she knew that it would be very dangerous for a person to lose consciousness in the cold.

At the least, he would get sick, and at the worst, he would die.

At this moment, Chen Yu got up, walked to her side, picked her up, and wrapped her in his coat.

A warm feeling came over her.

The little saint's frown was instantly relieved, and she couldn't help but squeeze hard into Chen Yu's arms.

"Have a good sleep." Chen Yu rubbed the little saint's head.

The little saint looked at Chen Yu in surprise.

"Don't worry, I won't throw you out." Chen Yu said with a smile

"Oh." The little saint nodded blankly.

""Go to sleep and have a good rest." Chen Yu gently stroked the little saint's soft back.

The long-accumulated fatigue came over her.

In the warm and safe environment, the little saint finally gave up and fell asleep holding Chen Yu's arm.


At noon the next day, the little saint woke up and found herself wrapped in a heavy coat, lying on the edge of the cave, with no one around her.

She hurriedly got up and looked around.

When she saw Chen Yu standing at the entrance of the cave, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you awake?" Chen Yu asked with a smile,"Are you hungry?"


Little Saint���He rolled his dead eyes and glared at Chen Yu.

""Do you want to eat something?" Chen Yu continued to ask.

The little saint girl pouted her mouth and turned aside to ignore Chen Yu.

"Do you want to or not?" Chen Yu asked again,"I'll only ask this once, if you don't answer, forget it."

""I want to!"

The little saint said angrily.

She didn't want to talk to Chen Yu, but seeing the smile in Chen Yu's eyes, she couldn't help but say a word.


Chen Yu nodded, walked to the place where he had buried the apple core last night, and stretched out his palm.

"Grow quickly!"

A light green light overflowed from the palm of his hand and seeped into the soil.

A few seconds later, a seedling broke through the soil and grew out.

Surrounded by the light green light, the seedling quickly grew taller and became a three-meter-tall tree.

Then, a few flowers bloomed on the branches of the tree.

Afterwards, the flowers quickly withered, and were replaced by red fruits.


The little saint stared at the apple tree in amazement and exclaimed.

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