When the situation was unclear, Chen Yu had been trying to avoid fighting, so as not to consume too much energy and cause a rollover.

Now that it was basically certain that rescue would arrive, there was no need to worry about the consumption problem.

After bidding farewell to the two priests, Chen Yu took the little saint girl out of the forest. The little saint girl did not ask Chen Yu to take them with him.

The two priests even tried their best to refuse even the simplest rescue, just to let Chen Yu and the little saint girl save a little more strength.

"Can you understand the map?"

"How far are we from the Abyss Rock Pillar?"

Chen Yu handed the map to the little saint.


The little saint nodded repeatedly.

"At our speed, we can reach this location in less than half a day."

""What is the strength of Knight Commander Dalia? What is the strength of the Knights Templar? Are you sure they can protect your safety?"

Chen Yu asked again.

This kind of thing must be confirmed with the little saint. What if the Knights Templar is a scumbag army? Wouldn't it be a failure?

"Knight Commander Dalia is one of the eight strongest sanctuaries of the Holy See."The weakest of the Knights Templar, and also a high-ranking knight," the little saint replied."

""A Saint Domain warrior? What level is he?" Chen Yu asked,"What level is a high-level knight?""

"The Saint Domain strongman represents the seventh level."The little saint girl said,"It also represents the ultimate power."

"High-level represents fifth and sixth order"

"There is no army more powerful than the Knights Templar in the Church."

Level 7, in Blue Star's words, is a rank 7 super-level warrior.

A rank 7 warrior leading a legion of at least rank 5 and rank 6 elite monsters, the protection is definitely stronger than Chen Yu alone, there is no doubt about that.

"In addition."Chen Yu looked back at Lin Di and asked in a deep voice,"Is it possible that those two people deceived us and even deceived themselves?"

"In fact, there is no Knights Templar at all. Once we light the signal, we will be trapped?"

"No."The little saint replied

"Maps and flares are exclusive to the Knights Templar and are only distributed when carrying out missions."

"That is to say, it is basically certain that the Knights Templar really exist and will come after seeing the signal flare, right?" Chen Yu asked

"That's right." The little saint said,"Unless there is a traitor in the Knights Templar"

"Is this possible?"Chen Yu frowned,"For example, there is a political struggle among the high-level officials of the Holy See, and someone wants you dead."

Going to the red area on the map to release the signal is like going all in.

If you are deceived and the Knights Templar do not exist at all, then even Chen Yu will not be able to break out from the large number of demons with the little saint.

"The probability is very low."The little saint said,"The Knights Templar is an armed organization that is almost independent of the Church."

"Knight Commander Dalia is a strong man in the Sanctuary"

"As one of the strongest men in the world, political struggles have almost nothing to do with him"

"Besides... in the Church, I am more important than the strong men in the Holy Land, and no one wants me to die."

"Unless, all the powerful men from the eight holy realms want to commit suicide!"

"Are you so important?" Chen Yu glanced at the little saint calmly.

"That's right!" The little saint nodded solemnly.

"Then how did you get captured by a few low-level degenerates?" Chen Yu asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"sorry……"The little saint lowered her head and said nervously,"I can tell you everything I know.……"

"That's right, the Vatican……"

""Shh!" Chen Yu put a finger to the little saint's mouth,"Don't talk."

After a moment

""Hahahaha! Sure enough, it's here! Holy Maiden of the Church! I found you!"

An excited laugh sounded.

Not far away, dust was flying.

A 3-meter-tall, sturdy, red-skinned demon rushed towards Chen Yu and the little holy maiden. The heavy footsteps stepped on the weed-covered land, making a dull"thump thump" sound.

"You are mine!"

This is also a fourth-level demon BOSS.

However, it has no wings.

Judging from its appearance, it is a melee-specialized monster.

Chen Yu waved his hand, and two abyss demon spirits appeared on the path of the demon BOSS.

"The toad wants to eat the swan meat. It looks ugly, but the thought is beautiful!"

A large sea of lilies bloomed instantly.

The attributes of the demon boss were immediately reduced, and it fell into a state of dizziness and slow control.

The abyss thorn demon spirit directly turned on the demonization, and its body became larger than the demon boss.

The fingertips and tail tips of both hands cracked, and dozens of brown sawtooth vine whips popped out.


Chen Yu shouted softly, and the output of the Abyss's magic power intensified.

The Abyss Thorn Spirit grew in size again, and its attributes increased dramatically.

In just a few seconds, it broke this muscular demon BOSS into pieces.

"Let's go!"

Chen Yu was in a hurry to leave without even absorbing all the abyss magic power that the boss had released.


The little saint took out a white flake from her nun's uniform and threw it into the air.

The white flake immediately flew away into the distance.

"Okay, let’s go!"


Chen Yu picked up the little saint and rushed to the red circle on the map.

Less than a minute later, several abyss demons of different shapes arrived at the place where the muscle demon died.

"Just died"

"The Holy Lady of the Vatican must be not far away!"

"I smell the scent of holy power, chase!"

The three-headed demon boss turned into a residual shadow and flew out.

Unfortunately, they were not going in the same direction as Chen Yu.


On the way to the abyssal rock pillar, the frequency of demons appeared significantly higher.

On average, a demon would be encountered every half an hour.

Sometimes it was just one, and sometimes in groups.

Thanks to these demon bosses, Chen Yu's skills in controlling his mind to fight became more and more sophisticated.

After each encounter with a demon, the little saint would release a white flake to mislead the demon pursuers.

During the continuous running and fighting, the sky gradually darkened.

After encountering more than ten waves of demons in total, a huge black and red rock pillar appeared in Chen Yu's field of vision.

Chen Yu did not stop, but moved forward towards the rock pillar for more than ten minutes until the outline of the rock pillar was clearly visible, and then he stopped.

"One last question."Chen Yu looked at the rock pillar, picked up a flare, and asked the little saint,"The Knights Templar are active in this area, right?"

"Why do we have to send out a signal instead of going directly to the Knights? Your perception is very strong, can't you sense their holy power?"

"I can't find it." The little saint shook her head."The Knights Templar patrol a large area and move very fast."

"If we take the initiative to find them"

"Even with my perception range, unless I'm extremely lucky, it's impossible to bump into it."

"Those demons will eventually locate us. Wandering aimlessly is very dangerous."

"In this case, then……"Chen Yu took a deep breath and raised the flare


The little saint suddenly pulled Chen Yu's hand, looking a little hesitant.

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