"The hunting caravan from Haklu town? They are finally here."

The little saint girl stuck her head out and squinted at the speeding carriage team.

"You are the Holy Lady of the Church, don't you have any impression of the map?" Chen Yu asked,"If you had a little sense of direction, we wouldn't have waited so long."

"I know the general direction." The little saint said softly,"But it is too dangerous to wander around in the abyssal area."

"There are fallen people everywhere, and the abyss demons descended"

"If we rashly enter the territory of the abyss demon, we will be doomed!"

"That's right." Chen Yu nodded.

Down the mountain.

The convoy from Haklu Town had reached the end of the road.

In the wilderness, the ground was uneven and no longer suitable for horses to gallop.

The fallen driver pulled the horse's head and slowed down.

"Let's go."

Chen Yu was about to catch up with the convoy.

The little saint pulled the corner of Chen Yu's clothes.

"What's the matter?"Chen Yu turned around

""Hold me."

The little saint opened her arms to Chen Yu, raised her head, and looked at Chen Yu expectantly with her big watery eyes.

Without saying a word, Chen Yu picked up the little saint with one hand, tucked her under his armpit, and chased after the convoy.


Half a day later, the convoy from Haklu Town entered another Fallen Town.

This Fallen Town was larger than Haklu Town.

Chen Yu took the little saint girl and waited outside the town.

Not long after, the convoy drove out.

The number of carriages increased from more than ten to more than thirty.

The convoy continued to move forward.

At midnight, it entered another Fallen Town, and the number of carriages increased to more than 50.

Chen Yu and the little saint girl followed the convoy far behind.

For three consecutive days, they passed through a total of 8 Fallen Towns.

At this time, the number of carriages had reached more than 200.

On the morning of the fourth day, the huge convoy stopped in front of a Fallen city.

Outside the city wall of the Fallen City, there were four convoys of carriages parked, with a total number of more than one thousand.

"Do you know this city?"

In a forest not far from the city, Chen Yu turned around and asked the little saint.

The little saint was lying on Chen Yu's back, chewing fruit, and said vaguely,"There are many areas eroded by the abyss, and there are countless fallen cities."

"All the cities that can be marked on the map of the temple are at the level of giant cities."

"A Fallen city of this size, with no landmarks, I can't recognize it."

"What's the use of you? You just know how to eat!" Chen Yu stretched out his hand and flicked the little saint's forehead.


The little saint smiled foolishly, threw away the fruit core in her hand, and quietly rubbed her juice-stained face on Chen Yu's clothes.

"These convoys were obviously summoned by the city."Chen Yu said

"Their actions should be under the unified command of the high-level fallen in the city."

"The question now is, if we are in the rear of the Fallen, and the Fallen rely on teleportation arrays to go to the front line, what should we do?"

"You actually know about the teleportation array?" The little saint was stunned.

"Teleportation arrays are not a secret, why can't I know about them?" Chen Yu said speechlessly,"Even if it's a small, broken city in a corner, a teleportation array is a must, right?"

"Are teleportation arrays necessary in small towns?" The little saint girl showed a look of shock,"Is your hometown an extremely powerful wizard country?"

""Uh." Chen Yu suddenly remembered that the little saint was just a character in the trial mission.

Perhaps, in this mission world, the teleportation array is really a high-end thing.

"Wait, why does a teleportation array mean a wizard country?"

Wizard is a professional series, including many single professions, such as potion wizard, transformation wizard, spell wizard, etc.

Each profession has a different major.

But no matter what kind of wizard, it has nothing to do with the teleportation array.

"Because the teleportation arrays are all set up by wizards."The little saint said as a matter of course

"Wizards hold the power of magic"

"The Church does not welcome wizards because they do not believe in God."

"But the Vatican needed the power of wizards and had to hire some powerful wizards."

"There are very few wizards who can set up teleportation arrays, and there are only a few teleportation arrays in the entire Vatican!"

"I understand."Chen Yu nodded.

The wizards mentioned by the little saint should be a general term for magic professionals.

The Church in the Middle Ages on Earth called people who might destroy faith wizards and spread their evil.

The Church in the trial mission is also in this mode.

However, the wizards here really have powerful magical powers.

The Church can only cooperate and dare not threaten to burn all wizards to death.

Since the teleportation array is a high-end product in the mission world, the probability of this small town having a teleportation array is very low.

The carriage team gathered, maybe to go to war with non-abyss forces, or to go to plunder.

As long as you follow behind, you will definitely be able to leave the abyss area.

The convoy that set out from the town of Haklu arrived at the Fallen City in the morning.

Around noon, another convoy of more than 100 carriages arrived.

After this convoy stopped, a Fallen army of more than a thousand people walked out of the Fallen City and dispersed into the carriage convoy.

Then, the huge team of more than a thousand carriages finally set off.

"They are the Abyss Plunderers."The little saint suddenly said

"Although I haven't seen it myself, I have seen related text descriptions"

"The Abyss Raiders are not strong, but their crimes are heinous."

"They often did not attack checkpoints and cities with defensive forces, but instead attacked villages and towns around the cities, slaughtering and looting civilians, spreading fear and death everywhere."

"In other words, if we follow them, we can definitely leave the abyss area, right?" Chen Yu asked

"That's right." The little saint said,"The gathering of Abyss Raiders means that this place is very close to the front line."

"very good!"


The Abyss Raiders were not moving fast in the wild.

For five days, they did not leave the Abyss erosion area.

On the sixth day, the convoy began to disperse.

Small groups of Abyss Raiders kept leaving the main group and heading in different directions.

On the morning of the seventh day, only more than 40 carriages loaded with Fallen soldiers were left in the entire convoy.

In this area, the Abyss magic that filled the space was already very weak.

"Finally I came out."Chen Yu couldn't help but sigh.

The trial mission has taken more than ten days to complete.

Now it is finally close to completion.

""Be careful!"

The little saint standing next to Chen Yu jumped up and hit Chen Yu's shoulder hard.

The little saint's strength was not high.

But at this time Chen Yu's attention was not on her, and he was not prepared at all, and was knocked to the ground.

The next moment, a scarlet stream of light came and pierced into the ground.


Smoke and dust rose up from where Chen Yu had just stood.

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