"What's wrong? Do you have any other concerns?" Chen Yu asked.

The little saint girl knew more about this world and must have considered things more thoroughly than he did.

"No, it's not." The little saint bit her lower lip and said softly,"About Heratugus……"

"It has nothing to do with me." Chen Yu smiled slightly,"I am a mission party, not a plot party."

"Sorry, I……"

"No need to say."Chen Yu rubbed the little saint's head.

No matter what the name"Heratugus the Ascetic" means, what is the entanglement between the little saint and the church.

The little saint, who has a transcendent status in the church, was actually captured by a few fallen people. What unknown story is hidden in it.

These have nothing to do with Chen Yu.

Perhaps, figuring out the background story is the most important part of ordinary trialists to pass the trial mission, but Chen Yu doesn't need to.

Now, the trial has reached the final moment, and he only needs to complete the final protection mission.

"Then...will you hate me?" The little saint was a little anxious.

"No." Chen Yu shook his head.

During the mission, he and the little saint got along well.

In most game plot missions, there are more or less a few riddlers, making the whole plot confusing.

The little saint is already a conscientious NPC.

At least she is obedient and will not cause trouble everywhere like a husky.

This trial mission world is no different from the game plot. Skipping it is the most convenient way

"Are you leaving soon?"

The little saint girl tugged at Chen Yu's clothes, her mouth slightly pouted, tears welling up in her eyes.

Chen Yu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said:

"Don't worry, I won't go anywhere until you are completely safe."


The little saint girl opened her arms to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu bent down and picked her up.

The little saint girl hugged Chen Yu's neck and put her chin on Chen Yu's shoulder.

"Oh, that's right."

Chen Yu patted the little saint on the back and handed her a flare.

"How do you use this thing?"

"It was triggered by the holy power."The little saint pretended to be calm.

""Um... do you still have holy power?" Chen Yu asked anxiously.

He himself did not have holy power.

If the little saint girl could not trigger the signal flare, it would be difficult.


The little saint took the flare and threw it into the air.

The colorful ball burned and turned into a white line, rising into the sky.


There was a deafening roar.

The signal flare exploded in the air.

Dots of white light formed a pattern of a knight holding a spear and riding a horse above Chen Yu and the little saint.


On a desolate hill covered with sparse weeds, a priest holding a greatsword and wearing heavy armor was fighting three demons.

The greatsword, which was filled with holy power, could bring up a gust of fierce wind every time it chopped.

The three demons could only fight with them by their flexible movements.

Suddenly, the greatsword priest swept away the three demons with a sword and turned to look at the sky behind him.

"Knights Templar Flare"

"That direction... is Her Highness the Saint!"

The three demons also saw the knight pattern in the sky. Their faces changed. They did not take the opportunity to attack the Great Sword Priest, but shot towards the direction of the pattern.

""Hahahaha! Stop!"

The Great Sword Clergyman laughed wildly and slashed with his sword.

A huge half-moon-shaped holy power attacked the three demons.

The demons were immediately frightened and had to stop and continue to deal with the Great Sword Clergyman.


Somewhere in the deserted wilderness.

Five hideous demons smiled slyly and attacked more than a dozen priests.

The priests were weak and could only passively defend, but they were all suffering from new injuries.

Suddenly, a pattern of a knight holding a spear and riding a horse appeared in the distant sky.

The smiles of the five demons disappeared immediately, and they immediately abandoned the group of wounded priests and rushed towards the direction of the pattern.

However, more than a dozen priests suddenly jumped up and launched a fearless attack on the demons.


On the wasteland, there are countless elite priests and powerful demons, all rushing towards the location of the knight pattern.

On the way, priests and demons keep encountering each other and fighting to the death.

Among all the priests rushing to the location of the icon, there is a legion of more than 500 heavily armored knights.

They are well-equipped, riding majestic horses, and are shrouded in the domineering light of holy power.

Along the way, all the demons in sight cannot escape the fate of being burned into black residue by the holy power.

""Everyone! Don't pay any more attention to the low-level demons! Rescue the Saint! Full speed, charge!"

The leading knight had a strong aura, wearing bright silver armor, raised the spear in his hand, and roared, almost shattering the dark clouds in the sky.

This terrifying holy knight legion suddenly increased its speed, turning into a white lightning and galloping away.


Abyssal rock pillar area.

The moment he saw the flare explode, Chen Yu immediately summoned more than a dozen plant life forms, all of which were abyssalized thorn spirits, gluttonous spirits, and lily spirits.

Less than a minute later, two demons arrived.

They flapped their wings, flew in the air, and let out a shrill howl, accompanied by a series of spreading abyssal magic ripples.

These two demons were only level three elites, stronger than the same level of fallen, but they were no match for the many level four bosses that Chen Yu had solved.

The demons were not flying high, and an abyssal thorn spirit suddenly shot out two vines, directly knocking the two demons down from the air.

However, the howling of the two demons also provided accurate positioning for other demons.

Before Chen Yu had absorbed the abyssal magic of the two level three elite demons, two level four demon bosses arrived with more than a dozen level three elite demons. When the two level four demon bosses saw Chen Yu and the little saint, they directly led their men to attack Chen Yu.

"Gentle breath!"

"Poisonous fragrance!"

Chen Yu immediately controlled the Abyss Lily Spirit to release the weakening skill.

Then, the Abyss Thorn Spirit and the Abyss Gluttonous Spirit stepped forward to fight.

For a time, countless sawtooth vines were flying all over the sky. The huge scarlet man-eating plant covered the sky.

A demon boss was greedy and reckless, and was directly swallowed by the man-eating plant of the Abyss Gluttonous Spirit.

Another demon boss rushed left and right in the vines.

At this time, three more ground-based demon bosses arrived.

They did not bring their subordinates, but their own combat power was stronger than the previous two bosses plus a group of monsters.

Chen Yu suddenly felt the pressure doubled.

Not only the consumption of vitality attributes, but also the mental consumption was much higher.

The mind will not take the initiative to attack, and all actions are controlled by Chen Yu.

Chen Yu suddenly remembered the first and second levels of the endless mode during the college entrance examination.

The test is the speed of destroying monsters.

If the monsters are allowed to stack up, it will be troublesome

"We must fight quickly and decisively, and not let the enemy accumulate in number!"

The two Abyss Thorn Spirits and the Abyss Greedy Spirit suddenly grew in size, their bodies turned red, and they entered a demonic state.

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