"What? There are no planters in your church?" Chen Yu asked with a smile.

"Planter?" The little saint shook her head blankly,"There is no such person in the entire temple."

"There are life force practitioners, but life force is used to heal injuries."

"Here you are."

Chen Yu picked an apple and threw it to the little saint.

This apple was bigger, brighter, and fuller than the one he picked yesterday near the Fallen Village. It looked very appetizing.

The little saint looked at Chen Yu in disbelief, holding the apple in both hands without moving.

She thought that this person would most likely snatch the apple away when she was about to bite it, and then eat it happily in front of her.

"No problem, eat it." Chen Yu nodded kindly to the little girl.

The little saint tried to bring the apple closer to her mouth, staring at Chen Yu nervously with a pair of big eyes full of spirit and intelligence.

Chen Yu smiled and turned to look outside the cave.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, the little saint took a big bite of the apple.

When Chen Yu turned his head to look at her again, she couldn't help but reveal a smug smile.


Chen Yu couldn't help laughing

"Eat it, eat as much as you want."

The little saint tried to take another bite of the apple.

When she found that Chen Yu did not snatch the apple away, she immediately smiled and bit the apple happily.

The sweet juice made her squint her eyes.

In the Holy See, she ate bland special food, rarely this kind of sour and sweet taste enjoyment.

The little saint ate 4 big red apples in a row, which were bigger than an adult's fist.

She didn't give up until her stomach was completely full.

Chen Yu mercilessly ridiculed the little saint for eating ugly, like a hungry little animal.

But the little saint didn't care. She didn't dare to refute Chen Yu, lest he use this as an excuse not to give her food next time.

The little saint probably never dreamed that one day she would worry about a few apples.

After eating the apple, the little saint continued to stay in the cave, trying to accumulate holy power to heal herself.

Chen Yu was observing at the entrance of the cave, waiting for the carriage from the town of the Fallen. Convoy.

Perhaps because the chaos in the town was difficult to handle, Chen Yu did not wait for the convoy to appear until dark.

Chen Yu decided to wait another day.

If the convoy still did not appear tomorrow, he would go to the Fallen Village and find a chance to catch a Fallen with a low level of pollution to ask for directions.

Although there is a risk of being misled and exposed, it is at least better than waiting aimlessly.

While waiting, Chen Yu was not idle either, but used the plant life mind to sneak into the outskirts of the village and steal some uninfected crops.

There are two kinds of fruits, a staple food similar to rice, and a vegetable that looks similar to cabbage.

The first-level accelerated growth skill, combined with Chen Yu's super-standard vitality attribute, these ordinary plants will be accelerated to maturity almost instantly.

At night.

Chen Yu had a sumptuous dinner.

The little saint also wanted to have a share.

Chen Yu ruthlessly rejected her and only gave her apples to eat.

"I let you eat the apple because you answered my question obediently."

"The apple is my reward to you."

"If you want more of what you want from me, then you have to listen to me and satisfy me."


The little saint looked at Chen Yu's eating level and suddenly felt that the apple in her hand was not fragrant.

"Tell me, what's your name?" Chen Yu asked

"My name is Saint."The little Saint replied

"I asked your name, not your position." Chen Yu sneered and snatched the apple from the little girl's hand.

"You disappoint me."

The little saint girl was anxious, jumped up quickly, and said with a solemn oath:

"I really am called Saint!"

"I swear in the name of the Holy See, I have never lied to you!"

After saying this, the little saint regretted it.

Swearing in the name of the Holy See is the most solemn and sacred oath of every clergyman. There are countless clergymen who risk their lives for the sake of their oaths, which shows how important the Holy See is in the hearts of clergymen.

However, she swore in the name of the Holy See for a little food.

This made her feel extremely guilty.


This was an emotion she had never experienced before.

This was an emotion of repentance for a mistake that she should not have made.

As a saint, it was always others who confessed their sins in front of her.

All her actions were in line with the will of"God", so how could there be any sin?

"I want to repent——"

"Could it be that I would make mistakes?"

"Am I no longer the saint who is always right?"

"Yes, I just insulted my own beliefs."

"For you."

When the little saint was confused, Chen Yu handed her a wooden bowl.

The wooden bowl was filled with steaming rice porridge.

The rice porridge was dotted with shredded green leaves.

This was cooked with the heart-shaped flame as firewood.

It must be said that Chen Yu's porridge cooking skills were very good.

The grains were cooked delicately, softly, and richly fragrant.

The little saint sniffed and immediately stretched out her two little hands to hold the wooden bowl.

"I said that to get food."

"My situation is very dangerous now. Only by recovering my strength and recovering from my injuries can I return to the Vatican."

"I am very important to the Church. If I die, the Church will suffer a great loss."

"So I didn't insult the faith."

The little saint girl held the rice and figured it out in an instant, and drank the porridge happily.

After the little saint girl finished the porridge, Chen Yu handed her another two kinds of fruits.

Chen Yu didn't recognize these two fruits, but they tasted very good.

"Didn't your parents give you a name?" Chen Yu asked

"Well, I don’t know who my parents are." The little saint answered while eating fruit,"No one gave me any other name, everyone just called me Saint."

"I see." Chen Yu thought for a moment and said,"I'll give you a name so it's easier to call you."

"Why not, just call……"

""How's Gousheng?"

The little saint stopped chewing and looked at Chen Yu expressionlessly.

"It seems that you are not very satisfied." Chen Yu smacked his lips,"Since the clothes you are wearing are all white, let's call you Xiaobai?"


This time, the little saint clearly refused.

"I don't want you to give me a name!"

"You haven't told me your name yet!"

"My name is Heratugus. Chen Yu blurted out


Heratugus, should be the virtual identity arranged by the trial task

"Slip of the tongue, my name is——"

Chen Yu suddenly realized that it seemed as if the whole world was trying to stop him from revealing his real name.

"A virtual body, a virtual identity, can’t even your name be left behind?"

"Unfortunately, this inexplicable rule cannot restrict me!"

Chen Yu grinned and recalled the feeling of breaking through the dark space at that time:"My name is——**"

At this moment, the world was silent for a moment.

"What?" The little saint looked at Chen Yu in confusion.


Chen Yu once again said his real name, but was still forbidden by the inexplicable rules.

"I want to see how far you can go."

"My name is——**********"

Chen Yu kept calling out his real name, almost screaming.

Finally, at some point, something seemed to break between heaven and earth.

""Tell me, what's your name?" the little saint asked curiously.

Chen Yu smiled slightly:"My name is - Chen Yu!"

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