How fast was Chen Yu's full-strength burst?

Not long after, the two demons couldn't help themselves.

If they were not stopped, Chen Yu would soon escape.

But who would start first? This was a problem.

Chen Yu was very strong. If he grabbed a demon and beat it, the demon would probably be seriously injured.

By then, even if he captured the little saint, let alone a share of the sacrifice, it would be a relief for his companions not to finish him off.

And the one who was easily chased and attacked was obviously the one who started first.

In the end, they reluctantly reached an agreement - to do it together!

The speed of the two demons suddenly increased.

From a position hundreds of meters behind Chen Yu, they quickly surpassed Chen Yu.

Then, several scarlet light spears flew towards Chen Yu.

Chen Yu's running speed slowed down slightly.

A heart-phase thorn demon spirit waved a vine whip to disperse the light arrows.

At the same time, the two demons had already rushed towards Chen Yu's body.

Compared with long-range attacks that were painless and wasted the magic power of the abyss, most abyss demons were better at close combat.

Two Heart-Emperor Thorn Spirits rushed forward, swinging out countless whips.

This level of attack obviously could not cause damage to the fourth-level demon BOSS.

However, the two demons did not rush forward, but stopped to fight with the Heart-Emperor Thorn Spirits.

At the same time, they paid attention to Chen Yu and his companions.

As long as Chen Yu did not continue to escape, they would never be the first to resolve the battle.

Even after noticing the gazes of their companions, the two demons began to"fight hard".

They looked like they were unable to defend themselves and were caught in a dilemma.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Chen Yu smiled.

He retreated and three heart-image abyss spirits were summoned.

Two abyss thorn spirits and one abyss lily spirit.


The two abyss demons were startled.

"Gentle breath!"

""Poisonous fragrance!"

Countless white flowers bloomed around the Abyss Lily Spirit.

The sweet fragrance floated silently from the flowers.

The two demon bosses immediately felt that their bodies were instantly weakened, and their strength and speed dropped by more than 30%.

Then, they felt dizzy and their reaction speed also dropped instantly.

The thorn spirit fighting against them whipped them with several vines, making them spit blood.

The two demon bosses were horrified and quickly withdrew.

However, two expressionless succubi were waiting for them behind them.


The abyss magic power that Chen Yu had just restored quickly dissipated.

The two abyss thorn spirits suddenly grew to four or five meters tall, their skin turned a light pink, and scarlet abyss magic light shone around them.

"This breath……"

The two demons immediately realized that the demonized Abyss Thorn Spirit was not something they could resist, and immediately flapped their wings and flew into the sky. The demonized Abyss Thorn Spirit followed suit and leaped up.

The slender and sexy tail suddenly split open, turning into dense, reddish-brown vines covered with jagged spikes.

""It's not a succubus! It's a mimic abyss vine!"

The two demons looked horrified.

In just a moment, before they could react, they were already bound by the thorny vines.

The two demons burst out with a strong breath of abyss magic, and their bodies swelled up instantly, breaking free from the vines.

However, when they broke free from one vine, other vines had already wrapped around them.

After a few seconds, the two abyss demons were entangled by the vines like dumplings.

The vines slowly squirmed.

A dull grinding sound was heard.

The two vine cocoons became smaller and smaller.

After a few seconds, the Heart Abyss Thorn Demon Spirit disappeared.

Two even balls of blood mud fell from the air, making a crisp"pop" sound.

"Tsk, what a pity, such good fertilizer."

Chen Yu smacked his lips.

The heart phase does not need fertilizer.

The Abyss Thorn Spirit ground the two demon bosses into pieces, just absorbing their abyss magic power to replenish Chen Yu's consumption.

The remaining corpses can only be wasted.

"So strong!"

The little saint in Chen Yu's arms showed a surprised look.

"It's just average." Chen Yu shook his head.

At present, the combat power of the Heart Seed is only stronger than that of the ordinary legendary plant life.

Above the Abyss Spirit, it is incomparable to the main body.

The strength of the Heart Seed lies in its ability to provide additional top combat power.

For example, the World Tree Heart and the Road of Rebirth Heart.

Even if it is only a momentary burst, it can cause huge damage.

If there are other options, Chen Yu will not use the Heart Seed as a regular combat power.

"You are not an abyss species, so why can you use such a strong abyss power?" The little saint asked with some doubt.

"Because, the Great Will of the Abyss is my wife!" Chen Yu raised his eyebrows at the little saint.

The little saint rolled her eyes at Chen Yu and said,"When you are teasing me, can you please not be so exaggerated?"

"If the abyss demons knew you said this, they would hunt you down at all costs."

"Even if the Holy Temple and the Abyss are mortal enemies, they dare not insult the will of the Abyss like you do."

"Look, I'm telling you the truth, but you don't believe it." Chen Yu pinched the little saint's face.

"snort——"The little saint wrinkled her nose and uttered a cute hum.

"Another thing." Chen Yu asked,"Why did you block the attack for me before?"

"Because I know I won't die from that attack." The little saint said calmly,"If you are hit head-on, you will probably die."

"Without your protection, I can't escape."

"Don't you know that my strength can't be hurt by that level of attack?"Chen Yu said,"This is inconsistent with your excellent sensing ability."

"Before, I didn't know you were so strong."

The little saint spoke in a calm tone, but her pupils were slightly raised.

She was making excuses for her emotional behavior.

According to Chen Yu's strength, as well as his attainments in abyssal magic and life energy.

The demon's tentative sneak attack would not cause him serious harm at all.

However, when she saw the sneak attack on Chen Yu, she did so without hesitation.

At that moment, she seemed to have lost her mind and her analytical ability that she was proud of.

"In fact, I am very happy." Chen Yu smiled and rubbed the little saint's head,"No one would hate someone who is willing to risk his life for him."

"However." Chen Yu's expression became serious,"This won't happen again."

"We may encounter many dangers on the road ahead."

"Your most important task is to protect yourself"

"Even if I die, you must try to live, understand?"For

Chen Yu himself, it doesn't matter whether he dies or not, anyway, there is the way to rebirth, which can revive him infinitely.

Even if the way to rebirth doesn't work, it doesn't matter.

With the noble Daluo Dao fruit, he is immortal.

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