"Chen? Yu?" The little saint girl tilted her head and muttered

"Strange name, strange syllables."

The written language of this world has nothing to do with the language of the Tenglong Empire.

The reason why Chen Yu could understand and speak fluently is that the trial mission gave him a temporary ability.

"Is it strange? I don't think so."This is my hometown dialect. People in our area all have this name."

"Are all the people in your hometown like us? Are they all called by the same names?"The little saint asked with great interest.

"People like us?" Chen Yu was stunned.

"So that's it!"The little saint pointed to her hair and eyes.

Chen Yu only realized now that the little saint was the same kind of person as himself.

The Fallen in the Fallen Town, although they have become demons, still have certain racial characteristics.

They are similar to the combination of the White Eagle and the Camel.

Judging from the tone of the little saint, the forces of the Holy Hall should also be of this race.

"I used to think this was a unique feature of heaven." The little saint said happily,"It wasn't until I met you that I realized there were people like me."

"By the way, in your hometown, what syllable should this thing be pronounced?"

The little saint took a pendant from her neck. It was a jade pendant.

"I like this material very much"

"Jadeite." Chen Yu said, and then wrote it on the ground with a stone,"If you want to call it this, this is how to write it."

"Jadeite——"The little saint tried to pronounce it,"It's hard to pronounce, hard to read, and hard to write."

"In fact, this kind of thing has another general name, called jade!"

Chen Yu wrote the word"jade" next to"jadeite"

"Jade? Not bad." The little saint nodded with satisfaction,"Can I use your last name?"

"My last name? No problem."Chen Yu nodded.

"Thank you!" The little saint tilted her head,"From now on my name will be - Yu, Yu, Yu Yu?"

"Ahem, wait, that's not the case." Chen Yu's mouth twitched.

"My name is first the last name, then the given name"

"If you want to use my last name, then you should be called Chen Yu."

Chen Yu also wrote down the two characters"Chen Yu". The little saint girl seemed to be very interested in this kind of writing, and wrote her new name over and over again.

After becoming proficient, she also begged Chen Yu to teach her to write more Chinese characters.

In order to kill time, Chen Yu did not refuse her request.

Not long after.

The sun completely set, and the last ray of afterglow dissipated.

The little saint girl curled up beside Chen Yu and fell asleep.

In the weak state, the high attribute blessing weakened, and the characteristic of children being easily tired was reflected.

The little saint girl fell asleep, but Chen Yu remained awake, watching any movement that might occur on the road.

It is not impossible for the fallen to act in the dark.


The next morning.

Chen Yu, who did not wait for the convoy of the Fallen Town, controlled the Heart Thorn Demon Spirit and went to the Fallen Village to capture two lone Fallen, and asked them in which direction the area not eroded by the abyss was.

The two Fallen answered very happily.

However, the directions they pointed to were completely different.

No matter how Chen Yu tortured them, the two Fallen always insisted on their own statements, and were surprisingly tough.

Chen Yu had to kill the two Fallen and then capture a few more Fallen.

This time, he encouraged his own abyss magic power, pretended to be a big shot among the Fallen, gathered his momentum, and attacked from all sides.

These Fallen were very convinced of him and wanted to lead the way for him personally.

However, the problem was still the same.

The directions provided by these Fallen were far apart.

Chen Yu could only think that before they fell into the abyss monsters, they were ordinary farmers and might not have left the village.

After being assimilated by the abyss silently, except for occasionally eating a living person, their living habits remained the same as before.

Asking a person who has never walked out of the mountains how to walk out of the mountains is naturally impossible to get the correct answer.

Helplessly, Chen Yu could only continue to wait.

If the convoy of the Fallen Town is delayed, then he can only return to the town and catch people to ask for directions.

Although it is risky to go back to the town, it is better than running around like a headless fly.

In his spare time, Chen Yu educates the little saint from time to time.

After a few days of training, the little saint has changed from a bear child to a good child.

She is very well-behaved in front of Chen Yu.

She no longer dares to look at everyone with a stern face and coldly, saying that everyone is stupid, only she is wise.

This result proves that if the bear child is disobedient, just give him a meal.

Although Chen Yu did not spank the little saint, his education method is much more powerful than stir-fried bamboo shoots with meat.

Not to mention a bear child, even a beast with sharp teeth and claws can be trained obediently by this method.

During this period of time, the little saint's injuries have gradually recovered.

Except that the holy power is still at a low level, the physical attributes are no less than those of ordinary third-level monsters.

At noon, the scorching sun penetrated the gray clouds, adding a touch of color to the barren land.

The little saint grabbed a rabbit leg with one hand and ate it with relish.

This was also a delicacy she had rarely touched before.

The Church does not prohibit eating meat.

But as a saint, you must restrain your desires.

Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins and must be stopped.

So the little saint has not eaten many good things since she was a child.

"Your physical condition is already able to sustain a certain level of combat, so we will leave now.

Chen Yu filled a bowl of broth for the little saint and said to her.


The little saint nodded without hesitation.

Then���She looked at the furnishings in the cave, feeling a little reluctant.

All wilderness survivors have one thing in common, that is, they will work hard to improve their living standards.

The little saint is no exception.

At this time, a bed had been built in the cave with hay and leaves.

There were broken stone slabs beside the bed, covered with Chinese characters.

From crooked to horizontal and vertical.

There were also many pots and pans.

There were a few fruit trees growing abruptly in the middle of the cave.

In terms of living conditions, it is worse than that of ordinary farmhouses.

But this was created bit by bit by the little saint herself.

It is full of a sense of participation and gain.

After lunch, the little saint used a piece of clothing as a cloth bag to put the fullest fruits from several fruit trees, and then broke all the stone slabs for practicing writing.

"Where are we going?"

"It's not a solution to continue waiting, let's go to the Fallen Town to find out the situation."

Chen Yu dispersed the Heart-Image Primordial Fire Spirit and stood up.

At this moment, a noisy sound of horse hooves suddenly came from the distance.

Chen Yu was shocked and walked out of the cave to look at the source of the sound.

Sure enough, a convoy of several empty carriages was galloping along the road from the direction of the Fallen Town.

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