The two priests were seriously injured, and the abyss magic continued to erode them.

Even if the little saint was in her prime, she might not be able to heal them, let alone now.

"Your are also injured, don't waste your energy for us!"

"There are powerful demons here, run away!"

"We, for you, will stop them!"

The two priests struggled, using their cross swords to support their bodies, and took a step forward to stand between the little saint and the two life-source demon spirits.

"Don't worry, they are not enemies."The little saint said calmly

"Not an enemy?"

"That's right." The little saint nodded,"They belong to the power of the ascetic master."

"Lord Ascetic Heratugus?"The two clergy were shocked at first, then showed a relieved expression.

"What are you talking about?"Chen Yu also came over and asked curiously

"The name"Heratugus" is exactly the identity of Chen Yu's virtual body.

The two priests looked at Chen Yu with a puzzled expression, and then looked at the little saint.

The little saint nodded to them.

""Mr. Ascetic!" The two priests showed a look of reverence.

Chen Yu was immediately puzzled.

His virtual body in the mission was actually a being with a high status!

It was absolutely strange that a small third-level elite monster could be respected by priests of the same level, or even by a stronger saint.

However, this also happened to explain how ordinary people could complete the mission when they entered the trial and were limited to the third level.

Before rescuing the saint, even if other priests were found to work together. If you don't have a certain status, why would others believe you? Why would they follow your plan?

"The identity of"Heratugus the Ascetic" should be a very important part of the mission.

However, a new problem has arisen.

The little saint obviously knows Heratugus.

But she didn't show it along the way.

Even before, when Chen Yu was coerced by some will and said the name"Heratugus", she didn't show any reaction.


Chen Yu suddenly remembered that the little saint girl was not without any reaction.

The first time he met the little saint girl was when he descended in person and broke into the courtyard to save people. The first time the little saint girl saw him, she was surprised for a moment, and frowned in thought.

Then, she asked Chen Yu,"Who are you?"

Chen Yu didn't pay much attention to it at the time.

Thinking about it now, the little saint girl's reaction at the time was not so reasonable.

First, the little saint girl is an intelligent character who is close to absolute rationality. There was even a moment that reminded him of a famous figure"Colonel Chu".

This kind of personality should never be surprised when a stranger approaches him.

The first sentence asked should not be meaningless nonsense such as"Who are you".

Second, after being rescued, the little saint girl inexplicably tested him many times.

For example, when they met, she said,"If you like me, I allow you to do anything to me.……"

This seems to be a desperate attempt to survive, but in fact it is even more inconsistent with the character of the little saint.

A person who is good at using wisdom to create favorable conditions for himself will never make such a pale and powerless request.

For example, when he just escaped from the tiger's mouth and entered the woods that the town used as a garbage dump, he directly cut his neck.

At that time, Chen Yu believed that the purpose of the little saint's test was to test her importance to him, so as to coerce him to do things.

The little saint also admitted this.

Thinking carefully, whether it was his guess or the little saint's admission, it was very absurd.

In that situation where she could die at any time, what was the little saint's request?

It was nothing more than asking Chen Yu to escort her and save her life.

And for this kind of thing, is it necessary to use such a drastic means as suicide to test it?

Whether it succeeds or fails, it will worsen the relationship between the two.

Now it seems that the little saint's test was not Chen Yu's purpose of saving people at all.

It was... whether Chen Yu knew the little saint and how much he knew about the little saint.

Combined with Chen Yu’s virtual identity"Heratugus", it can be understood that the little saint is intentionally exploring whether Chen Yu is the person"Heratugus"!

"In that case, does it matter whether I am Heratugus or not?"Chen Yu frowned

"Isn't the important thing to escape from the abyss area?"

"When she found out that I was not Heratugus himself but a replacement, did it confirm something in her mind?"

"After she determined something, her state changed a lot."

" an ordinary child"

"What kind of medicine is this dead kid selling in his little gourd?"

Chen Yu suddenly felt that the originally simple mission plot line seemed to hide a complicated story behind it.

""Cou, what do these things have to do with me? I'm just a stinky player doing a quest!"

The most important point is that the little saint is now a good girl, at least a good girl in front of him.

As long as it does not affect the mission, it doesn't matter if she has eight hundred little thoughts.

After deciding not to explore the story anymore, Chen Yu asked the two half-dead priests with a stern face:"I rescued the saint. Which direction can we leave the border area the fastest?"

"My Lord, you don't need to escort His Highness out of the border area completely!" said a clergyman.

"Given the density of demon patrols, even you would find it difficult to do this."

"So what if I can't do it?" Chen Yu said,"Stay here and wait to die?"

"No, that's not what we mean!" the priest said quickly.

"Lord Knight Dalia has led the Knights Templar into the border area and is patrolling to kill demons and search for Her Highness the Saint."

"You just need to reach a specific area and release a signal flare, and the Knight Commander will lead the Knights to arrive."

After saying that, the priest took out a few colored balls and a parchment map.

"This is where we are now."

The priest pointed to a point on the map, and then to a red circle.

"This is the Knights Templar's circuit area"

"There is an abyssal rock pillar in the middle of the area, and the surrounding abyssal magic is very strong."

"As long as you can see the Abyss Pillar, you can release the flare."

"OK, I got it."Chen Yu took the flare and the map.

This should be the last level of the trial mission.

Send the saint to the designated location and set off a flare for help.

The reinforcements can see the flare, and so can the demons.

Before the reinforcements arrive, it is a hardcore combat mission.

He must ensure that the little saint does not die under the siege of the demons.

After getting the map, Chen Yu found that the border area was ridiculously large.

Even if you leave the border area, it will take a long time to reach the strong defense of the temple city.

Moreover, the further you go, the greater the density of demon patrols.

If you rely on your own escort, in the last section of the distance, there will definitely be a demon who will release a signal as soon as he finds him, attracting a large number of other demons.

In this case, it is better to just set off a flare and fight hard.

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