With the massive consumption of the abyss magic power, the attributes of the Abyss Thorn Spirit and the Abyss Gluttonous Spirit increased exponentially.

The strongest demon that arrived at present was the 4th-level BOSS, whose attributes were crushed by the demonized plant life mind.

Several demon BOSSes found that the opponent's strength had increased dramatically and wanted to retreat temporarily, but it was too late.

Chen Yu did not give them a chance to survive. He controlled the plant life mind and killed them quickly.

Less than two minutes after solving this batch of demons, three more waves of demon BOSSes appeared from three different directions.

In the distance, more demons could be vaguely seen.

The Abyss Lily Spirit continued to release weakening skills.

Before the enemy approached, its combat power was weakened.

Then, it was the ruthless beating of the Abyss Thorn Spirit and the Abyss Gluttonous Spirit.

Chen Yu's skills in controlling the plant life mind in battle became more and more proficient.

The fourth-level demon needed to be dealt with carefully at first, and even the little saint was seriously injured.

Now, it can be taken away with a set of unexplained combos.

The demon BOSSes attacked one after another.

At the beginning, there was still a little time to spare.

Later, they joined the battle continuously.

Often, the next batch arrived before the previous batch was dealt with. The number of plant life forms in the battle increased from a dozen at the beginning to hundreds later.

Due to the continuous killing of demons, the magic power of the abyss was able to support it, but the vitality and mental strength were almost unable to keep up.

Even if the Road of Rebirth and the World Tree continuously transmitted power to him as a supplement, it could not make up for such a huge consumption.

Chen Yu closed his eyes tightly, his face was pale, and sweat was pouring down.

Every bit of his mind was used to control the mind, so that he could not even control himself.

The mind is equivalent to an extension of his own body. It is still easy to control one or a few.

But hundreds of them are a bit beyond his ability.

If it were not for the abundant magic power of the abyss and the suppression of the demonized attributes of all members, I am afraid that the battle line would have collapsed long ago.

The most fatal thing is that the vision of hundreds of mind forms cut the picture in his mind into pieces.

It was okay for a few seconds or dozens of seconds.

As time went on, a strong sense of tearing and a strong sense of dizziness began to come over him.

Chen Yu could only rely on his willpower to hold on.

Not long after, the dizziness turned into a strong stabbing pain.

It was as if someone was constantly piercing his brain with a sharp knife.

This was a sign of excessive mental exhaustion.

For Chen Yu, every second now was a torture.

He fell on his back, his face distorted with pain.

The little saint was at a loss, hugging Chen Yu's head tightly, desperately squeezing out her potential, looking for the last bit of holy power in her body, trying to heal Chen Yu.

But she was in vain.

The damage Chen Yu suffered was mental, not physical.

On the battlefield, there were constantly heart images that shattered and disappeared because of losing control.

The number of abyss demons was gathering more and more.

It was impossible to destroy them quickly.

Helplessly, Chen Yu could only take back most of his heart images and rely on the vines of nearly 30 abyss thorn vine monsters to defend and hold on.

"What should I do? Is it necessary to use that trick?"Chen Yu used his remaining consciousness to think hard.

In fact, he still has an ultimate trick, which is to use the World Tree Heart Phase.

Even if the entire World Tree cannot be materialized.

Just a branch can easily solve the current situation.

However, the consumption of the World Tree Heart Phase is too huge.

When he was in the Supreme Holy Land, he had tried it.

A minimum level attack from the World Tree Heart Phase would consume nearly half of his vitality attribute.

Now, his vitality attribute has been consumed by more than half.

This is because most of the heart phase battles are supported by the abyss magic.

If the World Tree Heart Phase is used, the current problem can be solved, but the demons that come later will definitely not be able to cope with it.

If not, when he has a mental breakdown, this group of demons will take the little saint away.

"He can't hold on any longer, kill him!"

"Kill! Kill!"

Hundreds of abyss demons roared.


Countless scarlet beams of light fell.

Seven plant life forms were directly blown up.

Chen Yu groaned, blood oozing from the corners of his eyes and nostrils.

"How are you?" The little saint girl was very anxious, and she desperately gathered the last bit of her saintly power and cast a healing spell for Chen Yu.

"It's okay."

Chen Yuqiang smiled, pushed the little saint away, and struggled to get up.

"I can still protect you."

At this time, more than two hundred fourth-level abyss demon bosses have gathered outside the protective net formed by the abyss thorn spirits.

With such a lineup, it is estimated that a small city like Jiangyang City can be broken in an instant.

Chen Yu can only rely on the passive defense of the plant mind phase and hold on.

Attacks continue to fall on the protective net.

The plant mind phase is constantly being broken up.

To control the mind phase, he must rely on his mental power.

The mind phase is broken up, which is equivalent to Chen Yu suffering a mental attack.

However, he can no longer retreat his mental power before the attack falls.

Because as long as his mental power is withdrawn, the mind phase will disappear directly.

So that every time the mind phase explodes, Chen Yu feels like someone smashed his head with a sledgehammer.

"Give up! Let me out!"The little saint suddenly said.

Chen Yu pinched the little saint's face hard and said nothing.

"I'm not kidding." The little saint tried to stay calm.

"I am a saint of the church. Even if I am caught by the devil, they will not kill me immediately."

"The Knights Templar will arrive soon and rescue me."

"Maybe this will hurt your self-esteem"

"However, the power of the Knights Templar is beyond your imagination."

"All your efforts are meaningless in their eyes."

"Because, as long as they know where I am, they can save me."

"Do you believe this?" Chen Yu forced a smile and said,"I said I would protect your safety, and I will!"



"If you continue like this, you will die!"The little saint's expression finally lost control.

She choked and tears as big as beans fell down her delicate face.

"You will die from a broken soul!" The little saint screamed,"I know you don't belong to this world!"

"I know you can be resurrected after death!"

"But, you know that a soul that is broken and scarred can never be saved?!"

"No matter which world, there is no such power!"

"Haha, really not?"Chen Yu smiled disdainfully and summoned a group of heart-images to resist the attack again.

The indigenous saints in the mission world are short-sighted.

What's the point of soul shattering? How many levels of death?

The Path to Rebirth can easily save it, okay?

"Please, don't do this again!"

The little saint hugged Chen Yu's thighs and sobbed softly.

"I'm fine with anything!"

"Falling into the abyss, or being sacrificed to the devil"



At this moment, the earth trembled.

A thunderous sound of horse hooves came from far away. A holy white light penetrated the sky and the earth.

The powerful and strong holy power, as if it were a substance, vented its power wantonly, announcing its arrival!

"Knights Templar, listen!"

"Kill the demons and protect the saint!"

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