Countless red crystal fragments scattered from the smoke.

The thin body of the little saint lying on Chen Yu was instantly penetrated by dozens of crystal fragments.

""The seeds of the heart!"

Several plant life hearts emerged, and countless vines formed a barrier, protecting Chen Yu and the little saint in the middle.

Chen Yu hurriedly picked up the little saint and infused her with vitality energy.

The little saint's mouth was bleeding, and her breath became very weak.

Fortunately, the weak holy power in her body was automatically running, resisting the erosion of the abyss magic.

The addition of vitality energy also alleviated her injuries, so that she was not in danger of life.

"Who is it?!"

Chen Yu was furious and looked towards the source of the scarlet light.

Not far away, two demons with bat wings on their backs were flapping their wings and floating in the air.

"It is rare to see the fallen and the clergy protecting each other.

A demon appeared with a cold expression.

"Maybe this is human emotion, right?" another demon said.

"Abyss demon? Sure enough, it's not that simple."Chen Yu frowned.

After Chen Yu and the little saint escaped from the town, they never encountered any pursuers.

He thought the difficulty of the trial mission was to rescue the little saint and find a way to return to the temple.

From the perspective of a third-level priest, this is almost an impossible task, which is completely worthy of the difficulty of the abyss.

But he didn't expect that before escaping from the abyss erosion area, there were real demons waiting.

These two abyss demons have a strong aura and are definitely BOSS units above level 200.

"They are the Patrollers of the Abyss...……"The little saint said weakly

"The lowly demons of the abyss, the border..."

"The big, ahem... part is transformed from the fallen"

"Hahaha, as expected of the Holy Lady of the Church, she is quite familiar with our Abyss Demons.——"

The two demons folded their wings, landed on the ground, and walked towards Chen Yu and the little saint girl.

"I didn't expect that the clergyman we randomly captured was actually the Holy Lady of the Church."

"If it weren't for the group of priests who were frantically looking for her, it would be really difficult for us to find out that someone had fallen in the great abyss!"

Another demon showed a greedy smile.

"Sacrificing a saint can get more attention from the devil than sacrificing an ordinary clergyman!"

"Go ahead, Guzar! The other demons may already be on their way. Capture her and sacrifice her as soon as possible."The cold-faced demon said calmly.

"Yes, Monalak! She is destined to be ours! Hurry up! Capture them and don’t let others take away the gift that belongs to us!"The devil said in an exaggerated tone with a strange smile.

"Guzar, Monalak?"Chen Yu reacted immediately.

Aren't these the two leaders of the town of Haklu?

He and the little saint had been in the abyss erosion area for so long without being hunted down.

Now they had just escaped to the junction, but encountered these two demons.

This means that the demons may have been waiting for them in the junction area for a long time.

In addition, from their conversation, it can be guessed that other powerful abyss demons have learned the true identity of the little saint.

No matter which road Chen Yu's little saint takes, as long as she passes through the junction area, she will inevitably encounter the abyss demon!

"It's worthy of the difficulty of the Abyss!" Chen Yu couldn't help but smile bitterly.

After rescuing the saint and escaping to the border, the true intensity of the mission has just been reflected.

If he was an ordinary trialist, with only a third-level priest's virtual body, the abyss magic attack just now could have directly killed him.

These demons are fourth-level BOSS, and if the little saint was not injured, they should also be of this strength.

Chen Yu estimated that if ordinary trialists want to pass the level, they have to drag it in the abyss erosion area.

Find those priests who rushed into the erosion area and harvest items that can heal the saint.

Until the little saint's injuries are completely healed and a group of elite priests are gathered, they can impact the border area.

But Chen Yu rushed all the way here, without collecting much intelligence, and didn't know that there was a large group of BOSS guarding the border area.

At this point, it is impossible to turn back.

Now there is only one way left, that is-fight!

Chen Yu looked at the two demons.

The two demons stood not far away, keeping a distance from him, and watching his actions vigilantly.

"Mayor, the honor of capturing the saint alive should be yours. The smiling devil took a step back and said humbly:

"It was your men who rioted in the town, giving them the opportunity to escape. Now it is up to you to catch them and make amends."The grim devil said in a deep voice.

"No, no, no, this is an honor! You should get it!"


The two demons have been arguing, but neither of them has the intention to take action.

After adding points, the basic attributes of the mind summoned by the mind seed skill are three times that of Chen Yu's body.

Without the bonus of equipment, the four-dimensional attributes of Chen Yu's body exceed 3000, which means that the thinking attributes of each mind are tens of thousands.

Both demons are fourth-level BOSS.

Because they are transformed from fallen people, the attributes are not as exaggerated as the real abyss demon, estimated to be between 12000-13000.

The most critical point is Chen Yu's super high professional attributes.

The professional attributes of the mind are also three times that of Chen Yu himself. This attribute value is empty, only provides bonuses, and cannot be consumed.

If the mind wants to use the professional attribute energy, Chen Yu must be responsible for providing it.

But in the perception of the two demons, it is very terrifying.

It is obviously just some first-level existences, but the abyss magic level is higher than that of the fourth-level abyss demon. This situation is indeed a bit weird.

Demons are all cunning egoists who like others to charge and reap the fruits of their labor.

As the strength of the other party was unknown, the two demons hoped that the other party would go and test it. They even hoped that Chen Yu and his companions would be defeated and they would benefit.

The worst case scenario was to wait for other demons to arrive.

The value of the Holy Maiden of the Church was too high. Even if dozens of demons shared it together, the gifts from the demon god would not be less.

Chen Yu saw through the thoughts of the two demons, smiled, stood up, and prepared to take the initiative.

Unexpectedly, the two demons retreated dozens of meters at the same time and flew into the sky.

Chen Yu was stunned and couldn't help asking:"What kind of abyss demons are you two? Cowardly demons?"

"Hahaha, a poor way of provoking someone." Guzar sneered disdainfully.

Monalak had no comment, but he was always alert to any move Chen Yu made.

"In that case, I'll take my leave now."

Chen Yu picked up the little saint girl and rushed out like lightning, heading towards the direction where the concentration of magic power in the abyss was decreasing.

Several hearts followed closely beside Chen Yu, guarding against the two demons in the sky.

The two demons kept their distance and followed Chen Yu closely.

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